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I am having a quiet day today so... how about a short story? This is the tale of one of the Squats who survived the Tyranids...



... and remember... Squats are people too :)

This piece of background explains some of the unit choices in my army:




It crosses the line a bit between abhuman and alien so there was never going to be a time I could post the text here... but it really opens up the door to additional equipment from other codexes :)

Cheers :)


I am trying to end up with a toned down version of Squats where they aren't brightly coloured and don't have chopper-bikes and things like that. A more 'military' look, rather than '2nd edition' with all the garish colours and bizarre equipment.

Well, I guess it's back to boring old pictures of converted miniatures again :D ... here's a complete (apart from the light-sabre tips) Primaris Psyker... or Jedi Beastman... whichever works best for you :)  (it's an Abhuman... that's OK on here... isn't it!? :o )...




There is a bit of blurb on the blog... including some Pug related fun :) :



It's good to get back to normal :D (whatever that is :o ).

Next up is a standard bearer for the army command squad. He still needs a flag (and I may go back and add a bit of extra detail later) but he is basically finished:




And I have been working on something else for a friend's project:




I am working on a sniper for my army at the moment and a running body for my friend so hopefully, there should be more pix this weekend (the sniper at least) :smile.:

I am not saying that you should do several different poses and then cast them. But I am saying that I would probably buy quite a few!

Just loving this thread!

You certainly aren't the first to say that :) ... I even have some full body sculpts gathering dust elsewhere (maybe something for the future)... now where did I put them?... Oh... here they are:




On a different note, I have only managed a tiny bit of progress on the last of the Jedi Beastmen:
And there is a bit of news about how the Space Marine part of the army will be filled up, over at Inso's World:
In other news... I bought some of the new Mantic Forge Father 'Steel Warriors' recently and have put a couple together. I was hoping that they would fit into my army without any conversion but you will see from the pic that they are far too tall (from left to right: Squat, Squat/Steel Warrior, Steel Warrior, Space Marine):




I have quickly put together a mock-up of a Steel Warrior body on the legs from a 'sawn in half' plastic Squat (using blu-tack) to see how it looks... and I think that the height will work but I now need to work out how I am going to convert 20 of them without necessarily having to sculpt 20 pairs of legs :o ...


... nothing ever goes smoothly :( .


There are other issues with them but I will sort out a review and post it in my blog once I can bring myself to do it. I am quietly disappointed with them... even though, in their own right, they are nice looking miniatures... just too big for my particular army :( 
I've got a bit further with my latest Jedi beastman:




For lots more information, including the latest Squat body sculpt and a full review of the new Mantic Steel Warriors, feel free to visit my Blog for the latest post:


Hopefully, I can work out how to get some decent casts because I've already started on three pairs of legs:



Yep, I will be adding armour to them so that they look OK with the armoured torsos. I'll be aiming for armour over the crotch and butt wiith the boots having high 'shin guards' that cover the shin and knee.


I haven't cast anything yet... the three sets of legs are in the process of being sculpted at the moment, in three different poses. I haven't received my moulding sticks yet so I can't cast anything until that arrives. I have never used the stuff so I will need a couple of trial runs on some alternative items to get the hang of it :)

Yep, I will be adding armour to them so that they look OK with the armoured torsos. I'll be aiming for armour over the crotch and butt wiith the boots having high 'shin guards' that cover the shin and knee.


I haven't cast anything yet... the three sets of legs are in the process of being sculpted at the moment, in three different poses. I haven't received my moulding sticks yet so I can't cast anything until that arrives. I have never used the stuff so I will need a couple of trial runs on some alternative items to get the hang of it :smile.:


I meant generally. Your entire Squat casting/sculpting is amazing :wink:

Well, I've finished the first 'leg blank':




I will be press moulding this and then adding pouches etc to the casts. I think that the legs have turned out OK (not awesome... just OK) but if the pressmoulding works, it will add a new dimension to how I produce the legs. If it doesn't work, I will have to get them cast up for me... so we'll have to see.


this afternoon, I have been messing around with Blue Stuff / Instant Mould and I currently have a little cast drying in the stuff. I just put a standard plastic Squat body in there, just to see how it turns out. It will be squashed after I have seen what I need to :)  . I am using a mix of Green Stuff and Milliput in the mould so now it's just a case of sitting and waiting for a couple of hours :) .


This could be the start of a beautifull friendship (or not :o )....

Cheers :)


I'll just be ticking along with the leg sculpting because they are a bit down the list of things to complete for the army... the first being the unit of Primaris Psykers / Jedi Beastmen... which, by chance, I have now finished:
I still need to adjust the base to tilt him forward a little but I am glad to have his sculpting done. Next up will be the three Ministorum Priests / Squat Berserkers... but I haven't started them yet.
As is usually the case, there is more information on the Blog:
Back to the Squats and here is the first WIP of one of the Ministorum Priests / Squat Berserkers:




Still a long way to go but this head sort of sculpted itself so I just went with it. The other two are not as far along as this one... but I guess it's a start :D .

Cheers :)


I am more a sculptor than a painter and at the moment, my sculpting muse is very strong so I daren't upset her :o


That said, I have ordered some paint and am awaiting its arrival so... who knows? Maybe some of these will see some paint soon?


... or maybe not :D ?

I've started the second Berserker:




I have also been doing a bit of press moulding:




The results and a bit more information can be found on my latest blog post:



With my thoughts on my hobby on the post that follows the one above... or if you want a link:


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