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Rayray's 2015 ETL


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So after this past weekend, I've been into a bummed out emo frame of mind. I played in a doubles tournament with a buddy of mine(haven't played a tournament in years). I was pretty positive going in, figuring there would be a few waac guys, but to my surprise, the 6 armies we faced up against all felt very waac-ish. Basically i'm trying to work back up the motivation to paint, but I doubt i'll vow past the 3k I already have vowed. The armies and players just aren't what they were...

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Ha! You think you are in an emo state!


This is your hobby - how you enjoy and understand it. And if you are the only person in the world who "gets" it then so be it! 


Personally I enjoy the hobby in a very solitary fashion. Too little time to play, my close friends do not have an interest and my wife, well let's just say she tolerates it. Has this deterred me? No sir! I'm still as up to date as I can with the fluff, read books and Codices and design armies that seem perfect in my head that in all likelihood will last half a turn against a half-decent player. Then I buy them, build them and paint them to the best of my ability. And funnily enough I'm happy! 


I know it is supposed to be a social hobby but ultimately its a personal hobby! It's about how you enjoy the game, the fluff, the army-building. You do not need anyones validation or approval - and most certainly you do not need the competitive scene if it strays from your personal understanding of fairness and spirit of the game. It's you against everybody else, and everybody else will lose! 


Now get out there, paint those 3,000pts and then paint another 3,000 just because! :devil:

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Armies and players aren't what they used to be, we used to have to sit there and risk lead posioning from holding our miniatures for too long, and had to make do with the same 2 or 3 poses unless you had access to power tools and a lot of patience!

Also, if you want motivation for painting, just think whether you'd rather see £200 worth of Grey plastic or an invaluable personal achievement of an army...

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Thanks guys. Aside from games against WLK and another buddy of mine, I think it will be a solitary hobby. It's just a 3d form of MTG otherwise, especially when other tournament players are cheering because you were the two players that got paired against the Tau Grey knights  list. Good riddance to terrible sportsmanship, and hello to finishing Corax for WLK.

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Tau Grey Knights...that's just rude. At least they didn't add Eldar Wraith Knight and Scatterweaver spam too lol.


Play with those you have fun games with and really...Corax...oh well ;)

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We actually played a close game against those two armies. Mind you, the context would help: It was a 1k per player team tournament. But the attitudes were the debbie downer. As far as corax goes, I found it lame to own Lorgar and see that WLk didnt have Corax or Russ available for him to purchase. I'll have to post a pic after work.

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