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+++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - May: Supporting the ETL +++


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You're doing really great work here guys - by my reckoning, we're up to a 21% completion rate for the ETL already. Top job, brothers. Keep up the good work. :tu:

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tactical marine done with the head shift and my first jab at weathering- please let me know what you guys think!?!!?!? 










sorry for the washed out pics, i'll try to get better ones tonight

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Castiel: kind of looks like the most accurate pict capture of Alpharius there is. Can't comment really but, if the camera uses a memory card, how about an adapter? ^^


Barabas: that sure is a classical, artistic power stance. Nice job

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Built my contemptor (with magnets) so I'm an Oath Keeper again this month! Phew.






I'll be painting this guy in June.


EDIT: By way of an update - the loyalist team now has a completion rate over 80% for this month - a truly impressive effort that will have Olis weaping for joy. Its the last day now guys. lets go for 50% for the heretics and 90% for the loyalists!


One last push!

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DimDim, as a Casual Challenge stalwart, you have more than earned my trust! I'd decided to be kind in general in the ETL months tough, so I'd accept the completion regardless (as I will Noigrims).


Have fun with the paint ball!

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All done my challenge for this month!

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After +/- literally 12 hours of Painting (with some breaks...) I've finished my Pledge with some Extras to boot!


Heres the whole thing: Command Squad, Templar Bros, Contemptor with Plasma, Contemptor with Kheres, Deredeo and Polux

Hidden Content

2015 05 31 02.57.12

2015 05 31 02.56.55

2015 05 31 02.56.33

2015 05 31 02.53.31

2015 05 31 02.56.01

2015 05 31 02.55.34

2015 05 31 02.55.14

2015 05 31 02.54.19

2015 05 29 00.33.38

2015 05 07 01.28.29

2015 05 16 20.32.46

2015 05 19 00.42.06

2015 05 19 00.42.24

2015 05 19 00.42.55

2015 05 19 00.43.03

2015 05 19 00.43.09

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I have failed I am now ball deep in shame but knee deep in diapers my wife brought home a brand new miniature of our own making and I believe I underestimated the time required in its assembly( I think I'm going to have to magnatize the diapers on) I apologize for my failure Kor vesh and will strive to complete my etl vow now that I started parental so as not to fail the forum in the more non casual hobby challenge.
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Well.. here is my post of shame.

Way to much distraction this month down.gif

This is all I managed to do:


Missing Decals, Oils, final details and dust..

Congrats to all who made it!

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great work guys

looks like i failed this one as i have finished the gal vorbak and angry ron but am still not 100 percent happy with lorgar


and lorgar the unfinishedcry.gif


well done to everyone who has finished though

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So what is everyone vowing next month? I've got 10 Pyroclasts to start of with to complete my first ETL vow, then planning on adding a 10 man tac squad, 5 man recon squad and praetor for the RG for my ETL second vow. I would also vow a destroyer squad, but I already painted 1 as the test model for my RG scheme. :(

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DimDim, as a Casual Challenge stalwart, you have more than earned my trust! I'd decided to be kind in general in the ETL months tough, so I'd accept the completion regardless (as I will Noigrims).


Have fun with the paint ball!

next thursday the pics.

I just found some shards of red veined marble near the village ideal for the sanguinary guard

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Pledge done. Photo taken a tad later than I thought. Apparently it's "Mother's Day" today and... yeah it took time celebrating my fiancees mother. Ah well, on with the show!


I do apologise for the bad lighting  and setup. More pictures to come tomorrow with better lighting, setting and..you know.. A charged camera and not my phone ^^ 
Also some fluffetyfluff for the Rhinos to come in that post. Woo go me!


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