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+++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - May: Supporting the ETL +++


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My Destroyer Sergeant for KZ 









redone pics of the tac marine










I'm hoping the blue is a deep blue purplish enough to make them borderline one color or the next. I'm trying to make each one have a different color accent but the same overall vibe.


Unfortunately I will not make the deadline.... Two models short  :/

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Well Fraters, June has begun and our thread for May must come to a close.


And WHAT a thread it was -


Records have fallen brethren and sistren - pretty much all of the records:


We have a new all time highest points scorer in a single month, with the (slightly bad) Alpharius Omegron 108 securing a score of 215 accross his two vows. Just to contextualise that, our previous champ was Brother Vidius with 90, and in the first 3 months we ran the challenge all competitors combined scored less than 150. Hats off AO108.


We have also broken our all time total completion score - with 684.25 points scored in May, 522.15 being our previous best.


Finally, our overall completion rate is over 80%, again our highest ever, with the traitors sneaking just over 52%, and loyalists securing a mighty 91.84%. That really is a stunning effort from everybody. I think Olis just dropped his ETL pom-poms.


So, here are the final scores:


Pledges – Traitors 13 – 27 Loyalists


Score – Traitors 132.5 – 551.75 Loyalists


Percentage of pledged score – Traitors 52.89% - 91.84% Loyalists


And the top players:



Thrid place - Daemonclaw with 20 points

Second place - Aias with 27 points

Warmaster's Champion - Chaplain Mortis with 33.5 points



Third place - Frozenfoods with 46

Second place - Jeremy1391 with 75

Emperor's Champion - Alpharius Omegron 108 with 215 points


Your names shall be entered into the Hall of Victors, and may the winning vows join them.


I'll try and sort out a full breakdown of people's rankings and completions tonight.


Congratulations all!



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May – Final Standings


The Traitors - followers of Horus - the heretics, followers of the warp (21 members)

The Oath Keepers

StruManChu The XIVth Legion Astartes, Death Guard: Moritat (1/1 point)

Chaplain Mortis - The IVth Legion Astartes, Iron Warriors: 5 Cataphractii and 2 Dreadnoughts (Upgraded) (22/22 points)

AND 5 Cataphractii and BUILD a deredeo (11.5/11.5 points)

Dantioch – The IVth Legion Astartes, Iron Warriors: 5 destroyers (5/5 points)

Rage of Khorne – Dark Mechanicum: 3 Krios and a Magos (20/20 points)

DimDim - The VIIIth Legion Astartes, Night Lords: Praetor (1/1 point)

Aias – The XXth Legion Astartes, Alpha Legion: 3 predators, a sicaran and forgelord on a bike (27/27 points)

Sup00sed - The IIIrd Legion Astartes, Emperor’s Children: Prevain, Praetor, Moritat (3/3 points)

Kurama – The XVIth Legion Astartes, The Sons of Horus: Praetor (1/1 point)

Richmarine – The XVIth Legion Astartes, The Sons of Horus: Spartan (6/6 points)

Atia – The Legio Fureans: Reaver crew and interior (9/9 points)

Raktra - The XVIIth Legion Astartes, Word Bearers: Erebus (1/1 point)

BennyBlanko – The XVIth Legion Astartes, The Sons of Horus: Abaddon (2/2 points)


The Battle Brothers

Owl and Moon Guy – The IIIrd Legion Astartes, Emperor’s Children: 9 marines and 2 castellax (1/15 points)

Daemonclaw - The XVIth Legion Astartes, Word Bearers: Lorgar, Angron, 5 Gal Vorbak (20/30 points)

jimbo – The XXth Legion Astartes, Alpha Legion: 4 legionaries (2/4 points)


The Neophytes

Poom The 13th expedition fleet, Mechanicum: Triaros and Krios (0/12 points)


The Missing

Gizur – The XVIIth Legion Astartes, Word Bearers: Siege Breaker (0/1 point)

Rich_m - The XIIth Legion Astartes, World Eaters: 5 marines (0/5 points)

Palak - The VIIIth Legion Astartes, Night Lords: complete 25 terminators (0/40 points)

zedmeister - The XXth Legion Astartes, Alpha Legion: 4 marines, 3 rapier crewmen, 3 rapiers (0/13 points)

The Hydra – The XIIth Legion Astartes, World Eaters: 20 veterans and a moritat (0/21 points)


The Loyalists - beloved of the Emperor - the loyal sons (20 members)

The Oathkeepers

Kor’Vesh – The XVIIIth Legion Astartes, Salamanders: Sicaran and BUILD: contemptor (7.5/7.5 points)

SlipstreamsThe VIIth Legion Astartes Imperial Fists: Polux, 5 man command squad, 5 templar brethren, deredo and two contemptors (30/30 points)

Noigrim – The IXth Legion Astartes, Blood Angels: Terminator captain, 5 man command squad, 18 terminators (41/41 points)

Jeremy1391 The XIXth Legion Astartes, Raven Guard and the VIIth Legion Astartes, Imperial Fists: Delegatus, 5 Destroyers, 7 Mor Deythan, 1 Dreadnought, 10 Tactical marines, 8 man Dark Fury Assault Squad (37/37 points)

AND - Sigismund, Legion Champion, Forge Lord, 2 Apothecaries, 5 Templars, 7 Veterans (17/17 points)

AND - Damocles Rhino, Master of Signal, Praetor, Centurion, Two Dreadnoughts (21/21 points)

The Hydra - The XIXth Legion Astartes, Raven Guard: Praetor (1/1 point)

Mind of Metal – The Xth Legion Astartes, Iron Hands and Mechanicum: 7 Adsecularis tech thralls and 2 objective markers (11/11 points)

AND - 7 Adsecularis tech thralls (7/7 points)

AND Tharantar Siege Automata (3/3 points)

AND - 6 Adsecularis tech thralls (6/6 points)

AND 1 Casellax (3/3 points)

Rage of Khorne – The XIXth Legion Astartes, Raven Guard: Storm Eagle and Contemptor (12/12 points)

Dim Dim ­– The XIIIth Legion Astartes, Ultramarines: Russ Exterminator, a consul and BUILD 4 templar brethren (8/8points)

Castiel – The XVIIIth Legion Astartes, Salamanders: Librarian (1/1 point)

ROBOcaster - The Xth Legion Astartes, Iron Hands: Ferrus Manus (10/10 points)

            AND – Spartan (6/6 points)

Alpharius Omegron 108 – The IInd Legion Astartes, Lightning Bearers: 5 grave wardens, 20 tacticals, 3 comptemptors, Terminator command squad, 5 man destroyer unit, Icarion (mortarion), 9 deathshroud, 10 lascannon squad (101/101 points)

            AND - 5 thallax, 10 palatine blades, 2 magosses, 2 lasfire sections, 2 veteran section (solar auxillia), 3 laser rapiers (solar auxillia), 3 thudd gun rapiers (solar auxillia), 1 preator, 1 legate commander, 1 solar auxillia command squad, Lord marshall Ireton (114/114 points)

Twisty - The XVIIIth Legion Astartes, Salamanders: 20 Heavy support marines and a Master of signal (21/21 points)

            AND - Phobos and 2 rapier crewmen (8/8 points)

Frozenfoods - The XVIIIth Legion Astartes, Salamanders: Vulkan and a Deredeo (16/16 points)

            AND 2 contemptor mortis dreadnoughts (12/12 points)

            AND - 2 contemptors and a contemptor mortis (18/18 points)

Nevindar - The Xth Legion Astartes, Iron Hands: Sicaran and a Castermen Orth on foot with cyber-familiar and BUILD: 5 Reconnaissance marines in scout armour (9.25/9.25 points)

            AND - 2 "Pallas" Pattern Rhinos, 5 Heavy Support Marines with Volkite Culverins, 1 Centurion with Thunder Hammer and Boarding Shield (18/18 points)


Battle Brothers

Barabbas Sogolon – XIVth Legion Astartes, Death Guard (loyalists): Praetor and Magos (1/2 points)

RaktraThe Xth Legion Astartes, Iron Hands: Librarian and 5 marines (5/6 points)

LionOfJudah – The VIIth Legion Astartes Imperial Fists: Fire Raptor and Deredeo (6/12 points)


The Missing

Lanky27 - The XVIIIth Legion Astartes, Salamanders: 20 tactical marines and a spartan (0/26 points)

Rick_m - The VIIth Legion Astartes Imperial Fists: Polux, Fire Raptor, Storm Eagle, Praetor (0/15 points)

KriegrissThe VIIth Legion Astartes, Imperial Fists: 2 Praetors, 2 apothecaries (0/5 points)


Obviously there are getting to be so many vows now that I can’t give the details and comments I’d love to give on everyone’s work. It’s been a huge month though, so congrats to all!



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I did promise some additional pictures, did I not? Managed to get some nevertheless. Go me!


I did write some fluff for the pattern as well. I might just post it in the June thread though, if anyone wants to read it smile.png


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The pics of the finished vow as promised, note the marble with the red coloration (¿iron oxid accumulations?) from near my village






http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fMIsFiLAPcs/VW4LNfvQTkI/AAAAAAAAIDM/DhI9jv9jd3U/s1600/SDC16684.JPGFuture Azkaellon if his rules are released






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