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1200 pt team tourney, summoning list!


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In two weeks me and couple of mates will be heading to a smallish team tournament.

Lists have to be battleforged and max 1200 pts. Players are divided into two man teams but do not play on the same table. The results however will affect the teammate somehow. The details aren't set but it seems like a fun concept. :)

Haven't had much time for the hobby the last couple of months and truth be told I've kinda grow tired of 7th ed (eldar and necrons being the main reason). The few games I've managed to squeeze in have all been 2nd edition which is seeing a revival in our club. It's actually less bloated, more balanced, has less book keeping, is more cinematic and games are faster to play compared to 7th. I'll try to get some batreps up if there's any interest.

Enough of that tongue.png

Now here's what I had in mind for this tourney: Something gimmicky, kinda playable and yet uniquely BA. Unfortunately I have no time to build or paint anything new, so I'm going to have to stick with what finished models.

Some of you probably know of my love for dreadnoughts in general, and the uniquely BA librarian dreadnought in particular. I've also been a proponent of using malefic daemonlogy to summon extra units. So that's the concept I'm going to run into the ground.


Baal Strike Force


Librarian Dreadnought ML2, heavy flamer upgrade (Warlord)

Librarian Dreadnought ML2, melta upgrade


Furioso Dreadnought, frag cannon, heavy flamer and pod

Furioso Dreadnought, frag cannon, heavy flamer and pod

Dreadnought, 2*TLACs

Dreadnought, TL heavy flamer, heavy flamer


Cassor the Damned

Scout squad (5*BP+CCW)

Fast Attack

Drop pod

Drop pod

So 7 dreads and only 5 infantry bodies :) Hopefully that will be made up for by anything I manage to summon (daemonettes and various greater deamons being the priority).

The warlord Lib dread will probably take one roll on daemonology and the other for the BA primaris if he needs to bash something. The other will likely try to get two good summoning powers instead.

The extra pods gives me some flexibility in deployment and if I luck out and face something that struggles with dreads in general I can tailor my selection of powers.

Probably the worst list I've taken to a tourney but potentially hilarious. It could be made slightly better by swapping the two normal dreads for a storm raven and extra scouts. But you know... dreads :D

Thoughts on general tweaks?

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Love it! Considering I'll be running something similar soon I'm excited to see where it goes!


Only question have is the dread with a TL heavy flamer and another heavy flamer. Didn't even know that was an option!

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Only question have is the dread with a TL heavy flamer and another heavy flamer. Didn't even know that was an option!


It's one of those oddball options that has been around for ages but you rarely see. Considering swapping one TL-AC for a TL heavy bolter just to get another of those. :) 

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No Techmarine? Interesting. What units will you try and summon?

Also, is your partner randomised?


I was going to take a techmarine, but then I thought "why bother, just get another dread!".  At only 1200 pts I need the extra warp charge and can't really justify the extra cost for a TM just to repair some HPs.


Daemonettes are my top pick. They are fast, can harm anything without AV thanks to rending. Daemonettes also make for a nice screening and objective grabbing unit. Available via the primaris, so always an option. 2nd pick is plague bearers if I need the touch of rust. 


Any greater Daemon work well as a last ditch effort on a single HP lib dread, I'll bring a generic daemon prince as a stand in.


Heralds of tzeentch opens up the possibility of summoning more warp spawn as well as providing additional warp chrage, but unless you have a lot of these I've found that it takes too long to that summoning ball rolling.



You either pick your partner when signing up or you let the TOs pick someone for you. I'm going to team with a necron player. 

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The Dornian heretic in me is stirring. I'm picturing a BA Libby dread with touches of rot including a scythe force weapon, a summoning portal built into the top of the chassis, and of course copious amounts of happy little nurglings.

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Update with the teamplay mechanics! 


Playing like a team –on separate tables
When placing the objectives (numbered from 1 to 6) three of them should be deployed on your table, and the other three on your team mates table. Each team make a single D6 roll to determine which team that places the first objective.
When rolling for table sides, only a single roll is made by each team. The winning team choose which side to deploy on in both games. Similarly only a single roll off is made to see which team that deploys first.One player on the other team may attempt to seize the initiative, and if the attempt is successful, both players on the team count as having seized the initiative.
When playing you and your teammate's game is required to keep an even pace since you can interact with each other’s games. As such you need to start your turns and shooting phases simultaneously. If you reach your phase before your team mate, you simply wait for him/her to catch up. Have a soda and hot dog from our kiosk, or some chocolate and coffee perhaps.
When drawing tactical objectives you and your team mate draws from a shared pool of 36 t.o. which you need to achieve together.For all game rules and purposes, your units and your team mates’ units count as Allies of Convenience. This also means that a Tau player may not use his/hers team mates’ markerlights.The secondary objectives in scenario 1 and 2 apply to each player separately. This means if the secondary objective Linebreaker is achieved by both team mates, their team would gain 2 VP,and if only one of those team mates achieve it, their team receives 1 VP.
Air support:
Flyers and flying monstrous creatures that are placed in ongoing reserves may be given to your team mate to enter play on his/hers table in your teammate’s following movement phase. Declare this as soon as the flyer/fmc is placed in ongoing reserve.
Fire support:
Players are allowed to shoot at an enemy unit that is on their teammate's table, provided that they have sufficient range to do so. Basilisks anyone? Note that this is all. You still play on separate tables and separate games. Auras and such do not apply on your team mates table.
To help in close combat Each HQ comes equipped with a ViSportal.These relatively new devices can be used once per game, at the start of the shooting phase. When used, the HQ and his/hers unit are removed from the table and your teammate immediately deploys that unit by deep strike, placing the first model within 6” of a friendly unit on his/her own table, with the exception that the unit cannot deep strike mishap. If the unit would come in contact with impassable terrain, table edge or another unit, simply reduce the scatter distance by the minimum amount required for the unit to be deployed without colliding.The unit can charge in the same turn it arrives this way. Note that this unit is now under your team mate’s control.
If your army does not contain any HQ, your warlord will have a ViSportal. ViSportals may only be used in scenario 1 and 2.
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Well, that certainly sounds like an interesting gameset. Basilisks *do* sound like a lot of fun, I do agree.


Yeah, I suspect that any serious list of IG or Tau (with at least one inq detachment to get coteaz) could dominate this format if they wished to break it. Fortunately this is a rather relaxed event.


Would you consider modelling Legion-esque or Baal themed models to "count as" your daemons? Would be far more awesome!! 


I would. I've thought about mechanicus and solar auxilia for this purpose.

Although I kinda like the idea of a borderline heretical chapter (like KotB) attracting the attention of daemons rather than actively summoning them. All psykers are potential gateways after all. 

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Since wounds are for suckers I decided to get rid of the scouts using the Flesh Tearers strike force :)

2 Librarian dreads with heavy flamer, warlord with magna grapple regular with smoke launchers

1 fragioso in pod with meltagun

normal dread with TLLC and TLAC

normal dread with TLHF and powerfist with HF, pod

Cassor the damned

1 FA drop pod

1 stormraven with TLMM and TLAC

10 models, only AV

Should be fast to play and set up thumbsup.gif (and pick off the table when things go south)

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That sounds like interesting game rules and a fun list.

The librarian Dreadnought unfortunately cannot exchange its smoke launcher for a magna grapple

It was quite fun!

Are you sure, has Battlescribe lied to me? ohmy.png

The summoning lib dread was a game changer and I plan to include malefic daemonology in some way as often as possible. It's an amazingly flexible tool!

Had two fun and tight games, plus a terribly unfun and boring one in-between (guess which codex ;) ).

Short batreps and pictures sometime during the week.

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That sounds like interesting game rules and a fun list.

The librarian Dreadnought unfortunately cannot exchange its smoke launcher for a magna grapple

It was quite fun!

Are you sure, has Battlescribe lied to me? ohmy.png

The libby dread comes with smoke launchers in the codex, and has no option to exchange them. You may want to update your battlescribe files, mine don't allow it (C:BA v14).

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