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A Deeper Look at the Tactical Squad


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Flamer, heavy flamer and sgt with 2haf is staple in most of my list. Either in rhino or pod depending. Most of the time of something is in template range there in pistol range as well which means you can still assult if need be. However this setup is ideal for camping on objective that 4 d3 in ovetwatch is nice, and if they fail the charge just double Tap roast what ever is left.


The second one I been toying around is grav gun and sgt with 2 grav pistols. I like grav weapons over plasma for host of reasons. And I find them to better suited than inferno pistols for tac sqs. The lost range and salvo shot with moving is made up when in rhino or pod. I'm going test a meltagun over grav gun this week and see if being able to chagre is worth the lost of grav shots.

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Melta / Multi Melta and Plasma / Plasma Cannon are really bad combinations, plasma especially


The MM and the PC really dont belong outside devestators.



Maybe 10 in a pod, melta, combi melta in one combat squad, heavy flamer in the other?


I quite like them, my only concern is Rhinos suck (I have 9, they suck) and razors are worse.


I have a few lists using lots in pods, but havent gotten round to buying 6 more pods


And a HF/F flamer tac squad is considerably more costly than an FC/HF Fury.

....35 points buys you safety and speed (moreso for Blood Angels).  You can eat a D shot and your Tacs come out of the rubble like the Blues Brothers dodging Carrie Fisher's wrath-THAT is well worth 35 Points.  AND it gives you another scoring, Objective Secured Unit (The Rhino itself).

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Melta / Multi Melta and Plasma / Plasma Cannon are really bad combinations, plasma especially


The MM and the PC really dont belong outside devestators.



Maybe 10 in a pod, melta, combi melta in one combat squad, heavy flamer in the other?


I quite like them, my only concern is Rhinos suck (I have 9, they suck) and razors are worse.


I have a few lists using lots in pods, but havent gotten round to buying 6 more pods


And a HF/F flamer tac squad is considerably more costly than an FC/HF Fury.

....35 points buys you safety and speed (moreso for Blood Angels).  You can eat a D shot and your Tacs come out of the rubble like the Blues Brothers dodging Carrie Fisher's wrath-THAT is well worth 35 Points.  AND it gives you another scoring, Objective Secured Unit (The Rhino itself).



45 pts (?) for BA, and no ObSec if you use Baal Strike Force, but the point still stands.


On the assault squads - If you have spare FA slots, 5 ASM 2 plasma guns, rhino, extra storm bolter is 120pts and puts out a lot of firepower.

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The problem with Tactical heavies is theres a lot of babysitting involved in an immobile dude.


A Dev squad can have 4 guns, a signum, and 5 bullet catchers.

A Tactical can have 2 guns (Plas cannon Plas gun) and 8 bullet catchers, or 2 guns, three bullet catchers, and 5 semi useful bolter dudes.


I just lose too many rhinos to S6/7 shooting, hell even pulse rifles.

If you get first, then turbo boosting 6 full rhinos (more) across the board is glorious, but if you dont, and three of them are blown, well, what then?

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It weird, people always tell me Rhinos are super flimsy and always die. I don't run them often, but when I do they are usually still alive at the end of the game. When I've got Meltacide squads dropping turn one, Fragiosos dropping turn two, cc scouts infiltrating right up close and jump pack units zipping in my opponents face, the last thing they want to do is shoot at a Rhino that's moving around backfield/midfield objectives and not causing them grief (yet).


I'm always interested to see how other people use Rhinos that cause them to die so quickly.

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Was it FAQ that sgt in tac sqs can take Auspex? I played against a Nid player who asked why I didn't give one to my sgt in tac sq.


I told him the box has the arm bit for it but in codex they can't take it.

Also agsint swarm Nid list and 100+ ork list I face I found a 5 msn tac with heavy flamer sgt 2 hand flamers in razork back with heavy flamer is nice for thinning out the heard. It's kinda of sacrificial unit as neither one of those list want to deal with and mind :cusss them and they either over commit to destroying it or think it's under powered because it a smaller unit.

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Was it FAQ that sgt in tac sqs can take Auspex? I played against a Nid player who asked why I didn't give one to my sgt in tac sq.



No, it's in special issue, sergeants cant take special issue.


The auspex bit has been in the tac box for 15 years, and the dev box for 10, neither has ever been able to take one!

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Most 1850 games I play are a mix of EW and maelstrom missions and I've found that in having a 10 - man frying pod squad AND that toy unit of scouts, the two complement each other perfectly with the scouts being able to infiltrate or sit backfield and the tacs dropping upfield; that's 4 points gained for you and 4 denied to your oppo.

Most Obsec units I've encountered have been light to medium infantry, all vulnerable to the HF, and I have other stuff to take out their transports when needed. I'm working on a second tac squad, plasma build but maybe with HF instead of PC. This means dropping the scouts but I now have troops that can handle heavy infantry without support from units whose fire is needed in the MC / AT role.

My last game was a perfect example of the frying squad's role at work = they toasted a unit of 20 gaunts on the turn they dropped, were charged by another 2 units each of 13 gaunts, killed 5 in overwatch, they failed charge range, and the tacs massacred the survivors in the shooting phase. Voila! A unit that has the firepower to seize an objective from the enemy and the survivability to hold it for several turns against any kind of opponent. This is why they have brought backbone to my army, allowing the flashy assaulty units to do their thing. smile.png


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Did someone say Retributers? Because Sisters of Battle can do that. Plus, they can make the HFs rending for a turn or two...

A rhino with these are seriously one of the best units in the game for board control. You don't want any multi model unit within 12-18" of those death dealers, trust me.  


Without rending I don't think our sternguard are comparable, plus I want grav or melta if they take combis. 

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Was it FAQ that sgt in tac sqs can take Auspex? I played against a Nid player who asked why I didn't give one to my sgt in tac sq.



No, it's in special issue, sergeants cant take special issue.


The auspex bit has been in the tac box for 15 years, and the dev box for 10, neither has ever been able to take one!



When the old tacticals were released at the start of 3rd edition, Veteran Sergeants could take auspex or anything else from the armoury. This remained true in the 4th edition Codex for regular marines and Black Templars, no idea about the BA pdf codex.

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The problem with Tactical heavies is theres a lot of babysitting involved in an immobile dude.


A Dev squad can have 4 guns, a signum, and 5 bullet catchers.

A Tactical can have 2 guns (Plas cannon Plas gun) and 8 bullet catchers, or 2 guns, three bullet catchers, and 5 semi useful bolter dudes.


I just lose too many rhinos to S6/7 shooting, hell even pulse rifles.

If you get first, then turbo boosting 6 full rhinos (more) across the board is glorious, but if you dont, and three of them are blown, well, what then?


hide the rhinos? if your going second set up for some great cover saves at the back, combine them with some pods and jumpers and there a good chance they get to boost across in your turn 1 with the 24 inch move relativly unmolested.


it's my belief we're a multi threat codex. 6 rhinos presents your opponent with easy choices. 3 with jump sg and dc and 3 pods and some infil scouts presents them with harder choices.

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Most 1850 games I play are a mix of EW and maelstrom missions and I've found that in having a 10 - man frying pod squad AND that toy unit of scouts, the two complement each other perfectly with the scouts being able to infiltrate or sit backfield and the tacs dropping upfield; that's 4 points gained for you and 4 denied to your oppo.

Most Obsec units I've encountered have been light to medium infantry, all vulnerable to the HF, and I have other stuff to take out their transports when needed. I'm working on a second tac squad, plasma build but maybe with HF instead of PC. This means dropping the scouts but I now have troops that can handle heavy infantry without support from units whose fire is needed in the MC / AT role.

My last game was a perfect example of the frying squad's role at work = they toasted a unit of 20 gaunts on the turn they dropped, were charged by another 2 units each of 13 gaunts, killed 5 in overwatch, they failed charge range, and the tacs massacred the survivors in the shooting phase. Voila! A unit that has the firepower to seize an objective from the enemy and the survivability to hold it for several turns against any kind of opponent. This is why they have brought backbone to my army, allowing the flashy assaulty units to do their thing. smile.png


Sounds great :) what do you mean by toy scouts though? :O

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This may be a little crazy, but in my last few games I've been taking Scouts and Tac Marines.

My sniper/camo-cloak scouts are an awesome objecting holding unit, able to infitrate and scout onto a usful objective and then either try to snipe out an enemy Charatcer or go to ground and become very difficult to budge. They are, however, not very mobile once the intial objective has been claimed and discarded.


My Tac marines, when loaded up into one of our fast Rhinos, are great at moving between objective to objective really quickly, perfect for Maelstrom where you might need to go from one board edge to the other and back again by the end of the game.


Taking more than the bare minimus troop "tax" might be Herecy for some, but since I've increased mt Toop usage my win/loss ratio has swung into the positives for the first time since the new dex dropped.



Ditto here. I make ample use of my tactical squads. I break mine down into two flavors- flamer squads or melta squads. I have one ten man of each, and 2 5 men of each. I put them in Rhinos and Razorbacks. Some matches I've used all of them, others only a squad or two .... but in this codex they shine! They are the backbone of my Blood Angels Baal Strike Force.

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BA tactical's are great with Multi Melta / Melta and Infernus Pistols (or with grav gun / grav pistol) or with Heavy Flamer. The heavy flamer, Flamer and hand flamer puts so many templates out that I almost feel like cheating when using them. Stil I have always been huge fan of Melta and Flamers. Grav weapons are starting to grow on me... but Flamer, that is my thing with Melta... :D 


I do admit scouts have some use, especially infiltrating some bolter scouts on terrain / objective near weak side of enemy. Or Sniper scouts. They do the trick but can't get flamers nor ranged melta weaponry. Although giving them a teleport homer is handy when  bringing melta in assault squads. But tactical marines are tad more flexible and tad more tougher.

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