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The Flesh Tearers Strike Force, found within the Shield of Baal: Exterminatus book, has the possibility of yielding six FA empty Drop Pods. However, I have yet to see the Guard take advantage of this.


The plus points are:

  • A cheap HQ to give a squad/blob ATSNKF
  • A potentially cheap Troops choice (Scouts) or a seventh Drop Pod (Tactical)
  • Allows for 3 (or 4 with the Tactical option) Drop Pods to arrive on the first turn
  • A bunch of optional slots from the BA Codex
The two things I'm wondering is why this isn't more popular here and secondly, how you might use this alpha strike to your advantage. Vetarans with melta perhaps?
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Obviously the best thing to toss in the pods would be veterans as they have the best alpha strike potential. But I don't think it will be as good as it would seem at first glance. Yes you have a good chance at taking out 6 specific targets but versus a msu, or a smart bubble wrapper you won't do much and then you literally have 60 expensive guardsman with their buts hanging in the wind. I think there's a place for drop pods as an ally but I'd be wary of going all out.
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This concept isn't new. It's been around since space wolves 7th edition codex where they also have fast attack drop pods. Yes the flesh Tearers have more... But honesty if you are going down the route of 6 drop pods your army is going to be severely lacking in other areas.


A guy got 2nd place I think with space wolves/AM at that tournament in LA or LV I can't remember. Works well with command squads too to give orders for the veterans. But then again, you can already do that with Scion command squads with x4 Melta and give themselves the tank hunters order.


Anyway.. Yes it's a cool concept, it's more about abusing objective secured to win games rather than alpha strike though.

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I have podded scions before, against guard, and it was a brutal list, I had almost tabled my opponent by the end of turn 2. It's a good list, hits like a truck, and has pretty good staying power. Mine used a combination of things I rarely use, and it was all Space Wolves.

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Scion Command Squads don't have the Senior Officer rule, so they can't use the advanced orders.

Good point I didn't see that. It still stands though as a cheaper deep strike suicide anti tank unit then allied detachment + pod.


The MT codex has something similar, so not completely wrong...


Still, It was a huge surprise to my opponent when I did that, and it threw him off his guard really early. I sunk a Rune Priest into a 9 man unit of Tempestus, to give them a bit more punch. It's a valid tactic on the tabletop, but it's not fluffy at all. A drop pod would be a hell of a rough ride, and not my preferred ride to work. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

If an opponent told me he had squishy humans in a drop pod I would feel inclined to boo and hiss. I would spend the battle tutting and rolling my eyes. All the while talking about the good old days before tournaments where a thing...

I think it'd make sense to have a rule where Guard riding in a drop pod had to make a toughness test on landing or suffer a wound. There are certainly commanders who would order their men in anyway.

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I agree, for a tournament, I guess, but there are better things to put in a drop pod than guardsmen, like a sternguard melta squad, and there are things Id rather use my FA slots for than drop pods for an ally that shouldn't really be podding. 


I'd be more inclined to pod in a unit of Grey Hunters with 2 Meltas and a Combi-melta or a 5 man Combi-melta Wolf Guard Squad to crack open that land raider, and then use the locator on the pod to bring in a unit of Stormtroopers second turn to just rip the hell out of whatever fell out of the LR. 


The only time I'd use FA slot drop pods is for my termies to ride down first turn, and that's a SS/CM alfa strike. Better things to put in pods than guard.

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Yeah ... The pod + guard just doesn't work in fluff terms. They come in at break neck speed and only fire off thrusters at the last second. Humans in there would have their necks broken!!! ;)


In a tourney anything goes if your out to win at all costs. But friendly games makes me feel the same way as BA's getting friendly with the Necrons or even that Santa Sledge Logan now has. Not on my watch!!! :(

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Actually there's a few instances in fluff, mainly Black Library, where humans have used Drop Pods and came out okay. They get the most intense motion sickness, but otherwise they're fine. Now, if they didn't fire it at the ground and hope it doesn't bury itself, they could probably outfit the guys inside with equipment/serums to keep them fighting fit and slow the descent at the right time to make it a softer landing, a la Halo's ODSTs.

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Fluff wise, I'm going to say that a drop pod is going to need some serious retrofitting to make it safe for stormies, much less regular mooks. 


That's what I intend to do, or rather, designing something like a Drop Pod in function but entirely different in design.

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Fluff wise, I'm going to say that a drop pod is going to need some serious retrofitting to make it safe for stormies, much less regular mooks.

In the HH novel Legion random people jump in a Alpha Legion drop pod and hit the go button. And live.



The writers for Forgeworld and Games Workshop can't agree on anything, so, I put little stock in that.

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