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  1. Hi folks, Last post of the series introduced the reasons behind buying a GSC Patrol box (the old one) in order to get the base for kit bashing IG infantery squads. The fact that I have a sweet remember of these guies is probably not completely disconected to the selection of Neophyte Hybrids models instead of Orlocks gangers as a starting base. Even if after a carful look, As for using Sktarii heads on other bodies, I had already tried it, more or less successfully, on Wannabe Kaserkins last year: But getting 20 Neophytes in the Patrol box wasn´t enough from an economical point of view to justify the investment vs. individual boxes at retail price. Second incentive was getting the Truck, to be used either as a Proxy Taurox or as an interactive scenery element ("Last Stand in Glazer’s Creek" batRep and its reboot in WD are also some how ones of my fav pieces of junk). Doing the math, 2 squads and 1 vehicles at retail price vs. Patrol, and Patrol gets a win.* But let´s go back on the footsloggers. Using 20 bodies, sorry 23 bodies counting the crew of the Goliath truck, requires decisions and carefull weighting of what to do with them. Initial part of the plan was rather clear: I had an IG HW squad box in my Pile-of-Shame waiting to be used. Trying to sort out9 teams out of the usual 3 mounted sound feasible. I love autocannons since the time SM scouts could get one (this time has passed a long time ago), so getting 3 autocannons was no negotiable. For the rest, without tripod available, and not wishing to enter into to complicated scenic bases, I went on the easy side: Missile launchers (shoulder mounted, so no pod needed) and Mortars. And here we have 12 Neophytes converted into IG heavy gunners. And here are the 3 units of HW. As an interesting fact I n oticed that the ooP cadian HW squad was mounted on larger base than the 50 mm marked on the product decription for the newest set.. Some close views of a spotter, with cult icon mask by a flask; A Mortar, as kneeling minis are polite enough to keep the pose while I took the photo (all will be glued in place once painted) And another closer view of a hooded servant, which allowed me noticing I forgot to remove his cult emblem. Surely more of his chaps have the same kind of heretical marking left... To be solved when they will go to the hair dresser and pass under the paint brush. To see what happened with the 23-12=11 remaining boys and Truck, let´s see you in next instalements of this Blog * And this is how I end up with Aberrants, Acolytes and a Magus... But may be the Magus will be a good base for a Ynnari aligned Farseer in a next kitbash???
  2. Greetings! Long time lurker of this part of the forum. I have my lair in the Dark Angel-section, but I've been working on various projects unrelated to them. Since I'm not interested to keep making new threads for every new faction I delve into, I'll concentrate them all in this place. Expect projects on Dark Angels, Consecrators, Goliaths (Necromunda), Guardsmen (KT) and some Imperial Knights (for fun). More projects depend on how bad my self control is. Since it's the start of a new thread, some pictures of the current collection are in order. I'll post them up when I get the chance to make some pictures. I'm a mediocore painter and a terrible photographer, so please don't be too harsh First up, the lads who started it all. I haven't painted Dark Angels for years. My side project of the Consecrators grew out to become my main project, dwarfing my current force of the Green Lads. They're still in my collection as extra's, but they're more or less finished, since I have no intention to paint more Dark Angels. My very first model! All of the Greenwing. And my Deathwing More to come!
  3. ... Or almost one year later, what is the status of my "legalizing" effort to adapt my armies to 10th? This used to be one of my first entries in this blog and I feel like it is worth setting a kind of progress report. Remember, last year, after launch of 10th, the state of my armies was more or less: - AdMech (New Year / New Army 2023) - to be redesigned. - Eldars - requiring a big refresh. - Death Watch, - claiming for love for the Veterans One year (or almost) later, what is the state of the revamp? Let´s start with AdMech - the easy part in fact. At the time I barely aligned 1 and a half patrol box. So "legalizing" was not really the most appropriate term, as, indeed, I could not even pretend that I was able fielding anything playable at the time. Now, the Army has grown in a rather, let´s admit it, significant manner. It is in its maturity time where adjunctions are more intents to diversify the tactical options than required investments. It is still a challenge to face these points drops (see balnce dataslates) every quarter, but in the end I can get a good and stable core at 2000 pts with nice posibilities for variations around. And more to come. Then the Aeldari. They haven´t had any love since 3rd Ed so, anyway, 10th did not bear any guilt into their derelict status... But , hey!, it is easier to borne the responsability on rules reedition, nope? Call to Arm 2023 put me on the way of "redemption" and I managed painting almost everything I had. Then I Ebayed some stuff to get legal Guardian squads and jetbike unit a full strenght. I added everything that was needed so far 2 Serpent platforms and 1 HW platform, plus the 2 bikes that were missing to reach 9 riders. Great, nope? Well, nope. Ebay being Ebay (or rather Bouargh being Bouargh (aka a compulsive buyer)) I bought more stuff. Another HW platform, just in case, as I still have enough legs and torsos for 1 or 2 additional guardians squads, another extra bike (converted into an Autarch), 2 warlocks, a D-cannon and an old ooP Spirit warrior, for a proxy wraithlord. Plus plastic kits for Rangers on foot and on bikes and more guardians. I don´t really know why for the latter. Most has gone to a rejuvenated Pile of Shame and will be involved, hopefully, in the resuming CtA 2024. Finally DW. I did not do anything there. The 2 boxes I would require to redesign the Vets squads are still at GW warehouses. For a good time, at least untill getting a new version of the 2024 Roadmap and entering in sheer FOMO panic... But "finally" was not a real final: I indeed forgot to include, last year, my armoured fist company of Astra Militarum (SW auxilliaries). Legalization was quite small here as it consisted into adding the 2 regimental advisors missing on the rooster (fly guy and blind guy). Ebayed too. It makes me think that I´ll need a command squad may be, and building this HW squad sitting at the bottom of my Pile of Shame ever since before COVID too... I was planning last year a very limited amount of investment, excluding AdMech. I went out of control. Litterally. Eldars saw an increase of some 800 pts, considering what I disclosed here, more stuff and even more if putting into the equation DE stuff affiliated to Ynnari that joined the frey. Astra Militarum also have a potential of 200 pts and something waiting to be converted from GSC sprues I grabbed by "accident" + recycling some of these AdMech bitz accumulated. I largely recomposed my Pile of Shame while on Feb 24 it was reduced to 6 wolves, two kitbashed Rhino and Land raider and 3 ooP Rhinos chassis only. All of these still remain to in the waiting zone of course... A "consolation" I have is that all of the stuff was obtained with discounts between 15 to 30%. Even considering Ebay and comparing what I paid vs. the charged price for equivalent stuff on GW webstore. Let´s say, in a more positive way, that I was preparing myself actively for the CtA 2024 event (without knowing it). So, see you there, for sure.
  4. Not seen this relayed here yet. Source is apparently Mordian Glory. Obviously, rumours so take with (copious) salt.
  5. So I’ve been working on some Krieg recently, and I thought I’d share my progress! I’ve gone back to a green and grey scheme accented with black and red (nothing revolutionary but is striking!) I’m starting this thread to help keep the momentum going. I’m aiming to update this thread regularly so please keep an eye on this! That’s enough preamble, here’s the pics: Death Korps of.Krieg Deathriders Death Korps of.Krieg Deathriders Death Korps of.Krieg Deathriders Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Squad at Ease Death Korps of Krieg Squad at Ease Death Korps of Krieg Squad at Ease Thanks for getting past the wall of pics! Please leave a comment.
  6. Original thread start from here. First posts are copy-pasted as regard 40k content, the rest will be running updates. Welcome! This is the log where I'll post anything which I've converted and/or painted for others. Most of my hobby work is not done for my own armies, but rather for my brother's and our friends' collections. It's a great way to experience modelling and painting all miniatures in Warhammer without buying them. Background might be added later on as my friends work that out. This update is however not about something as lethal as cats. It's about something pathetic in comparison, namely a Maulerfiend conversion I've been working on-and-off with for a Skaven-collecting friend of mine. It's based on a sketch he drew. My buddy magnetized a rectangular base so that it could be used as a K'daai Destroyer. He was so eager about the conversion that he managed to sneak it past other projects in my queue... Still, the sculpting was surprisingly quick work and was over before you knew it. Couldn't have done it so fast three years ago: And here's the painted version, alongside his brother. Not painted by me (though the Squats in the foreground are): The CSM-collecting friend, let's call him J.A.B, inspected the newer starter kit Chaos Space Marine lord and Khârn, as well as the new Primaris Marines and probably a few older Space Marine character sculpts. He concluded that hip armour looks good and solves the silly look achieved by the thin thighs of plastic Space Marine legs. Some weeks ago, he visited his parents, brought a gaggle of heretical Marines and asked me to make hip armour on them. Quicksculpted, without time-consuming rivets, difficult spikes or suchlike. He was content, and after returning home to his study town he sent down Berzerkers to receive like treatment, and a FW Necron centipede which needed replacement antennae. I've tinkered with them since they arrived yesterday. Below are the results. Note "KIL KIL KIL" on the knife Berzerker's segmented plates. Also see his painted Lord of Change. http://i.imgur.com/6BKPi38.jpg WIP for my brother's little power armoured collection. Grey Knight legs and helmets and Sanguinary Guard shoulder pads and torsos. Hip plates added to remedy thin thighs syndrome. Cloaks from Anvil Industry to be added later: A Dark Eldar turned into an Eldar Fire Dragon converted for my brother. He thoroughly checked the Dark Eldar sprues back when they were new, and meticulously came up with ways to turn all manner of DE weaponry into Eldar Aspect Warriors with a little converting. More to come: Converted Slaaneshi Daemonprince for a friend: My friend told me to axe the @$$ and instead go for a lean Daemon Prince of Arrogance look, not Lust. As per his instructions, there is now also shin armour plates with images of Elf torture: What else? I also added two lone flowing pteruges dangling from its belt. I'll show you the painted end result whenever he finish this creation: Kill Team A mate of ours has moved back home after years of studying abroad, while a friend of my brother have returned to the hobby after a long break. Combine this with the recently released Kill Team, and we've got a hobby frenzy cooking with making characters, goons and terrain for a mash-up campaign between Kill Team and RPGs. Here is the first harvest of quick-sculpting and conversions, soon back to commercial sculpts. Kastellan Ironstrider, a mate's cyborg: Badoom! Broadbeard, a loudmouth one-Dwarf illegal radio station sending live from his heists and battles. My character: Gnorke Radfizzle, a Gnome sharpshooter with rad weapons, for my brother's friend: The gang so far: Gnorke Radfizzle's car: The friend who has written all the rules and organizes the whole effort has had me convert a gaggle of goons. Here's psyker Spikeskull: And Badoom! Broadbeard's hateful rival, Adman: And finally Gnorke Radfizzle painted by said friend (I had nothing to do with painting). My brother's mate is in for a treat! I've painted nothing of the Kill Team stuff, only converted it. All painted by Johan von Elak, for your display here. Badoom! Broadbeard: During most of our Kill Team-RPG games we've actually had music playing to represent both the immediate sonic barrage emitted by Broadbeard's loudspekers, and the music he transmits across hacked radio channels (with comments of media moguls jumping from windows as their enterprises gets destroyed by Broadbeard's escapades). He obviously also report live from the field, and is the lousiest sneak, at skulking up on enemies, you've ever encountered. Clearly, the audio-disturbed mister Broadbeard has ruined many lives through his noisome adventures. Which leads us to...
  7. The Cogger Hive Guard are the Astra Militarum regiments that hail from the industrial hive world of Cogger. Primarily recruited from the planet's factory workers that fail to uphold their industrial quotes or from the most incorrigible hive gangers, these recruits are rounded up by the hive cities local Adeptus Arbites and forced to undergo neural-conditioning. After being "programmed" with the necessary knowledge and skills needed, they are inducted into the ranks of the Cogger Hive Guard. Cogger Hive Guard The PDF of the Hive World Cogger are made from those factory workers that don’t meet quota or particularly troublesome Gangers arrested by the Arbites, they then go through a variation of mind wipe and are implanted with new memories and training and are used to protect the great Hive Cities. The most promising of these mind-wiped PDF are formed into the regiments of the Cogger Hive Guard. Cogger Hive Guardsmen undergo a variation of mind wiping known as Neural Programming provided by Mjorn Techpriests that is for the mass use of training their soldiers. A subject endures multiple sessions in a Neural Programming tank where they were "programmed" with knowledge and skills needed for the desired occupation. Cogger Hive Guard commanders preferred "obedient" over "improvisational" and use of Neural Programmed soldiers possessing little or no initiative a fodder for the grinding wheels of the Imperial wars. These Cogger Hive Guard are known for the Line Infantry, Armored, and Mechanized Infantry Regiments they produce from the foundries and factories of the Hives on the planet Cogger. Cogger also produces a small number of Penal Legions of those that resist Neural Programming but fill up the over flowing prisons of the Arbites. Those workers who commit minor offenses are given neural programming to quickly render them combat capable and to ensure obedience, at the cost of some of their memories, prior skills, personality, and initiative. They are led by non-programmed officers drawn from the nobility that runs the massive Factorum-Cities. These soldiers form the PDF of Cogger, which are under the direct command of the Planetary Governor, as well as forming the bulk of forces seconded to the Imperium as part of Cogger's Tithe, in the form of Cogger Hive Guard Mechanized Regiments. The second kind of regiment is the Cogger Hive Guard Armored Regiment. Using the Leman Russ Exterminator as it's primary vehicle, it is one of the most common Leman Russ variants, and although it surrenders the ability to effectively combat enemy armour, it is an extremely effective anti-infantry vehicle. The Leman Russ Exterminator is capable of laying down a withering hail of fire. The Exterminator's Autocannon shells can tear through a lightly armoured chassis as easily as they rip through flesh and bone. Though lacking the long range of some other tank variants, the Leman Russ Exterminator is capable of devastating whole ranks of enemy infantry before they have reached the Astra Militarum lines. The final kind of regiment that is produced is more of a way to get rid of the worst scum of the hives. These individuals are those that resist Neural Programming but are the worst kinds of criminals and heretics the Hives produce. Coming from the various prison facilities that each hive has for those that cross the nobility, the Cogger Hive Penal Legions are massed light Infantry given explosive collars and shock cuffs, are transported as mine sweeper support for the regiments in which Cogger Hives pride themselves on. Also those who have committed greater crimes, rather than taking up space in prisons, are subjected to far more intense levels of neural programming, completely washing away their former selves until the subject is barely more than a servitor. These programmed criminals are then sent to the Legiones Penatante for use as cannon fodder. Regimental Recruitment & Training A significant proportion of the Cogger Hive Guard was manned by "culturally challenged" individuals who had undergone neural programming via brain surgery, implants such as aggression inhibitors, and programming tanks. Counseling and drug therapy were also used to help overcome criminal and/or anti-social tendencies. Despite this source of manpower, it was not always sufficient to replace battlefield losses, and instances of law-abiding persons being conscripted and subjected to "programming" were not unknown. In any case, volunteers are few. Recruits and conscripts considered too scrawny or weak for the Cogger Guard are given steroid and stimulant treatments in order to increase their muscle mass. Criminal recruits were given no R&R time. Regimental Combat Doctrine The Cogger Hive Guard Mechanized Infantry is the Militarum Regimentum of the Astra Militarum that fights as mechanized infantry alongside Chimera and Chimerax armoured personnel carriers in defense of the strategically-located Imperial Hive World of Cogger and its surrounding star systems. Cogger, located in the Segmentum Ultima, is a planet blighted and poisoned by millennia of heavy industrial output, though it is also a major manufacturing centre of Autocannons. In addition, Guardsman from Cogger make fine assault troops for fighting in urban and hive city environments as well as heavy industrial zones, chemical sumps, and other such toxic regions. Their equipment and experience with such acrid environments make them invaluable for trudging through all sorts of polluted or otherwise noxious wastelands, from underhives filled with the toxic residue of ancient atomic generators to ruin-filled swamps rife with hallucinogenic flora, quicksand, and near-invisible pockets of lethal gas.
  8. As the flames of war engulf the galaxy in scales not seen in generations, ancient and forgotten relics are returned to the battlefield to wreak terrible destruction upon His foes; the years of neglect made manifest in their fury as xenos and traitor alike are taught a harsh reminder of the might of the Imperium of old. Introduction Don't we all have some models somewhere left unfinished, and gathering dust? Projects stalled, or miniatures abandoned by the dread hand of GW's rules..? It is time to correct these injustices, and return these forgotten models to active duty! Relics of the Armoury Participation The goal of this event is to give old Guard models the love they deserve, so anything Guard (GW or FW, counts as etc and within the B&C's rules of course) is eligible to vow. Any stage of completion, from still in the box to part assembled or even mostly painted - the aim is to get models finished that have languished for whatever reason. This even includes non-legal units, so it could be a few lasgun troopers or that sniper Veteran you forgot about; as long as it's a Guard unit it counts. If you're unsure consult your nearest friendly neighbourhood commissar for assistance before vowing. Event Period Relics of the Armoury runs from now until the 31st of May, by the B&C's clock i.e. any completion post time up to and including the 31st of May. Pledging to the Event Make your vow in any way you wish, at any point during the event, to this topic with a WIP starting picture. You may add models to it at any time also, just be sure to let the commissariat know when you do. If you wish you can denote your pledge with a participation badge in your sig: [url=http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/354210-relics-of-the-armoury-painting-event/][img=http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_9518/gallery_30308_9518_8251.png][/url] Successfully Completing A successful vow is one that has all of your vowed models declared completed with an associated picture by the deadline, and will earn you a new signature award image! Failing Your Vow If you fail to complete your vow you will shame yourself and your regiment before your peers, and the commissariat will be very disappointed. For a particularly egregious failure a missive may be written to your parents detailing your poor performance and the consequences thereof. Any questions let us know, otherwise make your vow soldier!
  9. A new year and new inspiration. After my recent heresy of collecting Xenos filth I've decided once again to concentrate my efforts in devotion of the God Emperor! I was trying to decide whether to build a Death Korp of Krieg force or Ultramarines again when I came across a pic of a Black Templar. After a lot of head scratching I thought about it and decided to do a full Imperial Crusade that way I can field anything from the Imperial range. So to start with I'll be concentrating on Black Templars and Krieg elements. First up will be the test model for my new Krieg regiment. Death Korps of Krieg Death Korps of Krieg Death Korps of Krieg Death Korps of Krieg Death Korps of Krieg Death Korps of Krieg Death Korps of Krieg Next up will be a Quadlauncher and crew (I'm waiting for the Templars to arrive) Thanks for looking!
  10. Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse, a review I've managed to have my first game of apocalypse, and barring getting rules wrong (which I did a bit) I'm just putting my first thoughts on the game. The game rules really smoothly in terms of design, tbh it feels better than 40k for that. Removing no models till the damage phase heavily shifts the dynamic of the game, and also makes the damage phase truly terrifying, (I went from yay! I'm winning! On the first turn to “oh god I have screwed this!” by the end of the first turns damage phase.) The card system for command assets I think works really well, it has randomised the buffs you can get in a way that means that overwhelming overlapping buffs is somewhat difficult. That said, you need two sets of cards really to play, I felt rather hampered by having to share and overall deck of cards. In my game it was Chaos Space Marines vs, Imperial Guard and Grey Knights. My initial takeaway was Guard are good in apocalypse for one reason: Command assets. Like 40k and CP, they can easily max out their command assets, which makes Imperial alliance (and likely other alliance, e.g. Chaos, I won't use “Soup” as it's not really accurate at this scale) rather strong. I suspect this was because we played 200 power, at higher levels their ability to affects things will decrease, but at that size the Imperial size maxed out their hand to 12 cards a turn while the Chaos Space Marine side struggled. I would say at game smaller than 300 power it might be an idea to limit the size of the Command Asset cards players can hold at one time, but that's an initial impression. Nothing in the sides felt rubbish, there were no units that felt dispropotionately powerful. The Grey Knights took Paladin Terminators, which combined with the “Force” card made them insanely powerful for one turn (their SAP becomining 2+). However this didn't feel bad, and certainly didn't feel cheesy; it felt like they had the impact that their sudden arrival would have, it felt thematic. At 25 power they are on par with an Imperial Knight and so they were a scary unit. In general, Terminators feel much better than in 40k, they are bricks. On that note, larger units generally feel better than smaller units, MSU perform poorly from game experience. Garrisoning troops; well we did the rules slightly wrong in our game, but on re-reading the rules, it seems like a largely elegant system. The one thing I wouldn't bother with is their suggestion to place each individual models. We as players knew by eyesight how many models could fit in the terrain piece, so rather than mess about with indivdual model placement, we simply declared it and that was that, otherwise you're dealing with removing 40 models from their movement trays and putting them in terrain. The major downside of the game I would say was that of characters. I don't the game accomadates characters very well; they are very fragile and very easy to snipe out with regular weapons. Their -1 to hit on light characters offers no protection whatsoever in real terms as taking an aimed fire order negates this from what I could see. Daemon Princes as they don't have this benefit had their life expectancy measured in seconds as they were immediately sniped off the board by artillery. On that note, characters vs artillery reminds me of 7th edition as barrage weapons are the best thing to pick out characters that are hiding, which seems bad and counter intuitive to intent. The oddest part is characters when they garrison, as you measure from the base of the structure regardless who you target, characters were immediately sniped out, as if everyone could immediately hit the character with their shots when they were hiding in ruins. The Warmaster of the Chaos side was sniped out when garrisoning in this way, again by sniper Basilisks. I would personally house rule Light characters to not be able to be targetted if they are garissoning with other units and flat out not be able to be targetted if they are not the closest target, like 40k. Overall, save the issue with characters, I like the rules of apocalypse, the activation system preferential to the normal “I-go-you-go” of 40k.
  11. Hi everyone, One of my aims when I joined B&C was to start a painting blog, as a means to motivate me to paint some of the growing pile of guard minis. I might even ramble on about some background, tactics and so on. So here we are, first post on a new plog! I'm currently playing in a 1k point campaign that gives bonus points if you field a fully painted force so the initial focus is to get paint onto my campaign force, which is roughly: CCS in Chimera Platoon, PCS, 2 Inf Squads Plasma Carapace Vets in Chimera x2 Wyvern Vanquisher Plasma Cannon Sentinel Pretty respectable amount of models! And here (assuming I can get the links to work!) are some really rough pics. Still working out which way to point the camera :P Going for a very simple paint scheme, table top quality. C&C welcome. Varchilde
  12. Greetings! I'm a Black Templars fanatic and conversions enthusiast. I used to crawl around this board more than 5 years ago and even posted some of my stuff back then. I took a break from the hobby for a couple of years but reentered the game about 2 years ago. In the past time I put together a lot of stuff (exclusively for my two big loves in 40k: Black Templars and Inquisition) and don't want to hold it back from you. I see this as a compendium of my work and gonna update it whenever I have some new freaks to show off. Criticism and suggestions welcome as always. Old models: Black Templars Castellan mainly based on this wonderful and inspiring Artwork by John Blanche Black Templars Sword Brother also based on the Blanche Artwork Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Black Templars Dreadnought some random Servitor with Heavy Bolter Newer Stuff: Black Templars Assault Squad Inquisition Lexmechanic Inquisition Warrior Acolytes Inquisition Familiar
  13. A little background first if you'll bare with me (if not jump to the next paragraph ). I've been playing Warhammer for about 15 years. Originally I wanted to play 40k but my parents bought me Fantasy. My first box was Lizardmen vs. Bretonia and I collected Lizardmen for a good 10 years after that. When I met my wife she wanted to collect Lizardmen but settled for Chaos as I wasn't giving up Lizardmen. We collected for a year or two (but never actually played) and I suggested we switch to 40K as she wasn't really happy with Chaos and I wasn't happy withholding Lizardmen. She picked up Tyranids and I picked up Astra Militarum and both of us have been pretty happy with our choices. I used to buy the White Dwarf magazine each month as I loved to read about the conversions (not something easily done with Lizardmen) and was looking forwards to doing some with my new army, however I couldn't really find anything I liked and after a month or so of looking just started putting my army together to get something to field. Recently however I've decided I no longer care about getting it fielded. I've always enjoyed making terrain and thinking up conversions as much if not more then the rest of the hobby and so I've decided to plan out my army in advance sell off my current Astra Militarum stuff (and a few DE things I've purchased and converted. I really gotta get a Kajiji post up) and start again. Still with Astra Militarum. The following is a list of planned conversions and a few spots I'd love some pointers with. Starting with HQ Most HQ figures I want to leave alone I really like them as is, however I plan on getting a few different models for commisars (I especially like the female ones I've seen) and priests will have some minor conversions done (weaponry). Infantry I plan on switching out heads with some Maxmini I really like the head models they do a lot more. Specifically their gas masked heads with helmets though I worry this may be out of place as I will be leaving the torso and legs alone (I like them sue me ).http://maxmini.eu/conversion-bits/head-swaps/neoreich-heads-bits I'm also looking at Pig Iron heads http://www.pig-iron-productions.com/hd11-kolony-militia-winter-head-sprues-p-18.html as I feel like they will suit my army a lot more they are just less interesting IMO. Their lasgun weapons I'd really like to change out as I don't like their models but I'm having a lot of trouble finding a suitable replacement that still screams laser gun. Heavy Infantry I've seen lots of 2 man missile and lasgun and autogun teams and will probably be switching them out (though replacing whatever infantry come with said model with GW ones) as I dislike the GW ones. Sentinels I've seen a few conversions I might work into mine all over the place but nothing that I'd standardize I really like these models on their own. Tanks I like the tanks (all of them) as is except the flame tanks. I've seen a few pics of older models with the single fuel drum in the back I'm wondering if there's somewhere I can get a conversion for this I really like the older one much better. Flyers Big conversions here. Firstly I want to replace the wings with ducted fan wings http://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=187, I've already been in touch with Puppetswar.eu and they said they will sell me the wings separate from the rest of the model for conversion purposes provided I give them all the parts numbers (once I found out I let them know and they got back to me it will be roughly 11$ per set). I want to replace the Valkyries side guns with rounded miniguns. All autoguns in the army I want to replace with miniguns (with front shield as per the autoguns/lasguns etc). I'm going with a snow theme using light grey's, light blue's, and whites. I've picked up some of the GW snow effect stuff and while I'm not upset with it I'm not happy with it either pre-painting I find it to be the same consistency and color as cement morter (a little tip for you guys doing cityscape ruins out there). I found the baking soda, Elmer's and white paint to be a much better effect (big fresh snow with no water) though if you don't put in enough white paint and seal it properly and 100% it does yellow. I've also found it to be very brittle once set (unfortunately the hard way and now have to redo a few of my infantry), So if your using this method make sure you pin! The third option and one I havn't tried yet is the secret weapon's real snow effect's. While I like the effect looking at pictures it doesn't really seem to give the effect I'm after so while I will try it I have no hope for it in this application. As somebody who lives farther to the north on those blistering cold days (-40) when the winds blowing nothing turns to liquid and the snow has the consistency of sand which is the effect I'm after. If anybody has any other ideas to try I'd love to hear them as I'm not really in love with the baking soda method. I plan on attempting to do digital camo on my infantry this time around (I've picked up a very nice Harder and Steenbeck that should be capable of the job if my hands don't shake to bad) and across my tanks. If I'm unable to do it across both I havn't decided it I will go with regular camo or if I will just paint them all generically and then weather them heavily. Now for the advice part! Reading through this (congrats on making it to the end) you can see the general plans I have and want to do. Anywhere you can see room for improvement or for that matter any cool spots you see something missing please give me a link and your thoughts! I'd love to see and hear your ideas. That being said the big conversion I want and have no idea about is the infantry's lasguns. I really don't like them and want to put in something a little more interesting. Thanks in advance guys and gals! Obeliske Edited: for links
  14. This tactica is intended to give a broad overview to a Guard army, things like approach, structure and overarching strategies and tactics to employ and think about. It will not deal with specific tactics, wargear, lists etc - aiming instead to look at the larger picture. As such neither will it delve into rules which should give it use in 7th Edition and beyond. Author's Note This is not a master class by any means, nor is it the only way of doing things - just mine. You'll hopefully be reading quite a bit and learning nothing new, what I am aiming to do is outline what I have learnt over many years of relevant interests and experiences. By trying to break this down into the smallest parts I wish to help new recruits find their footing and hopefully give some fellow grizzled veterans a new angle to consider. Like Guilliman's tome in the Codex Astartes this is a living document so I welcome any additions or clarifications you may have. Index Imperialis The Emperor's Hammer - How the Guard works List Construction - What makes a good list? List Concepts - Strategies for tactics Metagaming - Metas and their impact Agency - Your opponent's influence Playing the Game - Tips and advice Closing - No examples! Index Auxilia Enemy Unit Types - Vash
  15. Hello all. I guessed it was about time I put some pics up of my Chapter. I am going to say this now: updates will be infrequent and random (unless a painting challenge appears). I have a escalation tournament coming up so hopefully that will get me motivated. Also going to use my gallery here for a change. I know I am no 'Eavy Metal painter and some of my paintjobs are a little old now but any comments and criticisms you can give will be greatly appreciated. Part 1 of my almost Complete battle Company with some 1st Company Part 2 Interrogator-Chaplain Limited Edition Sergeant
  16. Why have one tank when you can have two - or more? The current Guard vehicles are good kits and lend themselves to magnetising well for the most part, so in collaboration with the talented Elmo9141 and Kilofix I have embarked on a grand crusade to cover the topic in the entirety for both novice and experienced magnet user alike. Macharius would be proud Index ImperialisWhy Magnetise An Introduction to Magnets; Sizes and Suppliers Surface Attachment Countersunk Attachment Tabs Trusses Embedding and Reinforcing with Green Stuff Vehicle Magnetisation Tutorials Chimera - Elmo Leman Russ Battle Tank - Elmo Hellhound/Devil Dog/Bane Wolf - Elmo Sentinel - Elmo Wyvern/Hydra - Elmo Baneblade/Shadowsword/Stormlord/etc - Elmo Manticore/Deathstrike - scatmandoo Pintle mounted Stubber/Stormbolter - nismogrendel Leman Russ Demolisher/Punisher/Executioner - Elmo Taurox Prime - MoGuy Infantry Magnetisation Tutorials Bullgryns - WarriorFish
  17. Hi, I was wondering if there was any lore on Imperial Guard regiments being raised from Knight Worlds. Or more specifically Imperial-aligned Knight Worlds. They apparently do pay the Imperial tithe, though I'm unsure if Guard regiments would be raised from such worlds. I have not found any indication of such so far in the lore. I've been working on my own homebrew Knight House, and I wanted to make sure. I am aware that one can do anything with their homebrew lore, but I was wondering if there was any precedent for Imperial Guard regiments being raised from Knight Worlds.
  18. +++ Vostroyan 94th Battle Group +++ ++A hobby blog++ +++ Fluff +++ The Vostroyan 94th at the time of the opening of the great rift were assigned as an auxiliary defence force to Knight world [As yet unnamed]. Since the rift opened regular reinforcement from Vostroya has been spotty at best and so in order to maintain manpower, the 94th have been forced to press the abhuman underclass that makes up the world's peasantry into service. +++ League List and First Battle Report +++ Over the next few months I will be competing in a round robin league with the top finishers entering a single elimination bracket to determine a winner. The lists are fixed over that time and this is what I have decided to bring: ++ Brigade Detachment +9CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [70 PL, 1245pts] ++ Regiment: Vostroyan + Heavy Support + Armageddon Pattern Basilisk Armageddon Pattern Basilisk Cyclops Demolition Vehicle Cyclops Demolition Vehicle Manticore + Troops + Infantry Squad Plasma gun Infantry Squad Plasma gun Infantry Squad Plasma gun Infantry Squad Plasma gun Infantry Squad Infantry Squad + Fast Attack + Bane Wolf: Heavy Flamer, Track guards Rough Riders 2x Plasma Gun Rough Riders 2x Plasma Gun + HQ + Company Commander Bolt pistol, Grand Strategist, Warlord Company Commander Plasma pistol Company Commander Plasma pistol + Elites + Command Squad 4x Sniper Rifle Command Squad 3x Melta Gun Vox Platoon Commander The Dagger of Tu'Sakh ++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [46 PL, 755pts] ++ Regiment: Vostroyan + Heavy Support + Cyclops Demolition Vehicle Leman Russ Battle Tank Leman Russ Demolisher Track Guards + Troops + Infantry Squad Infantry Squad Infantry Squad + HQ + Primaris Psyker Nightshroud, Mental Fortitude Tank Commander Battle Cannon ++ Total: [116 PL, 2000pts] ++ +++ First Match+++ ++ Battalion Detachment ++ + HQ + Chaplain Inferno pistol, Jump Pack, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack) Librarian Dreadnought Quickening, Gift of Foresight, Wings of Sanguinus, Furioso fist, Meltagun, The Veritas Vitae, Warlord + Troops + Tactical Squad 5 Plasma Gun Power Fist Tactical Squad 10 Heavy Flamer Meltagun Tactical Squad 10 Multi Melta Plasma Gun + Heavy Support + Devastator Squad 2x Lascannons Missile Launcher Plasma Cannon Hellblaster Squad 5 ++ Vanguard Detachment++ + HQ + Librarian Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius Jump Pack + Elites + Death Company 14 Jump Packs Various power weapons etc Reiver Squad 10 Terminator Assault Squad 5 Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields ++ Total: [113 PL, 2000pts] ++ My first game was against a Blood Angels list. We are using the Eternal War missions from chapter approved for the league and we ended up playing Roving Patrol. This is the mission where you only deploy a 1/3rd of your force and the rest enters play later. I split my force fairly into three parts, each with a smattering of artillery, tanks and infantry so no matter which 1/3rd I deployed, I would have the tools to deal with whatever Blood Angels appeared. The game swung very hard my way from the first instance as I won first turn and almost all of my army rolled onto the board and I was able to wipe out his starting 1/3rd almost to a man in my first shooting phase. This included his Warlord Librarian Dreadnought who got caught out by the melta squad and the rough riders appearing behind his screen. He then took his turn and only a couple of his units made it onto the board, effectively ending his chances of winning. We called it and the end of turn 4 after he had got his chance to actually use his captain smash and the accompanying death company to turn a squad of guardsmen into red mist. Feel slightly bad for this one as he was royally screwed over by his rolls. I think had I not killed his warlord turn one and his death company and terminators along with the librarian had gotten some turn one charges, the game could have been very different. As it was, they turned up piecemeal and were taken apart. Final Score: Vostroyan Victory, Blood Angels conceded.
  19. Hi Guys, Have just got myself a Baneblade which I'm in the process if turning into an Octoblade. My question is, if I take a transport variant to house my HWS, do they get to Overwatch if it gets charged?
  20. Index Militarum: Invalacian Legions Regiment Name: Invalacian Legions Homeworld: Invalice Minor Heraldry: White armour, black fatigues, secondary colour denoting Regiment ORIGINS: Formed during the Great Crusade from the great armies of Invalice Major, known as the Lahvu. When the Imperium arrived and the language of Invalice had been translated they became known by a new name. They were the Invalacian Legions. Some Imperial officials took offence at this as only the Astartes were legion and lesser warriors should not take the name. However after fighting alongside the natives of the far flung world Lion El'Jonson defended the name, declaring that it was a fitting name for the armies of Invalice. During the Heresy many Legions were recalled to Invalice to defend the system from the Warmaster's forces. Being so far from many Loyalist forces and suffering attacks from the Night Lords and their allies and forced to rely on the Legions after Dark Angels forces were recalled for unknown reasons. After the Heresy contact was lost with the Invalice system, whether the location of the distant system was lost or hidden is unknown. Until the Angels of Shadow Chapter rediscovered the system in the first century of the 35th Millennium, the wargear of the Legions had changed very little since last contact, much of which had to be surrendered to the Adeptus Mechanicus. However, again thanks to Astartes intervention, the Legions were able to keep several of the STC to a number of machines and weapons so that the Legions could remain at “optimal levels of combat readiness”. At the closing of the 41st Millennium the troopers of the Invalacian Legions appear to be armed with antiquated armour and weaponry, albeit updated to match their peers in other regiments. HISTORY: M29-M30 THE GREAT CRUSADE Invalice Found The Dark Angels Legion discovers the Invalice system, and a small Legion outpost is established. The native warriors, known as the Lahvu, are organised into the Invalacian Legions. The name causes some controversy, but Lion El'Jonson himself puts a stop to any dissenters. M31-M32 THE HORUS HERESY The Night Haunter During the Heresy, Invalice suffers greatly at the hands of the Night Lords and their allies. Many of the Invalacian Legions are recalled to defend their home, and many lives are lost. Invalice Lost With a heavy heart, the Dark Angels are recalled to Ultramar to defend the short-lived Imperium Secundus. El'jonson swears he will return to cleanse the Invalice system of the Traitor Legionnaires but is never heard from again. M35-M39 AGE OF THE IMPERIUM The Angels Return The Angels of Shadow Astartes Chapter, following recently uncovered records within The Rock, make haste for a rumoured supply cache to prepare for the predicted troubles of the Nova Terra Interregnum. They young Chapter rediscovers the Invalice system, and are mistaken for the Dark Angels Legion. Shortly after they make Invalice Major their home. The Legions March After a small Imperial force arrives to inspect the system, after the support of the Angels of Shadow, the Legions which have survived with outdated weapons are brought into the new era of warfare with new gear and machines. However, they retain many older models such as the Malcador Heavy Tank due to millennia of familiarity. First Battle of Genarius Prime The first major battle for any Invalacian Legion in the Nova Terra Interregnum would be fought by the 501st Legion. Attached Administratum adepts attached to the Legion were not only stunned by the effectiveness of the “untested” Legion, but the ferocity with which they fought. The conflict lasted only three weeks, with the 501st sustaining only 34 per cent of their projected losses. Battle of Chordelis The 7th Legion's 212th Battalion were sent to the planet Chordelis in the Tarsis Ultra system. The planet, a quiet civilised world famed for its orbital dockyards had come under attack by a pirate force of substantial size. In daring ship-to-ship assaults the men and women of the 212th took apart the pirate fleet with swift boarding actions. Chasing the pirates to the ground, the 212th surrounded and annihilated the raiders. Siege of New Nostramo Under the command of Inquisitors Krell, Tiin, Tano and Offee, a force of both the 501st and 7th Regiments laid siege to the planetoid designated “New Nostramo” by the Night Lords warband under the ruthless leadership of Chaos Lord Kalex Maas. The world was locked in perpetual night by the effects of ritual slaughter committed by the Night Lords, but the Invalacian Legions fought with nearly reckless abandon as they laid waste to the unholy structures on the planet, seeking recompense for the hurt inflicted upon their kin in the Horus Heresy. Rumours persist that Inquisitor Krell was a double agent, causing a terrible incident where Invalacian forces fired upon each other. Krell would be confirmed deceased by the other Inquisitors, apparently calling an artillery strike upon himself. Treachery on Deronia The King of Deronia declared that his world would no longer be a part of the Imperium, and that he feared no retribution for such an action. He even demanded that surrounding systems declare their independence from the Imperium and swear loyalty to the Deronian banner for protection. When the predictable sanction descended on Deronia it was met with unexpected violence, for the people had armed themselves with xenos weaponry. So it fell to Stormtrooper strike teams from the 501st to retake the planet, performing assassinations and hit and run attacks on vital infrastructure. The leadership crippled, loyalist forces rose up and retook the planet. As reward for the actions, the loyalists' families only had to submit 98% of their wealth and only nine out of ten families were sent to penal colonies rather than the 100% of the traitors that were turned into servitors. M40-M41 TIME OF ENDING Angels of Light Arise Following the fall of the Angels of Shadow's 8th Dark Master, Sulln Hauntlight, the Invalice system breaks out into conflict. Several Legions side with Hauntlight and his splinter group, the Angels of Light. Hundreds of thousands are slain in the conflict Retribution It takes over a century to defeat the heretical forces, after which the world of Chokehold is reduced to a barren rock. Vast numbers of the Legions have to be slain in an act of mercy, many of which succumbing to madness. Survivors have their minds wiped, and the whole event is covered up. COMBAT DOCTRINE: The preferred style of combat of each of the Legions is as varied as the foes they face. Despite this many of the Legions have a similar approach to war at their core, operating with a ratio of 3:1 Infantry to Armoured Companies. Some Legions, like the 7th, have a higher number of armoured companies and even whole artillery companies. Others, such as the 104th, have a preference for airborne insertions and operate alongside increased numbers of Navy assets. One thing of note is a total lack of abhuman auxiliary forces, for the Legions recruit exclusively from the Invalice system, to which contains no abhumans. They are generally viewed with disdain, worth even less than trained beasts rather than being related to men. HERALDRY: [image] Example of a Trooper [image] Example of a Sergeant [image] Example of a Commando FAMOUS REGIMENTS: Since their homeworld was brought back into the Imperium, the regiments of Invalice have performed their duty with honour and distinction. As with any force of Astra Militarum, some regiments have been lost to history while others are an amalgamation of two depleted regiments. Some of the Regiments have gone on to become well known, building their own legacies. 501st Legion Colour: Blue Moniker: Stormtroopers The oldest surviving regiment of the Invalice Legions, the 501st has the longest list of accolades of their kin. Some jealous commanders point out that as the oldest Invalacian Legion that they would naturally have the most honours, to which the Invalacians respond that such sentiment is insult to the glories of the dead. Currently lead by Commander Aranakos Dawnsbane 7th Legion Colour: Yellow Moniker: Sky Corps Officially designated as a Drop Troop regiment despite primarily being an armoured regiment, the 7th Legion excel at aerial insertions, able to take and form beachheads in the most difficult of terrain. Most of their artillery are mounted on carriages and the like, able to be deployed and set up with lightning speed or towed behind their many vehicles. One of their most famous victories was the assault on the planet Euepa Tau Prime, striking from orbit and taking the capitol city within a week despite the fact that it was nestled in the walls of one of the gargantuan sinkholes that covered the planet. Currently lead by Commander Ozrakas Bladekin 104th Legion Colour: Grey Moniker: Thorn Wolves Known by the moniker of the Thorn Wolves, named after beast of the same name from their homeworld, the 104th Legion are particularly fierce. Frequently painting icons of predatory creatures upon their armour, the 104th are a light infantry regiment famous for their ambush tactics, stalking their foes for days or even weeks before a sudden and lethal strike from all directions. Currently lead by Commander Ralshoon Miststalker
  21. One of entries that caught my eye in the new AM codex was the Crusaders unit. On the one hand this reminds me faintly of the old Frateris Milita and the Inquisitorial troops, and on the other it seems like quite a fun and fluffy way of having a themed knightly order or specialist duelling unit in a Guard army for regiments that may still have those traditions (Ventrillian Nobles perhaps?). What are people planning to use to model them with? The old Inquisitor models I imagine will be one (obvious) option, but I'm interested to see other people's ideas and models for them. Please share away! :)
  22. I have been wanting a LR punisher for a while, but didn't want to buy the full kit. I had a used Vanquisher turret and purchased a Punisher cannon bit off eBay. Please see picture for detail. Step 1: Remove Vanquisher Cannon leaving enough to connect the punisher cannon. Try to get the cut as straight and flush as possible or your new cannon will be all wonky. Step 2: Remove connecting point on Punisher cannon (you could also bore out the remaining Vanquisher for the Punisher bit to fit, I didn't have a drill bit that was large enough handy. I feel this would have been better for stability) Step 3: Clean up the pieces then glue everything together. Step 4: Prime and paint. The entire process took me about 15 mins.
  23. Hello fellow brothers, I am starting into the 40 k hobby and the tabletop, and after I got my first expierence by painting some Blood Angels I decided to get into the Astra Militarum. Here you see my Command Squad which I just finished today, and I tried my best to make it look decent. Any tips, suggestions and comments are welcome . I still have a Start Collecting Edition waiting to be assembled and painted, but it will have to wait until I have finally moved into my new flat by the 17th of october. Anyways, here are the pictures I hope they will not turn out too small, maybe you have to view them in my gallery to see the details (sorry about that, I am still new to the forum and fiddeling with the uploading and editing of pictures, thats also one of the reasons there are these horrible white boxes, sorry again ) Anyways, the Emperor protects
  24. Greetings fellow Regimental Commanders, Starting next week an 8th edition introductory Escalation League is taking place. To make it new player friendly there won’t be Command Points at the start. The Battalion Detachment is being used like the old Forces Chart to avoid people only bringing lopsided forces. If the opportunity arises I will attempt to chronicle it here. Warp Storms and Astropath nose-bleeds permitting. - I’d appreciate a review of my starting list. Mainly is it an acceptable list to bring against potential new players? My enjoyment will mostly be going pew-pew and moving metal minis. HQ 1x Company Commander [2 PL, 39pts]: Plasma Pistol & Power Sword 1x Company Commander [2 PL, 45pts]: Plasma Pistol & Power Fist 1x Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 40pts]: Swagger Stick 1x Lord Commissar [4 PL, 60pts]: Power Fist. Edit: 61pts w/Bolt Pistol, invalidates the list Troop 4x Infantry Squads [3 PL, 41pts]: Boltgun 2x Militarium Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 76pts]: 5 Scion Team w/ Plasma Pistol & 2 Plasmaguns 500 Points on the nose. If the other player is bringing a particularly weak force I can always “forget” to drop the stormtroopers.
  25. Hey guys, The other weekend I took guard to a local event and ended up winning!! Checkout the tournament report: https://youtu.be/zrHdwRv672Q I hope you enjoy :)
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