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new exclusive HH anthology - Meduson


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Meduson focuses on the "Shattered Legions" of the Iron Hands, Salamanders and Raven Guard in the aftermath of the Isstvan atrocity. It featuring tales by Dan Abnett, Graham McNeill and many more top authors.

available at the Warhammer World Grand Opening, WW exclusive!

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This is a definite purchase for me, along with Seventh Serpent (if they have it - the webstore lists it as out of stock for me). I suspect that this weekend at WHW is going to be painfully expensive laugh.png

I love the cover art work, very nicely done.

I'm hoping for a repeat of Angel Exterminatus, which had Iron Hands characters that I actually enjoyed reading about.

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I really, really, really like that artwork! That's how a 30k Iron Hand is supposed to look like, lol


As for the book, I'll definitely get it, if Mr. Abnett is writing a story in it. With any luck, we'll get the see the Khan's exiles of the V Legion from his point of view, which would kick ass.


Fingers crossed, eh?

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*snort* We'll see about that. I've gotten my hands on every "Exclusive" book off Ebay, usually for much cheaper than it was originally sold for.


Except Crimson Fist. That sucker is my Blue Fairy right now.

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*snort* We'll see about that. I've gotten my hands on every "Exclusive" book off Ebay, usually for much cheaper than it was originally sold for.


Except Crimson Fist. That sucker is my Blue Fairy right now.

That and the purge hopefully I can get them at warhammer world in august

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Funny enough, it's the short stories that I like the most nowadays. The big books have become so winding and long-winded on nonsensical stuff, that I've come to enjoy the clean and concise shorts.

The Crimson Fist, Savage Weapons, Tallarn: Executioner, Ironfire, Chuirgeon, Distant Echoes of old Night, Child of Night, Twisted, Brotherhood of the Moon, Riven... these are my classics now, my go-to stories for inspiration and enjoyment.

The last few big books have been hard for me to finish, or were so far off the mark from what i was hoping to read that I've become a touch disillusioned with the whole series.

The Anthology's and FW's Big Bad Books are what I really love about the 30k storyline. Everything else has become Lord of the Rings in space to me. confused.gif

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I can understand that and honestly Scars was the last read I really enjoyed as it covered new ideas and back story for the Vth and the lodges and even astrates training and selection.


Since then it's the same old schtick and nothing has truly been added to the history of previously unknown legions

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Funny enough, it's the short stories that I like the most nowadays. The big books have become so winding and long-winded on nonsensical stuff, that I've come to enjoy the clean and concise shorts.

The Crimson Fist, Savage Weapons, Tallarn: Executioner, Ironfire, Chuirgeon, Distant Echoes of old Night, Child of Night, Twisted, Brotherhood of the Moon, Riven... these are my classics now, my go-to stories for inspiration and enjoyment.

The last few big books have been hard for me to finish, or were so far off the mark from what i was hoping to read that I've become a touch disillusioned with the whole series.

The Anthology's and FW's Big Bad Books are what I really love about the 30k storyline. Everything else has become Lord of the Rings in space to me. confused.gif

That's because the plot is plodding around. The last time we had a meaningful advance in the Heresy was Vengeful Spirit and UE. Nearly the rest of the books have been bolter porn or useless info.

To me, it still feels like we're stuck on Isstvaan.

+1 to any writer that makes a Solar Auxilia book (hint hint Abnett please?)

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Bolter porn, my bare bahookey. Orbital artillery, Titans, Chainswords, and Bolters should be what moves this story of grand warfare on a galactic scale, not a plot centered on less than 30 people/demi-gods who consume the whole series.


We need more major campaign books. We need more Legion Companies fighting last stands. We need more sector scouring combat. Not another Unremebered Empire. 


Or another dinosaur book.

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Bolter porn, my bare bahookey. Orbital artillery, Titans, Chainswords, and Bolters should be what moves this story of grand warfare on a galactic scale, not a plot centered on less than 30 people/demi-gods who consume the whole series.


We need more major campaign books. We need more Legion Companies fighting last stands. We need more sector scouring combat. Not another Unremebered Empire. 


Or another dinosaur book.

What we need is a well written Dark Angels legion novel including flashbacks to them as the Angels Tenebrous.


It wouldn't hurt to have a novel with some of McNeills best fight scenes thrown in the mix.

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I'm torn because I really like the books that focus on the Primarchs a bit more (when they're done well ofc). I guess that could be covered more in the short stories though and have the novels for the big sweeping major campaign type stories.
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What we need is Sgt grubbing finding a weapon to change the outcome of the war only to destroy it immediately to save the imperium.....




Or we need some grim dark world burning stories where mother woman and child turn on themselves then being turned to apocalyptic ash in an instant from a single order

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I haven't read that many books and I'm still working my way through as many as I can, but I've come to agree with those who say that the Primarchs are getting too much attention. I'd love books to focus on characters such as Thiel (I know he's had a fair amount of attention, but I mean characters like him from other Legions smile.png ). Primarchs are good in moderation, but I'd like to know what was going through the minds minds of the rank and file. What drove them to do what they did? Did they ever have doubts?
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Wake me up when we get somewhere. 

I certainly second the motion of feeling stuck on Istvaan . 


The leadup books to the Heresy were great, and the opening bit dealing with Istvaan was solid, but since then I can't help but feel like we haven't really gone anywhere. Calth and Prospero both factor in to the opening moves of the Heresy. The dragged out page count isn't doing the story any favours at this point. 

Remember how the opening "trilogy" out-performed any BL books to date appearing in many lists tracking sales, and getting genuine recognition from the wider Sci-Fi market? They did that on the strength of the story, of having a good mix of exposition/world building and a real sense of progression. They spent one book setting up the nobility of the Luna Wolves, the charisma and dedication of Horus, one book to deal with the slow march to corruption and machinations, and one book where everything explodes/goes sideways. 

Now we have whole books dedicated to the 40k equivalent of Bilbo's breakfast in Lord of the Rings. 

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