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Prot's Ulta's vs Orks: w/Pics: Bikers vs Termies!


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Going with my "how did this happen?" theme, here is an end game picture I will lead off with:

gallery_2760_10191_145871.jpg+ An Ultramarine stand defiant next to an objective marker. But has he saved the day? Or cost the game? He stands by his blown up drop pod, meltagun spent, and now stares down the barrel of an Ork Flyer, while an Ork Truck sits perilously close (bottom of picture) awaiting the out come.

So my list was very similar this game as the last Astra report:

Basically (off the top of my head):

- Tigurius (Divination)

- Chapter Master, Termie armour, Hammer, and Shield Eternal

Those two guys go with:

- 3 Grav centurions, in a Landraider Redeemer with Chronos! (yea I had to try him again.)

- 2 x Stormtalons, one with Skyhammer, one with Las.

- 1 x 5 man Melta - pod squad

- 1x 6 man Missile squad in a Las/plas Razorback.

- Thunderfire Cannon.

- 5 x Assault Terminators. Yea these guys are painted, they're getting played!!! 3 x hammer/shield, 2 x Claws.

The Ork List:

- His HQ has been a very difficult one for my Ultra's to handle. An Ork Warboss w/Lucky Stick, in a max sized biker squad with Fist Nob and Painboy (FnP to squad)

- 2 x battlewagons. One with Tankbusta's and one with Lootas.

- 2-3 more little trucks with 4+ guys, and the basic 6+ guys. (lots of spam)

- 1 Dakka Jet

The Game:

- This game was a good, old fashioned GRIND! He gets first turn and this is really a huge moment. He has a few Objective points based on the marker just in my half of the table. I have my Landraider parked right there.... and we know my Ultra-Cent package is in there.

- He committed a HUGE portion of his force to this action as he knew what I had there, but he decided to lead in with his Warboss squad.

- I had a few options. He has the early lead... My cards ALSO make it so I need that same marker... here we go.


+ THIS is where we make a stand. THIS is where THEY die!!!+ :P

- It set up for an early smash-face match in the middle. I have a few options... do I flame him with the Redeemer? He'll still get his FnP. Nope, I decide to disembark in turn1. I get off the psychic power to remove his cover, and twin link my Centurions. All hell breaks lose and he loses a staggering amount of bikers.

- Of course he is following up with Trucks, and his Warboss is still heavily embedded in the squad. I can't the marker, so I assault....

med_gallery_2760_10191_11650.jpg+ Here they come. Reinforcing the bikers (to my right). My counts as (blue) Tigurius is exposed here. I would get assaulted here and a giant fight would ensue.

- I try to stall him reinforcing the middle. I drop in a pod and need an Objective on the mountains in the corner....


+ But after I score this point, I go down to stall him.... only to end up a little over my head!

gallery_2760_10191_43497.jpg++The Pod Drops - I kill a truck, putting them on foot, delaying their reinforcements. But a Dakka Jet blows up my ObSec Pod and now tries mowing down the rest of the squad...


The giant melee ensues.


+ And they keep coming, from both sides.

- He is desperately trying to tilt the outcome in his favour. But Divination gives my squad a 4+ Invulnerable save against his fists. The Chapter Master takes a few wounds during this melee... but he his hammering down bike after bike. I do challenge him, but a Nob takes the place of the Warboss. A good decision on his part, as the Nob does wound my Chapter Master, but with the Shield Eternal, he stands steady, and smashes the Nob off the planet with a hammer strike.

- Tigurius is locked against a Nob, and gets Force off, to one shot the Nob. I take a wound on a Centurion and the CM. Tigurius ALSO takes a wound! We are hitting each other pretty hard, but I need terminators to show up to be certain....


- The tide is turning, but I am tied up.... off screen a truck is over running my Tacticals, and gets a point. It is on foot now, but is trying to flood my Thunderfire as it is tearing him apart.

- my Stormtalons take side shots on his Loota Battlewagon, getting a lucky pen 7, blowing it up, taking down 6 of the Lootas! They are pinned!

- We are tied in points now. I get desperate as I see 10 boyz rushing the Thunderfire... I take a big risk. I cannot read a minimum range, so I fire the Thunderfire a foot! It deviates back on the Techmarine (hitting the artillery)! D'oh. Nice shot.

- 5 marines rush to hold off the Boyz from killing my Thunderfire, and stealing their WINNING POINT! I know it is a lost cause in that corner but I must buy time....

- The fight in the middle has broken the Ork Bikers. I get slay the Warlord. The Boyz rushing from the flank are killed, and the rest of the bikers are hit by the Terminators, but the Orks tie the Termies up with more Boyz.....


+ The Chapter Master is victorious. 1 Wound remains on him! Tigurius is also wounded...They mop up this squad, and push the tide back.

- All is not lost for the Orks. They kill the 5 man squad I am delaying them with. But my Redeemer would finally roll in, and dual flame them..... freeing up the Thuderfire again. A very close call in that corner. Giving up the corner would have given him at least 1 point and in the lead. But he has one more big chance.....

- Last turn:

- Remember that Drop Pod squad that was on a mountain? Then rushed down as a Dakka Jet flew in and a Truck rushed them? Well he just drew a card to get that marker.... the marker I just left.

- The problem is, I only have 3 guys left, and he needs this point to tie me.... So he turbo's his truckk up the hill, to claim the objective. I do have the bottom of the turn though and he realizes this so....

He shoots my last 3 marines with his Dakka jet. 2 Ultramarines die and a bizzarre.... almost "Ultramarine" moment happens here...

The last marine breaks! He breaks VERY Far.... he retreats, back up the hill.... and Automatically Rallies on top of the hill.... Right Beside the Objective he needs!

gallery_2760_10191_145871.jpg+Here we are... the first picture I posted... end game.

- This bizarre moment ends in victory through breaking !!! The Ultramarine rallies... contesting the truck from holding this point!

- I don't need to take the bottom of my turn. He can't win.

It was an incredible game. Very close, much closer than I thought. He was disappointed to be so close to tying me.

Post Game:

- My list was tested a few times. I had to keep adding to the Centurions to keep them from getting bogged down in crud. Now here I am with a MASSIVE point sink into the squad. Is this the best way?

It leaves the rest of my list with little points, but huge responsibility. Yet somehow it works. The CM is now a force. With Tigurius, the squad has always been better off, however they were always (understandably) huge targets, and easily tarpitted. Not so much now, but at a very high points cost.

- In my opinion my opponent's biggest mistake was using his Biker squad to grab the very first turn objective right in front of my Centurion/Redeemer squad. He defended this action, but quite honestly it was flat out a poor decision. Whatever he parked there was going to die (eventually). He could have used boyz, then counter charged with bikes and more boyz, but he went full out here....and lost the gamble. The bike squad with lucky stick is downright nasty, he's used to having them run the game for him. But a Chapter Master had his warboss' name written on his hammer after this one!

I need to de-construct this list and try dropping the Cents for Sternguard (combi-Grav). But it might be just more of the same.

Thanks for reading!

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You can save some points by taking artificer armor for your Chapter Master instead of terminator armor. The slow and purposeful of the Centurions spreads to the whole squad, so he doesn't need relentless.

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I guess in hindsight the thing is I've wanted to use my model from the limited box from Strike Force Ultra. So I admit it might be deficient in this situation.... but I'm a sucker for a cool model. lol


That being said.... I am now working on the Armour Idomitus model from the Astartes Strike box... another model I love. I'll probably carry the Combi Grav.... and burning blade. I was going to stick him in a pod with Tiggy as a Captain... still thinking about it though!


Thanks for the comment.

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So the chapter who can't fistfight beats a race made for fistfighting with a unit that can't fistfight ( because mittens) against their best fistfighting unit. Its like I always say the Ultramarines choose to be a shooty army because if they went choppy it would be too easy.


I want some rough stats like how many models each and rough points total for that fight.


Thanks for the batreps. I read the Astra one too.

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I don't want to be a party pooper but I don't think that the retreating marine at the end can claim an objective as he only rallies at the beginning of your next turn.


Since this was the last turn he would still be running from failing Ld test no?


Can someone verify please? No acces to the rules atm.

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Great batrep!! I love the easy flow of it and the pictures are great with the narrative!!

I also have the Strike Force Termi Lord (captain), it's such a cool model!! I'm all about playing cool even if it dictates a sub-par option.


Well played.


End of Line

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I think the orks went first (top of turn) so the marine broke in the ork player turn and then auto rallies in his player turn( bottom of turn). Hope I got that right.

Ah! If this is the case then yes, he rallies.


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I think the orks went first (top of turn) so the marine broke in the ork player turn and then auto rallies in his player turn( bottom of turn). Hope I got that right.


This is how it went down. Yes, I had the bottom of the turn. A great ending to that game though.


Thanks for checking it out.

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