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Your three must have units for Faction: BA


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You find yourself in the unenviable position of having enough Blood Angels to field whatever you like and you have to make a list which wont roll over. What three units are the first on your roster and why?


(Yes, this can include Forgeworld but lets keep it away from Allies for now.)



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My three:


Relic Sicaran Battle Tank with the Schism of Mars upgrade.

  • Arguably the best tank we have access to and boosted by given the Tank Hunter upgrade
Grav-armed Bike Squad with multi-melta Attack Bike
  • 2 x grav guns, combi-grav, melta bombs and a multi-melta Attack Bike all for 163 points. Extremely good value
Stormraven Gunship with the War of Murder upgrade
  • TLAC, TLMM, TLHB and Monster Hunter? Yes please!
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Death Company: best combat unit in the game in my opinion. They flood the enemy in dice and a bit of AP and don't really care about small arms back.


Librarian Dread: coolest psychic powers and in the right place this thing will rek anyone's day.


Meltacide pod: dead prized enemy armour. Wake up and smell the slag and tears my angels, this is us.


Honourable mention: all of our fast armour. Preds and Vindis moving 12 and unloading is a beautiful sight. Hopefully they'll get FAQ'D to squads if Vanilla do <3

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  • Big Crispin - Furioso dread with Heavy Flamer and a Frag Cannon in a Drop Pod.


  • Sniper Scouts (yes really) A 10 man squad infiltrating into cover with camo is very hard to shift and if they occasioanly roll a rending precision shot to take out a flamer etc then even better. :)


  • Storm Raven. Lascannon, Multimelta, Hurricane bolters and Stormstrike Missile.

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Death Company for the sheer adaptability and power


Librarian Dread for the hell it can unleash


Stormraven Gunship for the fact that it can carry and act as a mobile platform for anti-almost everything. 


Not surprising that I have all three in my army. I'm a money where mouth is sort of fellow. 

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My three:


Relic Sicaran Battle Tank with the Schism of Mars upgrade.

  • Arguably the best tank we have access to and boosted by given the Tank Hunter upgrade
Grav-armed Bike Squad with multi-melta Attack Bike
  • 2 x grav guns, combi-grav, melta bombs and a multi-melta Attack Bike all for 163 points. Extremely good value
Stormraven Gunship with the War of Murder upgrade
  • TLAC, TLMM, TLHB and Monster Hunter? Yes please!


I play nids all the time and a SR with WoM is a must have to keep dakkatyrants in check!


I have a Relic Sicarian and 2 bike squads en route to the house now. I proxied chaos bikes as per your grav load out and I trashed a Dimacaron with it and Danta/SP/10SG on the charge in a recent game.

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1. Stormraven with hurricane bolters, twin-linked multi-melta, and twin-linked assault cannon


2. Meltacide squads


3. My 5 man, naked scout squad that has earned most of my objective capturing points

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No one has FW stuff where I play so:

1.  DC - 10-15 man squad, jump packs, 1 fist.
2.  Sang Priest - Cant Believe no ones posted this yet.  He compliments anything, Sang Guard, Terminators, Assault Squad, Bike squad.  hes just so good to add to the hammer unit.
3.  Land Raider - Gets DC and Terminators into battle 

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If you play Blood Angels to win (or offer a good game)

  • Relic Sicaran Battle Tank with the Schism of Mars upgrade
  • Fire Raptor Gunship with upgrade of choice
  • Death Company (Sang Guard are better in my limited experience)


If you play Blood Angels because you like Blood Angels

  • Death Company (and shred dread)
  • Sanguinary Guard
  • Furioso Dread - or-
  • Vanguard (arguably a throwback to the old Assault vets of the PDF era)


If you play Blood Angels because you like painting red

  • Storm raven with hurricane bolters upgrade
  • Tactical squad
  • Baal predator

Edit: spelling

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I like combining force multipliers with my prefered units.


For example, DC with a couple of fists, coupled with a Chaplain and Dante is a beatface combo I often run. Chappy gives rerolls to hit to the unit in the first round of combat, DC obviously have rage so extra attacks on the charge, Dante brings some high I ap2 hits and hit and run for repeat bonuses.


Another combo I like is Sternguard with Mephiston in a rhino (throw in a Sang Priest if you're feeling extra crazy). Sternues take a couple of combo plas, powerfist on the sgt (mostly because of the old model which is kickass, but it does help if we run into anything Meph can handle - I.e 2+ saves), Meph rolls on either Divination, Biomancy or takes the primaris from Sang and Div depending on what I'm facing. You can do a budget version with a normal Libby, bit the great thing about Meph is that he can tank small arms fire fore the squad and if needed he can leave the unit to punch a tank to death.


Finally a unit that I always have in my lists is MM attack bikes, in my opinion they're much better than drop Melta ASM, principally because Melta isn't as reliable for killing tanks as it used to be and often if the ASM fail on the drop they won't get a second chance. MM Attack bikes are more durable, have better range and better mobility. For me, they win out every time.



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It's tough to list 3 of them. 


DC used to be a staple unit for me but I think they often underperform. Haven't tried running them with more power weapons yet, I thinking at least least 3-4 on a 10 man if they are to be effective without further support. 


The things I always miss if I don't take them are the Librarian dreadnought and the storm raven. massed S10 force attacks with high I and AP2 is darn useful. The raven is also one of those utility units that seems expensive on paper but offer so much on the table. 

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There are so many good looking or unique to blood angels models out there I find a narrow down to be quite difficult but here goes.


●llibrarian dreadnought- looks really cool and has its moments of greatness.


●ccassor the dammed- a dreadnought too choice, yes please


●sanguinary guard- fantastic looking models and got so much more useful in this edition.

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The table so far:



Death Company



Stormraven Gunship












Furioso Librarian Dreadnought



"Fragioso" Dreadnought

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank






Bike Squad



"Sniper" Scouts

"Combat" Scouts

Tactical Squad

Attack Bike Squadron

Predator Destructor

Malakim Phoros

Spartan Assault Tank

Land Raider

Sanguinary Priest


Vanguard Veterans

Fireraptor Gunship

Sanguinary Guard

Cassor the Damned

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