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Vulkan Hestan scratch build


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Hello folks,

While trying to figure out what army to play, i have been reading various 40k stories and a short time ago i encountered the Nick Kyme's Salamanders series. I read the omnibus and found myself hooked, especially on the character of Vulkan He'stan, so imagine my disappointment upon finding the standard issue model for him in the SM codex. Far from a dynamic and powerful warrior it look s more like he is wrapped in a shawl and about to trip over. And his spear, the Spear of Vulkan, capable of even burning ceramite! ...which looks more akin to a rusty poker. huh.png

All in all, most disapointing. down.gif

So it occurred to me to knock together a model more in keeping with the dynamic and skilled warrior that is Vulkan He'stan in the books.

So here is the prototype build...









So there you are - the first draft. (Sorry for the dubious photo quality!) Although distinctly lacking lizard bits, a cloak, or anything else like that, i hope it still gives you a rough idea of the pose/movement i'm going for. wacko.png

Any comments, feedback, advice, feedback, etc. welcome as per usual! biggrin.png


Arg. turned.gif

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Definitely a good start, but like you admitted, he probably needs some bits and bobs to really stand out.  If you can get a hold of the Dark Elf Corsair cloaks from WFB, they can be pared down to make really nice dragon-scale capes for Marines (I've used a couple of my Alpha Legionnaires, for example, though they are really popular on Sallies). 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! biggrin.png

Well, at long last, i have had a chance to build a bit more...

Thank you to Deus Ex Ferrum and deathspectersgt7 for your suggestions. Both bits of advice were most usefull as you will see a little further down this post! smile.png

SickSix i know what you mean, however i am trying to go for the martial arts pose usually struck by spear and sword masters while running in your traditional Kung fu film (with the subtle addition of a flamethrower furious.gif ).

So firstly, from Spellcrow, the loincloth and crest...


The dark elf corsair cloaks were nice to work with and i managed to splice two togeather for a suitably large cloak with a little green stuff..


The Spear of Vulkan is taking shape...



In addition, i have decided to increase the the overall size and bulk of the model. As my greenstuff skills are a somewhat lacking proper truescaling is a little beyond me, however i have taken inspiration from a few threads in here and have started usung plasticard spacers to increase the scale of marines. I have also started to convert the armour to more closly match the workshop original.

Here is the original...


And the body conversion so far...




It is still very scrubby and needs tidying up alot. I need to try and clean up the greanstuffing to level out the armour plates slightly and some more brass bits are needed, however here is the model tacked togeather with some bluetack...





So there he is so far. I hope you like him so far! smile.png

Once again, please forgive the dubious phone camera pics.

Any comments and/or feedback welcome.


Arg biggrin.png

He's looking very nice! My biggest concern with it is that outstretched "stop" hand. It's not GW's finest work, even as a launcher support, it just doesn't look natural. He would look great with a clenched fist or one of the pointing hands, or possibly even a reposing of the new Librarian in TDA hand, if it were the right scale. The torso is looking great (you are a much braver man than I doing those sculpted flames, good on ya!) and I like the work on the spear!

Well, with all the comments about the 'STOP' (..in the name of love?huh.png ) hand i have decided to reevaluate the situation and look for an alternative. I have had a look around and have ordered a slection of marine mitts as seen on the sternguard sprue, from which (hopefully) something suitable can be crafted. We shall see...

Watch this space (marine)! biggrin.png

  • 2 weeks later...


Only a minor update unfortunately. Work and family life is all a bit hectic at the moment.

So, by popular demand, the hand has gone and been replaced.



(Please ignore the rather messy greenstuff/milliput on the legs. This will be cleaned up shortly.)

I have been sidetracked slightly by some terminators, courtesy of Lamenter's truescale terminator guide (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/261932-truescale-terminator-tutorial/). However, as Salamanders Fire-drakes are described as wearing a 'Drake-helm' i thought i would try and convert something suitable to go with said terminators so, here is my first attempt at a 'Drake-helm'. (Please note the dubious paint is just to try and pick up some detail as when just base-coated it just looked like a black blob! dry.png ). The prototype is made form a plastic terminator head and a plastic chaos heavy weapon muzzle.



More to follow shortly, hopefully. rolleyes.gif

Hope you like it so far!

Any feedback/advice etc. welcome as per usual. smile.png



  • 6 months later...

Hello folks! Long time no see. Life has a way of getting in the way sometimes... biggrin.png

Well, at long last I have managed to get some time to myself and finally finish off Vulkan He'stan!

It has been an interesting learning curve and i have finally concluded green paint and I do not get along. At all. Ever. wacko.png

However, I am generally quite pleased with him as a model and think it captures the dynamism of this character quite nicely.

So here you are! please let me know what you think... smile.png









So there you go!

As per usual, apologies about the dubious pic quality. dry.png

I hope you like him.

Any comments/feedback welcome! biggrin.png




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