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Tartaros vs Cataphractii


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My model has one and the ruler of cool says, a hero has a sword to point at the enemy and yell "charge!!!" ;)


But can you all please give me a rating on gear like


Double power claws

Grenade harness

Flammer or reaper


Pros and cons etc.

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To expansive, useless with unwieldy CCW, good in ZM and cool but mediocre.

First of all I have to make clear, that there is no vanilla build which always works no matter what.

It depends on which Legion you play, which play style you love and your army list in total, but I have made good results with

four fists, one chainsaw, one Plasmablaster and three Combi-weapons with Plasma Guns in a Dreadclaw.

If ya need tank stopping power just change the weapons for Combi-Meltas.

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All three of those categories of items are largely useless.

Lightning claws let your terminators bully power armor, which is a saturated job field, and they are relatively expensive. Grenade harness is only useful for lightning claws, which we already covered. Heavy flamers are an uninspired choice in a 2+/3+ armor world, while the reaper is a meek anti-transport weapon which is the last thing you want your terminators going after.

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Mostly RG-centric, but grenade harnesses have real use on tartaros equipped with raven's talons, especially on command squad builds with combi-plasmas for breaking up elite units. My preferred method is to run 4 man CS + praetor out of a dreadclaw, the 4 base attacks is really hard to argue with when weight of attacks earns you those rends.



also first post, Hi!

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A single claw is barely better than the free power sword (and arguably worse than a free power axe in a setting where there are Sv2+ artificer sgts and elite combat squads).  I think Raven Guard can pull off a unit like this with their furious charge terminators with rending talons, or Sons of Horus Justaerin who also have furious charge and would get an extra swing in.  Still, the cost/performance ratio leaves much to be desired, considering it's designed to kill power armor.  Claw upgrade should be 5 points for the pair as an economic terminator unit option. Making it cost more than the much more flexible and potent power fist/combi-weapon combo is just ludicrous.

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BA gets good Claws as they wound on one better value. It works well against monstrous creatures like castellax or iron circle as you wound on 5+ with reroll.

This is actually better than it sounds, because of being able to remove bots before I1 where they get to swing. Most of my 30k games so far are against World Eaters and Mechanicum, and so far in every single mechanicum matchup the CS I mentioned before has usually managed to either wipe or severely reduce castellax squads before getting hit back, which can make all the difference vs AP2 hits from the smash USR.


One interesting use of Tartaros I've seen from a UM player was actually to use them with a reaper to hold mid-field objective with a hard armor/assault unit (logos lectora in play) and while they were holding it using that reaper to trigger interlocking tactics. When I asked him why Tartaros over Cata he said it was because after using both variants the Tartaros were able to get to where they needed to be more reliably from the runs, and can sweep units after a counter-attack.

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First of all, why in the world would they be using Smash vs. infantry? That is only used if you want to hit with S10 and re-roll armor penetration.


Second, having the Smash rule makes all your melee attacks resolve at AP2, and you get to attack at initiatve.


Third, even if you do use the smash attack, you still get to strike at initiative, just you only get one attack.


I think you guys are playing this unit all wrong, and by extension all monstrous creatures.

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First of all, why in the world would they be using Smash vs. infantry? That is only used if you want to hit with S10 and re-roll armor penetration.


Second, having the Smash rule makes all your melee attacks resolve at AP2, and you get to attack at initiatve.


Third, even if you do use the smash attack, you still get to strike at initiative, just you only get one attack.


I think you guys are playing this unit all wrong, and by extension all monstrous creatures.

I was referring to the AP2 effect of the smash USR, and you are correct it's I3 instead of I1. (my mistake) I suppose I'm fortunate that my opponent plays reductor/tahgata over cybernetica.

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Thousand sons Tartaros with Raptora cult arcana work well as an assault unit, boosting their invuln to the same level as cataphractii is very useful, I run a pride list using transported Tartaros to spearhead and take objectives and hunker down on them with a unit of cataphractii (also with Raptora) to hold it. In saying that I've always preferred Tartaros in my other legions anyway, I prefer their sleek look over catas TBH
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Thousand sons Tartaros with Raptora cult arcana work well as an assault unit, boosting their invuln to the same level as cataphractii is very useful, I run a pride list using transported Tartaros to spearhead and take objectives and hunker down on them with a unit of cataphractii (also with Raptora) to hold it. In saying that I've always preferred Tartaros in my other legions anyway, I prefer their sleek look over catas TBH


At the same time, you could take those same guys, put em in Cataphractii armor and be rocking a 3++ while getting to keep your ranged weapon. Watch the Fists and Salamanders cry salty tears of jealousy.


If you really dig on the Tartaros armor, you might as well boost up that sweeping advance. With Pavoni, you'd get a +1 to your sweep distance as well as the more useful Biomancy powers.


But, if your heart is set on Tartaros and Raptora, might as well make them Sekhmet Termies. The increased points is more than offset by the gained wargear and abilties and stats. You could potentially wipe a whole unit of Castallax with these monsters before they get to hit you back lol.

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Well you don't have to go Pavoni to get that bonus with the unit.  You can simply attach a Pavoni Primus Medicae.


Also, I think it was Charlo who brought up the Herald.  TS may actually be in a position to get the most out of that guy, since he can still deep strike in Crimson King RoW, or even in other Rites he can join a unit of Sekhmet who can Levitate around with him or go into a transport.


A Pavoni Herald would add to his unit +1" to charge, +1" (or +2"?) to run, +1 to sweep, and re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 when charging, and all but the sweeping would apply to every LA unit within 12". Whatever powers the unit may use, whether it's Fiery Form for a 4++, or Levitate to move around, etc, he can take advantage of it.

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