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Writ of the Battle-Kings: Ultramarines XVI Company


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"This is surely the twilight of the Imperial Truth, yet I know not whether it would be preferable to die now in Mankind's darkest hour; or live to witness the bleak dawn should we emerge victorious..."

- Anon

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse."

- the philosopharch Johannes Mylles, circa M2

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Thanks guys smile.png I've been meaning to do some work on my Ultras for some time, but I really wanted to do a little bit more than just some crude WiP shots.

Proper spear type weapons like that aren't one you see often with Space Marines, but it really works.

I have my puppy to thank for that - I had to come up with an alternative weapon after the little terror chewed up the sword I was planning to use rolleyes.gif

Anyway, it's update time...

Invictarus Daemarion

A long-serving member of the Invictarii formation, Daemarion was promoted to the rank of Centurion scant weeks before the cataclysmic series of events that would become known as the Calth atrocity. Ultimately, this promotion would save Daemarion's life; his duties to Tetrarch Amyntas placing him away from the Veridia system during the latter phases of the Calth Conjunction.

In the wake of the planet-wide evacuation of Calth, his command cadre was assigned to serve alongside the partially-decimated XVIth Company. Legion records state that Daemarion's charge was to temporarily bolster the XVIth Company’s fighting strength and similarly act as both aide and adviser for Captain Argania and his senior commanders, whilst the XVIth conducted operations to blunt the so called 'Shadow Crusade' that was carving a path of ruination across the Five Hundred Worlds. This would prove to be an assignment fraught with unseen difficulties, especially given the appearance of a silent divide between those of the XIIIth who had fought the treacherous Word Bearers at Calth and those among their number now considered "unmarked".

In battle, Daemarion wields an arcane power-spear; utilising a mode of combat similar to that of the ancient Hellenic Leagues of old Earth. Ever eager to prove his fighting prowess, he would often be found in the vanguard of a shield-phalanx, demonstrating his talent for blade-work with murderous efficiency.


Panoply of War:

1. Artificer-wrought powered armour: A heavily modified set of artificer plate; Daemarion's armour incorporates aesthetic elements from several contemporary armour patterns - that of the 'Corvus' and 'Crusade' types being the most prominent. The armour's motive functions and articulations have also been enhanced, allowing for increased levels of agility and speed, although such unsanctioned modifications have been known to stress the armour's kinetic output generators.

2. Astartes boarding shield: The shield was commissioned on Daemarion's behalf, upon his induction into the higher echelons of Legion Command. Of particular note is that it has been crafted it in the style of an 'escutcheon', as opposed to the 'scutum' shape more commonly associated with XIIIth Legion Breachers. The shield's application and combat statistics remain comparable to that of its more orthodox kin.

3. Power-spear 'Olyndikos': This relic-weapon is thought to have been found within a sealed techno-arcana vault during the mass geo-excavation of Anuaris and later given over to the XIIIth as a tribute of arms. The weapon's potent disruption field generator, combined with Daemarion's genehanced strength allows him to wield Olyndikos with lethal effect and he is able to effectively engage the most heavily armoured opponents.

4. Cybernetic implants: The legacy of a head wound he suffered during the Glacciar extermination campaign. The bionic eye functions in a similar manner to the "heads-up display" found on most Astartes-issue helms. Furthermore, it allows for full augury and spectroscopic scanning, as well as direct interfacing with the Legion's Command and Control network.




Don't wanna sound like a broken record but I seriously love the spear! I'm glad your dog chewed up the sword ;) I'm definitely making an UM character with a spear. He's seriously cool. The pose is perfect, the helmet looks really good too, have you upscaled him much because that guardsman looks really small next to him haha.

...have you upscaled him much because that guardsman looks really small next to him haha.

No upscaling needed smile.png the 32mm base gives it a bit of extra height and Forgeworld's human/astartes sculpts tend to be scaled more realistically than GW's plastics.

Amazing work, bro! The shield and spear combo looks really great (like a Greek hero). Really looking forward to seeing some more thumbsup.gif

Thanks man! I've got more stuff on the way happy.png

Amazing work. Is the extra green stuff on the shield coming off, or will it represent battle damage?

The extra greenstuff is to give the shield a flat surface - I hacked away too much of it in places, when I was removing the Imperial Fist iconography.

Olis: Thank you for your kind words, my lord. happy.png

I have another update tonight, I've been working on my remaining HQ choices. Here's Captain Argania and Codicier Orchos:



++Operation break++


++Operation complete++

Some of you may recognise the captain from something I began a while ago. I decided to revisit it and resculpt the Legion symbols, in an attempt to make them less flat and more symmetrical.

Thanks for looking!

Olis: Thank you for your kind words, my lord. happy.png

I have another update tonight, I've been working on my remaining HQ choices. Here's Captain Argania and Codicier Orchos:



++Operation break++

This guy looks great and the sculpted icons are superb, but do you plan on removing the XVI numerals and the Eye of Horus from the knee?

A Word Bearer head? I hope you're going to cover up those Colchisian runes :P Looking really good, dude! A great sense of action and momentum.


You're making it very hard to resist starting some XIII legionaries of my own...


Looking forward to seeing some paint on them :tu:

I'd shower you with praise, but i can't...form...coherent....thoughts....


Thank you, my lord. Your acknowledgement is praise enough. happy.png



I'm not usually a fan of the Ultramarines, however these are fantastic. I can't wait to see how they progress. ^^

Thanks, hopefully I can do them justice.

Bloody nice indeed.

Look forward to seeing some paint on these boys.


Thank you. I do need to figure out a suitable paintscheme for them!

That's awesome!

I'm glad you like them!

Great stuff! happy.png I really need to get better at gs'ing. The Agemos are perfect wub.png

The agemos aren't too difficult once you've got the hang of it. I had considered making a tutorial, but given the new upgrades that Forgeworld and GW have released, I don't think there would be much demand for one anymore!

This guy looks great and the sculpted icons are superb, but do you plan on removing the XVI numerals and the Eye of Horus from the knee?

Thanks, I'm ever in awe of your superlative sculpting and modelling skills, so I appreciate your input. For the purposes of this miniature, the numerals represent his company, rather than his legion. I had considered changing it to 'XIII', but as it's so small, I didn't think I could pull it off and have it look reasonable. So I based my whole company around it instead(!) The Eye of Horus will be removed though. smile.png

A Word Bearer head? I hope you're going to cover up those Colchisian runes tongue.png Looking really good, dude! A great sense of action and momentum.

You're making it very hard to resist starting some XIII legionaries of my own...

Looking forward to seeing some paint on them thumbsup.gif

The irony was not lost on you then? tongue.png Yeah, the runes will be gone by the time I'm done with him. And thanks, I feel the same about the III every time I look at your thread. wub.png

He looks really cool. That doesn't really cover how I feel, but I never really know what to say haha.

Much appreciated, brother!

Ouch ! Those two models are really awesome

Thank you, I'm a huge fan of your V Legion stuff! biggrin.png

Excellent models. I'm really loving these - they're some of the best Space Marines I've seen for a while.

Incredibly kind of you to say so, sir!


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