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Jokaero or not Jokaero that is the question

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Hi Everyone,


I just finished to convert ratlings into Jokaero (i may put some pictures one day)

for a total of 6 Jokaeros

I love to play my inquisition with light and cheap henchmen to have multiple but threatening units


So i play several units of 12 henchmen on foot composed of 11 acolytes with storm bolters and a psyker

and i hope to fish misfortune on one of my psyker (give weapon that shoot the target rending).

So each henchmen unit cost 87 pts (which is cheap for 22  ,24" s4 shots and a psy power).

Adding a Jokaero in each unit may boost a little bit their reliability (any boost from the jokaero are welcome)

however it make jump the price of the unit to 122 pts (so almost +50% cost) and as the unit may move during the game the Jokaero will have little chance to shoot.


So do you think adding a Jokaero to henchmen worth the points cost?

or is it better to invest in even more henchmens instead?

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It feels like their strengths, mainly the heavy weapons, is lost on a foot unit. Maybe trucking around in a chimera would serve them better. That way you would be able to use the lascannons on the move and then the multimelta when in position.

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Leave the filthy xenos at home or put him with your Inquisitor for that great Assault Insurance. It really depends on how you play, in the end. If you like to keep your Inquisitor in the back, do as Grendal says and plop them all in a Chimera (I assume you have better units than Acolytes surrounding the big "I"). You'll get AV protection and you'll also have the filthy, orange scumball there for his Lascannon shot. If you play the Inquisitor as stabby for some reason and he's seeing some action, leave the xenos at home.

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But if the Chimera move even by only 6" the lascannon or multi melta can only be used by snapshot on a 6+

I was considering to move in a transport but the mobility kill his firepower or did i miss something?

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I'm pondering the same tactic, but I spent the points on carapace armour for the acolytes. I think that the Jokaero's fixin's are worth the points to give the storm bolters a 30" range (on an Assault weapon!), Rending (on 20 shots), give my acolytes a 3+ save - or even two of these bonuses! I see the heavy flamer as Overwatch protection if charged, and if I can fire the Lascannon, that's just a bonus.


That's the theory. I'm only converting these models now - hope to try them out in a battle soon.

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