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Astorath or Mephiston (or someone/thing else entirely)?

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Hey everybody,


I'm looking for some advice and maybe a general comparison of these 2 unique HQs for use with my small DC squad I plan on playing. I'm currently planning on running a unit consisting of 5 DC infantry, Cypher, and either Mephiston or Astorath (or like the title says, someone/thing else entirely). Right now I'm leaning more towards Mephiston as it's a relatively small DC squad, it would be nice to have some buffs for Cypher from a psyker, and Mephiston is just generally a pretty solid IC especially since I will either be infiltrating (depending on warlord trait rolls w/ Veritas Vitae relic) or outflanking to get the unit up close quick. However, Astorath really buffs the DC guys by adding re-rolls to hit and to wound and his axe is pretty awesome. Maybe at a higher point army I would add more DC guys and Astorath would have more of an impact, but I'm wondering what everyone's opinion on these 2 are and specifically which one would make more sense in my situation with Cypher adding his buffs to the unit.

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Remember that you cannot charge on T1 if you infiltrate. Cypher is better with shooty units.


Also remember that Cypher does not grant infiltrate to a unit. If you want to infiltrate Cypher + Meph + Death co, you need to roll the infiltrate warlord trait, then use it to give Meph infiltrate, and the DC infiltrate (counting as 2 of your Units).


If you choose Meph or Astorath, and they are your warlord, you stand no chance of using VV to get the infiltrate trait that you need to infiltrate the death company.


Outflanking is fine, if you keep them all in reserve, however that is a lot of points off table.


How about a fast attack drop pod, 8 man bolter death company, cypher, mephiston?

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So, let me start by saying that I'm pretty new to 40k and most of my planning is based off of theory and not practice, but my general plan would be to infiltrate with cypher, the dc with bolt pistols, and mephiston because ultimately if cypher and mephiston are going to be a part of the shooting, then they're going to want to be within 12" for their plasma pistols. While this would result in close combat pretty quickly and maybe not take full advantage of cypher's buffs that would work well with a shooty unit, 1. the dc and mephiston are all pretty nasty in close combat, especially with the extra attack from pistols and if I can lock an enemy unit in close combat then that would save my guys from getting shot at and then after the enemy's assault phase I can take advantage of Hit and Run (if there's anyone left in the enemy unit) and setup a round of shooting again and then get right back into close combat.

I'm basically going to be taking a couple of 5 man tac squads w/ a lascannon in each to meet FOC requirements and provide some mid and longer range shooting, a vindicator for heavy fire and providing some defense, a vindicare assasin for long range sniping of major threats, and a sanguinary guard unit of 5 with Dante and a Priest who will be my warlord with the VV and a jetpack. Also, I will mainly be playing for fun with friends, nothing really competitive, but it would still be nice to have an effective army to beat up my friends' armies with msn-wink.gif

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I'm pretty sure the rules got FAQ'd to stop you from attaching a character with infiltrate to a squad without it to grant said unit the infiltrate special rule. But if you do want to attach Mephiston and Cypher to Death Company amd get them close fast- consider a drop pod. Land it in ruins or some kind of cover and deploy the squad inside the terrain then boom- 3+ cover save(or better). I would suggest having something else threatening drop the same turn - Fragisio- to deflect fire or else they will eat ALL THE BULLETS.
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First of all - currently Cypher can be used only with faction Dark Angels or Chaos, so to get him you must ally with one of those factions (or DA rather ;-) ).


This is incorrect. Cypher can be taken in the primary detachment of any Chaos or Imperial force bar Dark Angels. Here he takes up no slot on the FOC.


His Faction is either Faction: Dark Angels or Faction: Chaos Space Marines. This is decided at the start of the game and governs how he interacts with your army. Sadly, this also means we can only use him in a CAD.

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Hey everybody,


I'm looking for some advice and maybe a general comparison of these 2 unique HQs for use with my small DC squad I plan on playing. I'm currently planning on running a unit consisting of 5 DC infantry, Cypher, and either Mephiston or Astorath (or like the title says, someone/thing else entirely). Right now I'm leaning more towards Mephiston as it's a relatively small DC squad, it would be nice to have some buffs for Cypher from a psyker, and Mephiston is just generally a pretty solid IC especially since I will either be infiltrating (depending on warlord trait rolls w/ Veritas Vitae relic) or outflanking to get the unit up close quick. However, Astorath really buffs the DC guys by adding re-rolls to hit and to wound and his axe is pretty awesome. Maybe at a higher point army I would add more DC guys and Astorath would have more of an impact, but I'm wondering what everyone's opinion on these 2 are and specifically which one would make more sense in my situation with Cypher adding his buffs to the unit.


Out of the two, Mephiston would be the best option, especially as he has the potential to buff the unit more. Adding Astorath makes the Death Company a high priority target and you wont be getting the benefit of his jump pack. However, you still need to purchase a regular HQ to take the Vertias Vitae. So, perhaps a regular Chaplain to accompany them?


Alternatively, a Mephsiton, Cypher, Sanguinary Priest and Vanguard with a few Storm Shields could be very interesting.

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