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Chimera/Leman Russ Conversion Bits

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I've been looking online, preparing to start up a new IG army for my Marines. Thing is, I'm not very handy. I'm looking for some drop-in turrets or other modifications that I can easily make to a Leman Russ or Chimera.

I'm building a conversion Marine army, and have found bits aplenty, but IG seems not to get quite as much love. Well, their infantry gets a lot of attention while the tanks get almost none.
I've seen the FW and Kromlech turrets, but am wanting to see what else is out there before I start buying bits for conversions. (Also posted on Miniwargaming, trying to cover my bases)
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Is that using IG models for a marine army, or the other way around? I have no idea how you'd fit say a chimera turret on a rhino without being a little "handy" as you called it.


And isn't scale a huge issue for the troop units etc?


Expectantly awaiting further development of the thread.

I've found loads of bits for converting marines, that's the easy part.

I'm looking to find special bits for an IG contingent. Since the new SM dex came out, I'm banking that IG is soon to follow with a new codex. I'm not going to start buying models until I see the next codex, but I want to start planning now. I'm a treadhead at heart, so I'm going for a fully-mechanized force. I'm planning on using the Chapterhouse mod for making my chimeras a wheeled vehicle instead of tracked, and possibly using the FW autocannon turret instead of the standard multilaser turret.

I'm wanting to find some bits to modify the look of the Leman Russ tanks that will invariably roll with my Chimeras.

My guess would be late this year at the earliest for a new IG codex, but GW seem intent on a quick pace so who knows?


I'm not aware of there being much for Russ tanks bits, certainly turrets. Mostly seems to be kitbashing.

officially there are the following variants of leman russ types:

-Mars alpha pattern (hull)

-Ryza pattern (turret)

-gryphonne  IV pattern(turret)

-stygies VIII pattern (turret)


and those are only the official patterns from forgeworld. basicly any vehicle that fits the footprint is usable,as long as its armed properly.

I would even allow malcadors to be used. In fact, there are some great malcador/russ conversions out there for a unique, typically 40k style look! while others have made macharius style russes as well!

I took a second look at the FW turrets. They don't have two of the seven Leman Russ variants, not a huge problem. I do like the longer, more curved shape the FW turrets have. I just wish they had all seven. Maybe the Punisher/Eradicator bore/barrel will fit on the FW turret ...

Took a look at the Mars Alpha hull ... not a fan. I'm looking to make a force with a more modern appearance. The Mars Alpha looks like a pattern from the 1920's.


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