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Dragonlover's Daemonkin - The Harvest - ETL V Kytan WIP


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So, I figured I'd start a Daemonkin army as both something to use as a hobby break from whatever Legion I'm working on, and also an army where I have less personal constraints on what I want in it, so don't get annoyed with the fact that I have to run certain units because they're good. It also means that if I want to paint something that doesn't fit with one of my Legions, I can do it here instead.


I'm assuming that at some point we'll be seeing the Kin of other gods, which will make life that bit more interesting in here, but for now, keep calm and BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!


First up is my current ETL vow, my Lord and his Retinue




Not worked out a name for him yet, but fluff-wise he's ex-Alpha Legion. The only things he retains from those days are mild paranoia and the occasional bit of subterfugeical thinking, which is why him and his retinue are all identical, and the only thing marking the leader out is the nice obvious trophy rack.


I've spent the last little while stripping and salvaging models from the last 14-odd years. Berzerkers were my first proper army back in 3rd Ed, so a lot of the Berzerker models are from then and have been dropped, bashed, sat on and generally mistreated. I've managed to salvage 18 intact ones, which you can see in the upper right of this picture:




On the left, there are 10 Bikers. 8 of them are a bike squad with 2 meltagunners and a powerfist, one of them is a hastily thrown together fisticlaw lord and the last is *looks*... a champion with a plasma pistol? He'll be changed. Not sure what for yet, but he'll be changed.


Then, I have many Marines.






I'm not gonna do *all* of these as Khorne Daemonkin, probably only 20-30 of them, starting with the guys that have already been stripped. After all, I've got seven more Legions to go, plus any other Daemonkin books that come out.


I've also got 20 Bloodletters that are mostly finished and a Maulerfiend that just needs a paint job, as well as a Jugger lord that I could repurpose if I can really be bothered. Might just get some plastics, it'll be less effort than sticking him back together every 3 games.


Colours wise, I'm painting them up as The Harvest. I fell in love with the fluff about them nicking a fortress and manning the walls about two seconds after I read it, and it's totally different to my World Eaters, who I did mainly bone.



That's a big project, I'm looking forward to see them painted. I like the "ponny tail" CSM heads you put on the Terminators, it looks really good.

I also started with CSM(BL) early in the hobby, they are going to be used as allies to my upcoming Deamon army.

The BL stuff is actually from where J bought some guys army. My first force was all Khorne all the time. Turns out they were painted the exact same colour as I'm about to paint them, just with different trim. Damn GW and their changing paint names!

I figure there's no point stripping the BL guys, the Khorne Red spray will cover the trim well enough.

Thanks for the comment about the heads. I'm not a fan of the giant tusk helms in all cases, and I had an overabundance of topknot heads to use, so it made sense. I've got a pic of them with actual paint on, I'll edit it in once I'm not on my phone.




Here's the Terminators. The trim is Steel Legion Drab, followed by 2:1 Skeleton Bone:Steel Legion Drab. The initial Drab is just so the bone covers better. I'm gonna highlight with pure Bone.




Looking good, you're off to a great startthumbsup.gif.

Every now and then you find that short story that inspires you. Do you have a link to The Harvest short story?

I still remeber Renegades by Gav, how a loyal chapter turns into Chaos, that story was so great, I almost repainted my BL into them. But I'm going turn them into a Tzeentch warband (after reading Alligiance) in the colours of Thousand Sons.

Done the trim highlights on the first 4 guys. Pretty pleased with myself, this is the first time I've ever properly highlighted anything.





Glad to hear it Brother Mayhem!


You know what I'm not looking forward to doing? Freehanding the warband symbol. Its just complicated enough that there's plenty of ways to get it wrong.



Thankfully, the Wraths' symbol is fairly simple, its just that Bleached Bone is an annoying colour to use...! Make sure you test it a few times, if I remember correctly it is a Khorne symbol that is mixed with a portcullis? Practice it a few times on marine shoulderpads before you stick it on those fellas.


Also, don't mind if it looks slightly messy, these boys are Daemonkin, they aren't going to care too much about painting their symbols nicely! 

Yeah, it's the Khornate portcullis for the Harvest, with the bar that usually goes through the crosspiece of the Mark Of Khorne being set so it comes out the side of the triangular bit instead. I think that's what's gonna confuse the hell out of me initially.



Well, I've worked out how to freehand the symbol, but I think I'll leave it till last all the same. Got some more painting done on the Terminators:




Not sure what else (if anything) to do to the faces, so far that's just Rakarth Flesh. I tested a Bloodletter glaze, comes out a touch too orange and looks a bit naff.



They're finished! As predicted, the logo is a pain in the ass to paint. I'm pretty sure the people coming up with these haven't tested them on a model.





Not a fan of blood on these guys, not sure it'd show up against the red and don't want to mar the bone.


Welp, I'm some kind of mentalist. Vowed a Maulerfiend, I'll put some pics up once it actually has paint on it.



So, thanks to the crash I never put any WIP of the Maulerfiend up, but here it is in all it's fully painted glory!




Next up, probably Flesh Hounds. Just debating if I've got enough time to make them Vow 4, or if I should quit while I'm ahead.



  • 1 month later...

Built the obligatory Possessed and five more Fenrisi- I mean Flesh Hounds yesterday. Sadly, this weeks GW order didn't show up, so I've gotta wait another week to finish off the bike squad, second Maulerfiend and last five Hounds.




The box they're standing on is my Bloodthirster. So far I've taken the sprues out, gone 'Oooh, pretty' and then put them away. I have absolutely no idea what colour scheme to use for this thing.



  • 4 weeks later...

I Dragonlover answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete


2 units of Cultists

2 Rhinos

3 units of Flesh Hounds


before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul! For Khorne and The Harvest!




Not entirely sure where to start if I'm honest. Might just noodle along on some Cultists while I wait for the weather to clear again so I can spray the Hounds.



So, I did in fact start on some Cultists. Really not sure what to do with the guns, so I just silvered the whole thing until a better idea comes along. Sorry the pics so dark, this Army Painter primer really sucks in the light




So, you may notice that there are highlights on these guys. Not that surprising, I've highlighted the rest of this army thus far. Thing is, as I mentioned with the Terminators, that was my first time highlighting. A year ago I'd have done the dark red and that would have been it. Turns out it just doesn't take as long as I thought it would, and in this day and age of Youtube tutorials you can find out how to do anything.


I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but basically if its possible for stubborn old me to change their ways and improve their skills, anyone can. I also think I've mellowed as I've got older, I'm just less bothered about screwing a model up because I know I can always strip it back if I need to. Also the sheer amount of awesome hobby stuff on the internet makes it look easy, even if it isn't.




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