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Forge World Open Day 2015 - news thread


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If you read what I said, I know there are examples, and a picture from the card game really isn't the point.  Like I also said, I do hope they do Mark VI for other Legions also. :)



No worries man, I read what you said. The point of the pic was to support your "sign of things to come" statement, as it's from the Siege of Terra when MkVI is really everywhere (seen on the Word Bearers getting wrecked too). FW is going off a lot of this art and will definitely release MkVI parts for all the Legions. I don't think there's going to be a sensible order to the MkVI pad releases though, they're just going to come out whenever they get done regardless of what Legions an armor mark was associated with more.


....also I just super love a lot of that art and I'll shamelessly take every chance to bring it back around :P so there's that



I'm hoping if the name really is Retaliation, that means we will finally get a book about the loyalists kicking :cuss this time.


Yeah that'd be cool.

On a related note, when I started getting into the heresy stuff, I was all about the traitors; but more and more lately I've been drawn to the loyalists. I don't know if that's just because the traitors have mostly been touched and it's mostly loyalists were waiting for, but the loyalists are definitely more appealing than they were before.


What will you do after all the loyalists are covered? ;)

I don't know! I'm bad enough now, when they're all out I won't be able to make any decision at all.

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Ya know, I wasn't too impressed with the dark angels upgrades. That Mastodon is beautiful though!


I don't know what it is about the DA helmets...they just seem too much like the Chaos marine ones...I absolutely hate that arrow on the top of their helmet. I mean it's like cmon man, "herp derp, I done think that arrow on top o yo bucket means forward Billy Bob."


I was expecting more knight looking stuff.

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Ya know, I wasn't too impressed with the dark angels upgrades. That Mastodon is beautiful though!


I don't know what it is about the DA helmets...they just seem too much like the Chaos marine ones...I absolutely hate that arrow on the top of their helmet. I mean it's like cmon man, "herp derp, I done think that arrow on top o yo bucket means forward Billy Bob."


I was expecting more knight looking stuff.


I'm trying to visualize them with hoods and robes and it goes a long way. I'm paging through Collected Visions and they're not that far off some of the art, although again the lack of robes makes the comparison a little more jarring than it would be otherwise. 


That said I'm definitely stealing some of those heads for the XIVth Legion, especially this one:


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Ya know, I wasn't too impressed with the dark angels upgrades. That Mastodon is beautiful though!


I don't know what it is about the DA helmets...they just seem too much like the Chaos marine ones...I absolutely hate that arrow on the top of their helmet. I mean it's like cmon man, "herp derp, I done think that arrow on top o yo bucket means forward Billy Bob."


I was expecting more knight looking stuff.

Be grateful they got something IMO spot on upgrade kit,

unlike the Monstrosity Iron Warriors got.

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Actually yeah, can somebody ask them what the star symbol Iron Warriors chests are for? If it's a symbol added to their lore, why isn't it on their transfer sheet (or is it?) or Perturabo etc?

^THIS! I DEMAND EXPLANATION! the heck they turning my gritty in the the trench warriors wearing stars! 

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The traitors have always benefitted from the ability to use bitz outside their own ranges from fantasy and elsewhere to give them a cool aesthetic that the loyalists don't get. I'm sad to see that even with the upgrade kits loyalists are still left in the cold when it comes to aesthetics. I was hoping FW would be able to expand the imagery of the loyalists but it looks like they will be stuck with the generic look.

I agree and disagree with this. 


While the BA and RG look pretty generic, the UM and DA do have a different feel. That being said the traitor legions do get the most diversity

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A couple of extra tidbits:

The designer of the Blood Angels upgrades had three more examples of completed miniatures which he showed me, though I was only able to get a decent photo (which is to say non-blurry) of one of them. They've got some nice subtle filigrees and details:


There are nine unique heads along with the five unique torsos. As the IX are my favourite Legion, I am absolutely stoked. They should be out around September.

Edgar Skomorowski sculpted Eidolon, but I believe he's now left Forgeworld.

Whilst it's not really power armour related, Forgeworld will be supporting Age of Sigmar with some new fantasy releases. But it's still in its infancy, so I'm not sure about timescales.

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Actually yeah, can somebody ask them what the star symbol Iron Warriors chests are for? If it's a symbol added to their lore, why isn't it on their transfer sheet (or is it?) or Perturabo etc?


^THIS! I DEMAND EXPLANATION! the heck they turning my gritty in the the trench warriors wearing stars!

Huh that is a question I didn't realize was bothering me until just now.


Bc the nearest thing they make me think of is the Goku suits from Kill la Kill. And I'm at least moderately sure that wasn't the look they were going for.

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A couple of extra tidbits:

The designer of the Blood Angels upgrades had three more examples of completed miniatures which he showed me, though I was only able to get a decent photo (which is to say non-blurry) of one of them. They've got some nice subtle filigrees and details:


There are nine unique heads along with the five unique torsos. As the IX are my favourite Legion, I am absolutely stoked. They should be out around September.

Edgar Skomorowski sculpted Eidolon, but I believe he's now left Forgeworld.

Whilst it's not really power armour related, Forgeworld will be supporting Age of Sigmar with some new fantasy releases. But it's still in its infancy, so I'm not sure about timescales.

That looks rad ( as in Radical!) but what will FW bring to AoS? will there be a new faction?

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Actually yeah, can somebody ask them what the star symbol Iron Warriors chests are for? If it's a symbol added to their lore, why isn't it on their transfer sheet (or is it?) or Perturabo etc?

They were meant for Athrawes second legion of course ;)



Sorry my responses have been sluggish this morning...I was drinking a lot of liquid freedom yesterday and chugging cans of liberty :P

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That looks rad ( as in Radical!) but what will FW bring to AoS? will there be a new faction?


I wasn't able to find out more than that unfortunately.


Edgar left FW?

I asked one of the sculptors 'Would you like to do Eidolon or Tarvitz?'* and he replied that 'Edgar did Eidolon, before he left.' I didn't press him on the subject, but Edgar wasn't present at the Open Day, nor was his name on the program.


*Bearing in mind, I wasn't aware of the Eidolon sculpt at this point in the morning.

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I asked one of the sculptors 'Would you like to do Eidolon or Tarvitz?'* and he replied that 'Edgar did Eidolon, before he left.' I didn't press him on the subject, but Edgar wasn't present at the Open Day, nor was his name on the program.


*Bearing in mind, I wasn't aware of the Eidolon sculpt at this point in the morning.

and that is really a shame ... edgar made really awesome modells .... (i just say lietpold the black! that guy was awesomesauce)

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