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Forge World Open Day 2015 - news thread


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According to Mike French on Heresy30k, the next book's focus on Shattered Legions will include new RoWs & generic units to allow combined Legion armies / squads, including conventionally loyalist / traitor Legions within the same faction. However, this will mean no Legion-specific units / characters

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Have we seen any info about the Kytan's rules?

Not the Kytan per say but, the chaos knight rules can be found in the thread in the N&R section.

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Have we seen any info about the Kytan's rules?

Not the Kytan per say but, the chaos knight rules can be found in the thread in the N&R section.



Yes, and they are amazing!

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According to Mike French on Heresy30k, the next book's focus on Shattered Legions will include new RoWs & generic units to allow combined Legion armies / squads, including conventionally loyalist / traitor Legions within the same faction. However, this will mean no Legion-specific units / characters


Combined squads ?!


Consider me sold. Different legions unified by an army badge - love it.

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Oh dear god, that has me so excited for the lore to accompany that. Where hosts will begin to show that are not simply of one Legion, but of like-minded Marines of varying origins and traditional loyalties.


Kind of like how that Meduson anthology began the formation of a hybrid force consisting dominantly of Iron Hands but also heavily influenced by the inclusion of Salamanders and Raven Guard. As well as completely redeeming Meduson in my eyes.

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I thought DA would be closer to the covers of Fallen Angels and Descent of Angels (the only good parts of those books), with the wings. Maybe they are saving that look for unique units.


Can anyone confirm/elaborate on Edgar leaving?

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I love the sounds of this new book, as it will allow me to work on standard units for my Wolves and then Bam!! Legion specific units to follow up :)

I am a happy Lupine :D 


Also combined legions, so you could do an Inperial Fist plus Raven Guard army like in Delivrance Lost etc??

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Eidolon looks quite cool, is he standing on a Deredeo Dreadnaught??


Does anyone else see a smily face while looking at his jump pack?

Yes he is, and now I do! -.-

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Ok so after my burger we went around the stands when it was quieter.

Chatted to Alan bligh (spelling wrong probs) the father of heresy.


Dark Angels


He seemed very enthusiastic, even at 1pm, about these guys, and had obviously put a lot of thought to them lately.

This supports that the next release coukd include das. There was a lot of detail in the 15 min convo. He was saying that there are really two sides of dark Angels, the calibanites and their later recruits, and the terrans. Much in following with the lore.

Coukd see something along these lines that will follow this, similar to the 1st book with loyalist/traitor. Who is who? You decide.


Emperors children.

Some of you may notice I weed a bit when I saw eidolon, after a long wait, I think the model captures him greatly. Not sure what the sephiroth hair is about, I thought he had short hair.(half his head is actually) but looks great! I might convert him to a swinging hammer, will see how he comes.

Rules wise.

One of the designers was chatting about their sets, he made the kakophoni and said he had to push for str 6, but still never uses them.

With working on ghal vorbak, he said he would love to get stuck into terrata, and mutant space marines with fabius.

The convo with Alan when i asked him if they will have a more degenerate ruleset eventually said 'by the seige of terra they will be a completely different legion' this leads me to think at some point they will get an update. Even if it's 3 years down the line.


Thousand sons.

As mentioned earlier, the upgrades for these have been completed, hopefully see release september with the other kits to enable army building.

Concepts have been done for special units.(sketches I think)

Rules wise, they are still in testing due to their unpredictable nature. It was hush hush but basically as I have said before, they seem to be under or over performing. Ideas include some such as, that your leader chooses a temple (pyrae, corvidae etc) and they will have access to and an increase in that power. Other ideas include lvl1 psykers in sgt places. Sgts may also get a temple choice. And if tutelaries work out (similar to cyber familiars, but boosting psychic skills)

a legion specific upgrade (Id imagine hequa staff) similar to others (ec phoenix spears, death guard scythes)

These are in testing stage though, and obviously they will not tell me the ins and outs of how they play, and it could change before their release.

Alan said 'oh we have some interesting plans for them in the future' he's such a tease lol


I couldn't really hog any more of their time after this and had to move on.

Sorry I didn't ask about Wolves, I was to engrossed in these ones!


Maybe il get to do my blood Angels warden anellus riding on a mastodon yet..


That's all from me.

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No worries about the Wolves, Sounds like a fun time was had by all.

Following on from what yu were saying about Prospero (sorry for harping on about it)

Book 6 will be shattered legions plus basci legiones asartes rules for DA, BA and WS.

Having some issues with rules balance on shattered legions front.

Prospero pretty much sorted, waiting for models to be done.

End of year for book 6.

No prospero till next year

Will get a horus heresy era marine red book.

Then a seige of terra/scouring/protochaos redbook.

Those are both far off though.

Legions can change their spots (ala word bearers). Some specific ones mentioned were fists and alphas.

Some juicy alpha stuff hinted at being in the pipeline. (Mr blighs words were yes they will change/split but i cant tell you any more).

Space wolves will be very different from 40k wolves when they arrive. Bligh is expecting censored.gif to hit the fan.

Will post more soon

What you discussed largely marries up, so fingers crossed smile.png

Thank you to all those who went to the event and took the tme to ask questions, take photos and report back, I am grateful & hope you had a really fun time.

Thank you smile.png

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Dark Angels


He seemed very enthusiastic, even at 1pm, about these guys, and had obviously put a lot of thought to them lately.

This supports that the next release coukd include das. There was a lot of detail in the 15 min convo. He was saying that there are really two sides of dark Angels, the calibanites and their later recruits, and the terrans. Much in following with the lore.

Coukd see something along these lines that will follow this, similar to the 1st book with loyalist/traitor. Who is who? You decide.



More details please... hahaha

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Eidolon kind of reminds me of that centerpiece IIIrd Legionary on the inside cover of Fulgrim.


Though damn it, that Sephiroth comparison, what with the recent news on that front, now has me thinking of using SOLDIER as thematic background for a Millennial. There are certainly some parallels that can be drawn.

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Right, I'm back in a hotel now so can do more of a detailed breakdown.


I think I've posted all of the pictures that I took. I spoke to Blake Spence about the Mastadon first thing (it was the first thing in the display room), and that is a fantastic kit. Rules are still being worked on, and the model on show was a first Production run to which they need to fine tune the molds. In terms of transport capacity it is alleged to hold between 30 and 40, and is designed to cut through and blow through walls to deliver shock troops - it's like a Karybdiss, but as a tank. It was originally thought up with front tracks based on the Sicarian and the rear as a Land Raider. Front doors have Frag Assault launchers, and are operated on moving Pistons - this thing could a pain to put together. It has Void Shields (2x bubble things on the top in the middle) and has a rear turret that can fit razorback size armaments. I'm recalling loving it, and can see this being a purchase. Timeframes are unclear, but there's still a month or two of work left on it.


Spent a long time talking to Alan Bligh about various bits and pieces. For the non heresy stuff, they'll be releasing warscrolls for their Warhammer Forge things in the next month or two, and they would like to do another book in the future if time permits. For 40k they are looking to do more Imperial Armour, and the hint is that Tau may be involved (hence the giant battle suit). They would like to do more, but they have a lot of projects and could really do with more writers to get through all the things they would like to do. I asked about a 40k Mechanicus book using 30k models and rules, and the response I got was "we'd be stupid not too" - the caveat that I was given was that a lot of the Cybernetica stuff would most likely be out of production for 10,000 years and they can't rebuild it, and also likely to be forbidden tech. I think it's something they are throwing about in the early design process at the moment.

With respect to the Heresy stuff - book 6 is now almost certainly Shattered Legions, but they may sneak in a chapter at the end of the book with 'the remaining legions' specific rules and Rites of War, just not named characters or Primarchs. This follows nicely with the upgrades we've been seeing, and is an acknowledgement to players that want to get started with their legion before the specified book comes out. As an aside I heard second hand, and not via Alan Bligh, that book 6 would be called Retalliation, and would feature Iron Warriors. Which also coincides with the artwork that was being done as demos, they were working on a Salamanders Falchion (so Shattered Legions) and Iron Warrior legionnaires.

Alan also had a Mechanicum red book on his desk, which is Production ready and awaiting arrival on the ship - so should be 5-6 weeks before it comes up for order. Alan mentioned going forward that if there were a large shift in the basic 40k rules that needed addressing they would update the red book rather than the main books, so no Massacre 2nd Edition. Also red book has Orinatus rules in it, 2 different profiles.

For Prospero, it sounds like the rules have progressed but are still being play tested, now the delays are coming in from model design. There are 4 unique looking armies to consider, and according to Alan the Wolves are very different to their 40k iteration, and he's looking forward to seeing how people react to them. Customers sound like they're going down full army route (another "we'd be silly not to" remark) and sound like they'd eventually get Terminators, Dreadnoughrs, and other units.

He is working on a lot of stuff in parallel, even within the Heresy side, including some preliminary stuff on the other untouched legions. He remarked that some of the nuggets of information in Unremembered Empire about the Dark Angels was based on some of his thoughts that he'd provided to the author and they had dropped in. Discussing how Black Library and ForgeWorld operate, there isn't any delay on either the ForgeWorld or Black Library sides to keep the timeline in sync, but ForgeWorld do have to keep an eye on not accidentally spoiling upcoming books when writing their own background and narratives.


The Moddelling Masterclass book is looking good, and should be coming available in the next couple of months. Saw snapshots of the photos for painting an Imperial Fist Falchion, and a Warlord Titan.


Simon Egan is not giving away anything on the next Primarch he's working on. Heard him get asked a number of times, and every time he stated he wasn't allowed to say anything or drop any hints, which he didn't. My thought - if book 6 is Shattered Legions and Iron Warriors, the only Legion without a Primarch would be the Raven Guard, so personally I think it would make sense for it to be Corax. But, that's just my opinion.


Transfers look like they're getting a big push now, and saw Imperial Fist sheets being worked upon by Holly Goodwin. There's an entire book of various Legion and Legio sheets that are closing to Production, so these should be coming out thick and fast soon enough.


Of the new sneak peeks, I was really impressed with the Techmarines. I couldn't get a decent photo due to the light coming in from the outside, but did try some basic iPhone imagine manipulation to show them up. They have a bit of an iron Hands feel to them, but the armour is very unique. With two there I'm assuming it must be similar to theApothecaries where they come in 2 to a pack.


The only downside was that the Design area was as hot as Hell! I don't know if that room had air con or not, but with the Bugmans kitchen next door, lots of studio lights, and an increasingly busy area, it quickly became unbearable for me. They had industrial floor fans, but by mid morning they were only blowing the warm air about. I don't know how the ForgeWorld team managed to survive in there, so Kudos to them all.


I'll try and have a think back to see what other nuggets I managed to glean. I couldn't find anything about the Stormbird, or rules for the new release models (although it looks like one was spied). Several characters sound like they're getting rules, but whether they will or not is another matter.

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