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Forge World Open Day 2015 - news thread


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So, did i see someone mention something about allowing for multiple legions in a single army? Or has this been allowed for a while?


It will be new to the Shattered Legions, to represent combined forces of beaten down, utterly defeated, smashed, loyalists...




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So, did i see someone mention something about allowing for multiple legions in a single army? Or has this been allowed for a while?

If I recall correctly, a rule book further down the line will allow more than one Legion to fight together, but whilst the player gains benefits for it, there will be drawbacks to keep the overall balance fair smile.png

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So, did i see someone mention something about allowing for multiple legions in a single army? Or has this been allowed for a while?

If I recall correctly, a rule book further down the line will allow more than one Legion to fight together, but whilst the player gains benefits for it, there will be drawbacks to keep the overall balance fair smile.png


Ultramarines and luna wolves.....

Ullanor style army.....


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So, did i see someone mention something about allowing for multiple legions in a single army? Or has this been allowed for a while?

It will be new to the Shattered Legions, to represent combined forces of beaten down, utterly defeated, smashed, loyalists...




Also represent elite groups sent out by dorn or horus made up of multiple legions.


Bligh said thats part of the balance issue. Combining the shattered legions who havent seen resupply or orders for 5 years and the elite best of the best all the shinies into one famework.

For literally a single day event with no seminars, we've gotten a LOT of stuff out of this.


Take notes, GW, this is how you drum up hype for your products.

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For literally a single day event with no seminars, we've gotten a LOT of stuff out of this.


No plan survives contact with Alan Bligh.


Is anyone else thinking of selling all of their Land Raiders to be replaced with Mastodons? I can't get the image out of my head of a half dozen of these monsters painted in XIV Dragoon heraldry....


Is there any fluff anyone has noticed about the Mastodon? Is it an earlier design, or Late-Crusade? Inquiring minds need to know. 

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For literally a single day event with no seminars, we've gotten a LOT of stuff out of this.


No plan survives contact with Alan Bligh.


Is anyone else thinking of selling all of their Land Raiders to be replaced with Mastodons? I can't get the image out of my head of a half dozen of these monsters painted in XIV Dragoon heraldry....


Is there any fluff anyone has noticed about the Mastodon? Is it an earlier design, or Late-Crusade? Inquiring minds need to know. 


Once I get my First Mastodon, Build & Paint it and come out of it more intact than when I built and painted my Spartan, totes. If not, I feel that 1 would be sufficient for my Needs :P


Also since I want a Stormbird and once Dorn Rolls out, I might need to get a thunderhawk for Aetos Dios...


I still dont have a Glaive...



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The AA mount on the top of the craft is a-freakin'-mazing. Now I can play a pure IW force with zero air support, and still have something to swat at fast-movers.


I'm totally sold. Forgeworld, do you take down payments in body parts? I'm not really fond of my right leg.

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For literally a single day event with no seminars, we've gotten a LOT of stuff out of this.


No plan survives contact with Alan Bligh.


Is anyone else thinking of selling all of their Land Raiders to be replaced with Mastodons? I can't get the image out of my head of a half dozen of these monsters painted in XIV Dragoon heraldry....


Is there any fluff anyone has noticed about the Mastodon? Is it an earlier design, or Late-Crusade? Inquiring minds need to know. 



3 Mastodons carrying 10 Terminators and 20 Breachers, 3 Spartans carrying 20 Breachers, 5 Land Raiders carrying 50 Tactical Legionaries, a platoon of 6 Predators, and a platoon of 3 Sicarans, backed by self-propelled Artillery.


The Ultimate Siege Company.

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Once I get my First Mastodon, Build & Paint it and come out of it more intact than when I built and painted my Spartan, totes. If not, I feel that 1 would be sufficient for my Needs tongue.png

Also since I want a Stormbird and once Dorn Rolls out, I might need to get a thunderhawk for Aetos Dios...

I still dont have a Glaive...


Looking at the piston assembly on the front of the Mastodon, I get the feeling no one is going to come out unscathed from that build. And double-quad tracks....

There will probably be a Mastodon Survivors Club. Its members will look back fondly on their Spartan builds as if they were tropical summer vacations.

Of course I'm still going to get one :P

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The AA mount on the top of the craft is a-freakin'-mazing. Now I can play a pure IW force with zero air support, and still have something to swat at fast-movers.


I'm totally sold. Forgeworld, do you take down payments in body parts? I'm not really fond of my right leg.

The AA miniguns also looks like the weapons carried by:




Though a bit bigger.


...hmmmm /speculation

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For literally a single day event with no seminars, we've gotten a LOT of stuff out of this.


No plan survives contact with Alan Bligh.


Is anyone else thinking of selling all of their Land Raiders to be replaced with Mastodons? I can't get the image out of my head of a half dozen of these monsters painted in XIV Dragoon heraldry....


Is there any fluff anyone has noticed about the Mastodon? Is it an earlier design, or Late-Crusade? Inquiring minds need to know.

I'm not sure when it was designed but I'm pretty certain Perturabo designed it. But yes, I don't actually own any Land Raiders, and when this comes out I don't think I ever will ;)
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For literally a single day event with no seminars, we've gotten a LOT of stuff out of this.


No plan survives contact with Alan Bligh.


Is anyone else thinking of selling all of their Land Raiders to be replaced with Mastodons? I can't get the image out of my head of a half dozen of these monsters painted in XIV Dragoon heraldry....


Is there any fluff anyone has noticed about the Mastodon? Is it an earlier design, or Late-Crusade? Inquiring minds need to know. 



3 Mastodons carrying 10 Terminators and 20 Breachers, 3 Spartans carrying 20 Breachers, 5 Land Raiders carrying 50 Tactical Legionaries, a platoon of 6 Predators, and a platoon of 3 Sicarans, backed by self-propelled Artillery.


The Ultimate Siege Company.


Siege Assault Vanguard: Heresy Style with Magnitudes more "Rule of Cool" than the 40k Variant.


...Time to start buying lottery tickets en masse to try and make this dream come true...


If only Aetos Dios was a Stormbird :(

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Thanks to Atia the Great, M_R_Parker, Auqilanus, et al. for all the great info.  Looking forward to the DA models and split Calibanite/Terran Legions.  Wish we had an event that cool on this side of the pond.



On a separate note, does the tech marine on the right look like a Sleestack (sp?) from the 1970's Land of the Lost?



Never Forget! Never Forgive!

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Did anyone ever ask if FW is going to make generic Legion carapace for Recon Marines? Also, If they haven't, would they consider using the 2nd Edition Space Wolf Scout Sergeants as a basis? Because the plated lower legs and quilted ballistic cloth looks very 31st Millennium to me, and I've always considered those models the best looking scouts out there.

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The AA mount on the top of the craft is a-freakin'-mazing. Now I can play a pure IW force with zero air support, and still have something to swat at fast-movers.


I'm totally sold. Forgeworld, do you take down payments in body parts? I'm not really fond of my right leg.

The AA miniguns also looks like the weapons carried by:




Though a bit bigger.


...hmmmm /speculation



Man, I LOVE that pattern of Terminator Armour.


Hopefully it makes it into the rules and models soon, just an insane gun platform.

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