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3000pts Sons Of Horus: The Black Reaving (New List)


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Master Of Signals

Artificer Armour, Refractor Field



Damocles Command Rhino (MoS travels inside here)




Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought

2x Kheres Assault Cannon, Havoc Launcher




Justaerin Terminator Squad (10)

2x Chainfist, 2x Multi-Melta



Reaver Attack Squad (10)

Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, 5 Chainaxes, 4 Power Weapons, 2 Melta Guns, Power Fist

Dedicated Transport: Dreadclaw



Reaver Attack Squad (10)

Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, 5 Chainaxes, 4 Power Weapons, 2 Melta Guns, Power Fist

Dedicated Transport: Dreadclaw



Tactical Squad (20)

Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, Additional CCWs, Legion Vexilla



Fast Attack:




Storm Eagle

Ceramite Armour, TL Multi-Melta, TL Lascannon



Lord Of War:


Rite Of War: The Black Reaving




This is sort of a way to combine the advantages of my previous two lists and get rid of the disadvantages as much as possible. In my previous two lists, one meant I outnumbered the enemy most of the time (and therefore allowing me to get my merciless fighters attacks), but meant that I had decreased protection and the other was the other way round. Horus and the Justaerin are obviously meant to deal with the opponent's really dangerous stuff. With Horus' teleportation matrix, I can bring them in whenever I want. I was thinking bringing them turn 1 if the enemy has a lot of dangerous stuff on the board or turn 2 to counter-attack if he has dangerous stuff in reserves and I think I've equipped them to adequately deal with armour and infantry. I want the Reavers to make a turn 1 drop pod assault so that I can heat blast some guys and give them an armoured assault vehicle for protection so they can assault turn 2 and trap some valuable enemy units in combat. Then, the Tactical squad in the Storm Eagle comes in. It can bust open some vehicles and then deploy the tactical squad, which will unleash holy hell on one of the enemy units in combat with the Reavers. With extra CCWs and rage from my RoW, they'll be getting 80 attacks on the charge. Combined with the Reavers, they're getting 110 attacks in on some unfortunate enemy. Furthermore, 30 models in an assault will outnumber most things, getting me up to an additional 29 attacks from merciless fighters (-1 because the power fist is unwieldy). To add to this, the Damocles Rhino lets me add or take 1 to my reserve rolls, meaning I can have a 2+ reserve roll that I can re-roll thanks to my legion special rules. Also, my Dreadclaws won't scatter within 24" of it.


Any feedback at all will be much appreciated.

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The rules of the Black Reaving RoW state that you must take a Master of Signals as a COMPULSORY HQ choice, meaning that it overrules the "Legion Support Officer" special rule, which states that the model may not be taken as a compulsory HQ choice unless exempted by a legion special rule or RoW.
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a very similar list to my own Black Reaving list but I'm not a massive fan of dread claws so I've taken jump packs for my reavers. Other than the TLLC Contemptor Mortis, MoS and Damocles rhino everything else is in reserve. It's an all or nothing list. I find Black Reaving to be quite a fragile list to be honest.



Jump pack, iron halo, digital lasers, melta bombs, paragon blade


Master of Signals


Damocles Rhino


Justaerin (x10) - teleports with Horus

2 x chainfists, 4 x power fists, 4 x power axe, 2 x multi melta, 8 x combi weapons


Reaver attack squad (x10)

jump packs, 2 x chain axes, 1 x powerfist, 4 x power swords, 2 x meltaguns, melta bombs for chieftan


Reaver attack squad (x10)

jump packs, 2 x chain axes, 1 x powerfist, 4 x power swords, 2 x meltaguns, melta bombs for chieftan



Chainfist w/ meltagun, multi melta, extra armour


Contemptor Mortis

2 x TLLC


Contemptor Mortis

2 x Kheres assault cannons


Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter

2 x 2 Kraken penetrator missiles, battle servitor control, ground tracking augaries


Horus, Primach of the Sons of Horus

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My problem with Jump Pack Reavers is that if you keep them in reserves, there's no assaulting until turn 3 and none until turn 2 if you start them on the board. Either way, you are highly vulnerable to enemy fire. I took the Dreadclaws because I can keep them in and assault turn 2, also, since it's flying, they have to snap fire. Also, the Praetor in your list is pointless. You already have Horus as your master of the legion, and the Black Reaving rules mean that you can take the MoS as a compulsory HQ choice. If I can suggest something for your list, drop the Praetor and 2 dreadnoughts and replace him with a Praevian with a few Castellaxes w/Darkfire Cannons. Then, you have something as resilient, more firepower and models that count as 3 models for the purpose of merciless fighters.
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It's funny you say that about the Praevian because that's what I'm next trying out. I've just built a Praevian and three dark fire Castellax.


Our local meta must be different as flying transports would not get anywhere in my local games due to an abundance of anti air units. I think the trade off of outflanking and arriving turn two with jump packs rather than a turn 2 assault is a better option for me in order to reach combat relatively intact.


I've only recently become aware that the MoS fulfils the mandatory HQ choice too.

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I'm liking the Black Reaving nowadays. The ability to take a MoS as your Compulsory HQ really sells it for me. A few thoughts:


Dreadclaws will Deep Strike onto the board in Hover mode, which makes them Fast Skimmers, not Flyers. They're still able to Jink, and it's still best to keep your Reavers inside them.


Rather than dropping in an empty 100-point Dreadclaw, why don't you find a way to utilise the slot? Maybe a Dreadnought in a Dreadnought Drop Pod?


And yes, Horus can only teleport in starting from Turn 2.

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I'm liking the Black Reaving nowadays. The ability to take a MoS as your Compulsory HQ really sells it for me. A few thoughts:

Dreadclaws will Deep Strike onto the board in Hover mode, which makes them Fast Skimmers, not Flyers. They're still able to Jink, and it's still best to keep your Reavers inside them.

Rather than dropping in an empty 100-point Dreadclaw, why don't you find a way to utilise the slot? Maybe a Dreadnought in a Dreadnought Drop Pod?

And yes, Horus can only teleport in starting from Turn 2.

Thanks For The Advice! I was under the Impression that you could put a contemptor in a Dreadclaw, but I may be wrong. If I am, I'll just replace it with a normal contemptor in a dreadnought drop pod.

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Actually, you can put a contemptor into a Dreadclaw, iirc. However, I feel that the Lucius Pod (DDP) is a bit better since it gives the dread shrouding when it lands which may be a bit more useful. It also helps that its not as expensive.

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Thanks Everyone For The Advice!


Here Is My Modified List:




Artificer Armour, Refractor Field

Consul: Master Of Signals



Damocles Command Rhino




Contemptor Dreadnought Talon

1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 2x Kheres Assault Cannon, Havoc Launcher

Dedicated Transport: Dreadnought Drop Pod





Justaerin Terminator Squad (10)

2 Multi-Melta, 1 Chainfist



Reaver Attack Squad (10)

Reaver Chieftan: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs, Hand Flamer

Reavers: 2 Flamers, 2 Power Weapons, 7 Chainaxes

Dedicated Transport: Dreadclaw



Reaver Attack Squad (10)

Reaver Chieftan: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs, Hand Flamer

Reavers: 2 Flamers, 2 Power Weapons, 7 Chainaxes

Dedicated Transport: Dreadclaw



Tactical Squad (20)

Sergeant: Artifcer Armour, Power Weapon, Extra CCW

Tactical Marines: Extra CCWs, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio Vox



Fast Attack:

Storm Eagle

TL Multi-Melta, 2x TL Lascannons, Ceramite Armour, Searchlight



Lord Of War:

Horus Lupercal

Rite Of War: The Black Reaving



Total: 2950/3000pts

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I'd drop a Tactical Marine and spend the points saved to attach an Apothecary (with an augury scanner) to the 19-man unit. If you want artificer armour on him, consider dropping the Nuncio-vox, as it is a bit of a waste with the Damocles (and all your stuff will likely be on the board already). The Apothecary will massively increase the unit's survivability.


You may be short on anti-tank, but I like it!

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