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"The Iron Shroud" - My Raven Guard - Work in progress.


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This year I restarted my interest in 40K after a 16 year break. Always loved the Raven Guard, so that's what i'm making.


Quite happy with how they're coming along, and as I find myself lurking in everyone else's status WiP threads I thought i'd start my own.


I think my Talon is pretty close to finished, and there's my first finished Veteran Vanguard in there too!






I had a Land Raider crusader and a few old Predator Lascannon sponsons. I'd really like to field the new Command Tanks that are exclusive to Warhammer World, but I don't live in Nottingham and I personally don't like the models (too many of the latest SM releases are clearly designed with the Ultramarines aesthetic in mind).


So i've built up the Twin-linked Las sponsons and adapted a Grav Cannon for the front turret. 


It needs some highlighting and all that good stuff, but the build is almost done and i'm quite happy with it so far.







I was thinking i'd use some of the feathered Dark Eldar Scourge wings to construct the barrier around the back of the commander.




Edited by Amayasu
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Guest Royal Cactus

I like, what i see so fare, what are your plans for the future? :smile.:


PS: Yea, I know they had some strange choices model wise. "fear the moving chapel" :dry.:

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Thanks for the comments and encouragement chaps!


I like the more weathered, Forgeworld-esque approach. It fits my lore well.



I like, what i see so fare, what are your plans for the future? :smile.:



I've been playing the army for most of the year, just haven't had time to really sink into painting. It's a jump heavy force - lots of VV, lots of ASM. Korvydae leads.


The main thing i'm working towards is an army that can, mostly, be used in both 30K and 40K. For the 30K appropriate units I plan on setting them in the immediate aftermath of the Drop Site Massacre. So they'll have pieces of armour from other chapters. They'll be wounded and desperate.


That's the plan, anyway.




A small update, managed to get a first pass on highlighting and weathering the main body of the LRE, and the Twin-linked Plasma gunner has been bashed together for the counts-as Rhino Primaris (which i'll likely use a Forgeworld Damocles as the base). Still tons to do on it, but it's a start.




Edited by Amayasu
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Well, I certainly can't blame you for not picking up the Excelsior/primaris if you aren't into the aesthetic as they are as someone in this thread put it "fear the moving chapel".


That said, your conversions for the primaris/excelsior are off to a good start.  The banner as the rod of command is a good call. 

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Chaplain, Jeff, thanks for the comments. Jeff I was looking at your Knight the other day, it's fantastic.


Quick update, almost finished the basic modelling and some additional weathering on the LRE. In order to add a little Raven Guard flare and to make the command tanks feel a little more important than a standard Rhino or Raider i've also added in some wings, which were converted from Dark Eldar Scourges. Pretty happy so far, but there's still tons to do on them.











Thanks for looking! C&C always appreciated.

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Very cool! Definitely something you don't see everyday! (Both ravenguard and command tanks!) Can we get a better view of the grav cannon grav amp on the raider? Also may I suggest removing the plasma pistol from the pintle mounted TL plas gunner? It seems redundant and unnecessary in my opinion. Cheers! Keep up the good work!
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Thanks for the kind words, bro. I think these look fantastic so far. I especially like the feathers on the rhino. I prefer them over the whole wing on the LR, myself. Also, I'd vote to keep the plasma pistol on the rhino dude. Something about the redundancy of it screams Raven Guard to me. I def dig how low-key these are, though. Just enough of the equipment they need, just a hint of extra bling and that's all she wrote. 

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Cheers chaps, appreciated, lots of fellow Shadow Captains posting encouragement is great. 



Can we get a better view of the grav cannon grav amp on the raider?



Yeah, i'm a little happier with it now, feels about right in terms of size. The idea of my RG is practicality over Ultramarine-style pomposity, so i've added stuff like the handles to aid with maintenance and removal.




Still a ton to do on this tank, lots of detail to pick out, shading and weathering to finish, a little extra light highlighting where it makes sense and then some polish. Then it's on to the Primaris!

Edited by Amayasu
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Oh wow. Those handles are such a nice touch! One of the things I love about the Knight kit are the handles and contact points for cranes, etc. Really helps me imagine a crew of grunts hauling these massive pieces around a hanger and bolting things in place. I kind of love that idea for RG and their successors as well. 


Color me inspired. 

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Wow awesome land raider!





Beautiful weathering, Amayasu!! :thumbsup:



Cheers. I've just given it a quick varnish, which has dulled the weathering down, but now that's it varnished I can make a start on streaks and rust.



Oh wow. Those handles are such a nice touch! One of the things I love about the Knight kit are the handles and contact points for cranes, etc. Really helps me imagine a crew of grunts hauling these massive pieces around a hanger and bolting things in place. I kind of love that idea for RG and their successors as well. 


Color me inspired. 



Cheers Jeff. The fluff for my Raven Guard is that they're renegades. Corax has returned, turning the Ravens away from the Imperium on the belief that it's so far removed from the Emperor's original vision of the Imperium. Istvaan V still hurts. As a result they're no longer supported by the Mechanicum, etc. Everything must be maintained, salvaged and reused, so there's a practical angle to everything.


In fact the next salvaged vehicle I paint will have Raven Guard paint chipping away to show another Chapter's colours underneath.







Final update before I get into the details and finishing touches. I'm much happier with the wings, which have been touched up and highlighted, and I think they blend pretty well. The photo doesn't quite show the weathering. It's had a full, all over varnish and it ready for some nice enamel weathering effects, lens and a final weathering pass. Then i'll get the commander painted up and count this as finished...



... but, i've painted so much black recently that I wanted a distraction, so painted a test Rhino for my 30K Death Guard. I got to use some green!




It still needs a lot of love, transfers and detail, but I really enjoyed starting with a light colour and working down.


That's it for now, hopefully the next update will have the completed Land Raider, and i'll have started the Primaris...


... must get that half finished Contemptor done, too.

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  • 1 year later...

This year I restarted my interest in 40K after a 16 year break. Always loved the Raven Guard, so that's what i'm making.


Weird, that's pretty much word for word what I wrote when I landed here a few months ago. It's like reading a post from myself in a North Yorkshire parallel universe. That's a really nice start you've made, there. Looking forward to seeing more and making mental notes on ideas to liberate from here.


How did you weather the Land Raider? sprue sponge dabbing? And metal paint or greys?

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