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I like the idea of the Qarith. Maybe have them decimate couple of the legions before a significant imperial counter punch can force them back, and eventually put them to the sword. I'll volunteer the Jackals to be ravaged. Something along the lines of this:


The Stygian Jackals had been visiting complaint worlds to retrieve aspirants to bring within their folds, and resupply from a campaign against the Orks of the Trashskulz empire. While on the agri world of Myrika, they were assaulted by advance elements of the Qarith. A large portion of the legion, Including the Primarch, 6 of the 18 Lord Praetors and around 2000 Astartes were soon locked in desperate hand to hand combat with the new enemy. Even First Master Tuskans Armoured spearheads, though successful thousands of times on hundreds of planets, failed to stop the seething horde of strange aliens. In 3 days the 2000 had been reduced to under 700, and only 2 Lord Praetors remained. By this time, the legions' ships had managed to regain orbital superiority. Squadrons of Thunderhawks, Stormbirds and Stormeagles flocked from the skies. Jackel was last to board. He was standing on the edge of a Thunderhawk, sneering out at the seething mass of chitin and gore, when one of the aerial Qarith hurtled out of the clouds and laid a flurry of blows upon the Primarch. They were locked in a struggle on the edge of the ramp, when Jackel went down. The Primarchs jaw had been ripped off. Sensing their opportunity, the legionaries on board opened up with their bolters, pulverising the beast. 


This is also the opportunity I needed to give a reason for Jackel's signature weapon, Bite. Basically this is a mechanical jaw capable of generating a terrifyingly powerful bite. Especially useful against the Legiones, as it would turn out...

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"So... Alexandros is made warmaster, the second son.. The second failure. How does the emperor want and order us to follow this.. this. Coward... How does the emperor want us to swear filthy to this... Second son? He is giving us a second choice as wasmaster, not Icarion. Yes Icarion is a danger for himself and us, yes he is a enemy of me. But he is the first son, and the rightfull owner of the title of the warmasters. I guess the rumored tri-foil is now shining through, our best warriors not getting their rightfull title, no, they are supposed to keep on doing their appointed 'secret' task. The emperor has betrayed me with this for the last time, rise with me my brothers, rise with me to throw of this coat of slavery. We are slaves to a man in gold armor, a false god that calls himself emperor. Rise with me, rise with Icarion, he shall soon follow my cause. Follow the first son.. Rise.. Rise.. Rise for freedom"

-First words of betrayal whispered by Alexos, one day after the war of ullanor




I go to sleep, I get back? Bam! 500.000.000 new ideas and inspiration things in this tread.. I love it so far!



EDIT: My Eagle Warriors would not be playing a HUGE role in actually fighting the Qarith, they would be doing raids and lightning strikes, to try and catch Qarith prisoners, to cut em open and check em out ;) Thry would be looking at the biological structure of these beasts and look at how they work and more importantly, how to kill them. Ofcourse when finding out, not telling any other legion, wich might end up in more friction between legions ;)

Edited by AlphariusOmegon108
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If the Qarith are going to be communicating psychically perhaps this would also allow one of the pariah legions to be a disruptive element against them? Using their very natures to interfere with the enemy command structure allowing their brothers to take advantage. I'm not specifically volunteering the Grave Stalkers for this as I think a more numerous Legion might make for a more effective counter.


I've also been thinking quite a long way along our proposed timeline to the idea of daemon-primarchs. Do people think that chaos could even corrupt a pariah in that way? If the consensus is yes then I would submit K'awil for such a transformation, probably as a follower of Khorne as that would be the best fit in terms of his abilities and Khorne's hatred of 'magic'. Though other options could be interesting too.

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Personally I don't think, that there could be any form of Chaos Corruption on a pariah, but in the old fluff there were the grey sensei. The evil sons of the emperor. And they were chaosinfluenced if I recall it correctly.



Well I think the Wardens of Light could take part in the counter of the Quarith. They have a big legion in our newverse. Don't suffer from any ccorruption. How about they rush to aid the jackals and serpents after they attemptet to negotiate with the quarith bit realized that there is no option for a peaceful solution?

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Grifftofter, if you want the Grave Wardens to fight the Qarith, then I volounteer the Crimson Lions to act as a buffer between your marines and the Qarith. Like a Crimson Lion shield wall, in the centre of which you have Grave Wardens acting as Pariahs. After all, the whole point of them being pychic was to give the Pariah legions someone to mess about with.
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Sorry, another idea that's leaving the present topic slightly :


Are there any other imperial organisations in this newverse that don't work in the same way as in the oldverse ? I was thinking specifically of the Sisters of Silence with all this talk of Pariah legions, but some other things might be changed slightly as well (such as the Custodians, who knows ?)


Also, with the Daemon Primarchs : I don't think Pariahs should be able to be corrupted physically (therefore not allowing them to become Daemon Primarchs), even if they can be corrupted mentally (like the Black Pariah in Nemesis). Have you any ideas as to which Legion would fall to which god ? I think the arch-traitor and the master corrupter should still be chosen by all four gods, but I also think that the four gods should each have one Legion. Though the Insurection itself is still some ways down the road, it's important to think of where they are going to be headed, because it will help you form the spirit of your legions. For example, the World Eaters were written the way they were, because everyone knew they would fall to Khorne.


I take it that you want to have an even split between the three factions: 6 loyalists, 6 revolutionaries and 6 chaos ?

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Sorry, another idea that's leaving the present topic slightly :


Are there any other imperial organisations in this newverse that don't work in the same way as in the oldverse ? I was thinking specifically of the Sisters of Silence with all this talk of Pariah legions, but some other things might be changed slightly as well (such as the Custodians, who knows ?)


Also, with the Daemon Primarchs : I don't think Pariahs should be able to be corrupted physically (therefore not allowing them to become Daemon Primarchs), even if they can be corrupted mentally (like the Black Pariah in Nemesis). Have you any ideas as to which Legion would fall to which god ? I think the arch-traitor and the master corrupter should still be chosen by all four gods, but I also think that the four gods should each have one Legion. Though the Insurection itself is still some ways down the road, it's important to think of where they are going to be headed, because it will help you form the spirit of your legions. For example, the World Eaters were written the way they were, because everyone knew they would fall to Khorne.


I take it that you want to have an even split between the three factions: 6 loyalists, 6 revolutionaries and 6 chaos ?

The eagle warriors, and Alexos would be chosen by chaos undevided, maybe a bit towards nurgle, but not overly.


And just a little snipped of a apothecary who was working on the dead body of a Qarith:


'Huicatii was trying to cut through the skin of the dead Qarith, his power dagger slowly but surely wrenching through the thick green like scaley skin. He pulled out a scalpel and started cutting the chest plating, the thick bone sloly burning with the over-heating scalpel. Huicatii grunted when he finnaly cut through the chest bones, slowly lifting the heavy bones out of the body. He threw to the sides, another apothecary looked at Huicatii, raising a eyebrow, but then grabbing the bones, slowly examining them. Huicatii turned on the light in his gauntlet, looking through organs that were slowly pumping the glowing red blood through the thick blue veins.

Huicatii suddenly noticed something intresting, a small metal box was placed next to the supposed-to-be heart of the Qarith, he wrenched it out with a agressive stab of his power dagger. The box was about the size of a small fist, green and red lights blinking, it had a infusion point in it."some kind of combat drug sprayer" The apothecary on Huicatii's side muttered. "So nothing special you say?" Huicatii snapped back "You understand we can use this right? Maybe these new drugs are useable, maybe they might help?" he whispered. The apothecary grunted back and started working on the bones again, suddenly gasping on what was happening with them. "They are made of ademantium Huicatii... They are regreowing... They are... Reshaping" He gasped. Huicatii turned around to the apothecary "What?" he whispered. The apothecary looked up at Huicatii, his eyes hiding a dark secret "They are the future". Huicatii nodded at the apothecary and looked at the bones, starring at them "We have to tell Alexos, nobody may know this... Yet"


This shows that the Eagle warriors are very secretive, and it shows how they would work with the Qarith


hope you like it, and sorry for the tread jack

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Good gravy, people! You make sleeping a hazard now! I've read everything so far, and I'll make a proper post soon. But I won't be able to comment much today, because my upcoming shift is under much more scrutiny than my weekend shifts. *grumble* Touchy site overlords *grumble*

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A massacre-like event could also potentially be the breaking off point for our gene-renegades. The chaos legions decimate enemy legions at the massacre and then the renegades delve into forbidden techs too-deeply to be allowed any further, as a means for replenishing/building strength for the coming war. This schism could potentially be an intentional consequence of the massacre event in order to further undermine the loyalists. Also it would be an impressive show of planning and forethought on behalf of the Arch-traitor to weaken a stronger enemy if he can only turn/count on around a third of his brothers and their forces

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Or we can have at first the revolutionist and the chaoti fraction tags along but they split after awhile. At first they have a common goal but over time the differences are to big and they go seperate ways. And the chaos spawn falls completly to chaos and march for terra while the gene gueveras wreaking havoc somewhere else so maybe the warmaster must split his troops to fight both enemies
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Just briefly back on the subject of the Qarith, we've still not decided which legions will be fighting them. The Stygian Jackels and Dune Serpants have already volounteered to be mauled by them and Icarion, Alexandros and Alexos need to be there. So what about the other legions? I'd like to request that the Crimson Lions are present.

On the subject of a Dropsite Massacre, if there was one, that wpuld set it up quite nicely for the Crimson Lions to be ambushed Phal style by one of the close combat oriented traitoe legions.

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Lunch break = speed, catch-up post.


Alright, Depth's Successionist Primarch is going to be executed. Do we have any Loyalist Primarchs willing to get their hands dirty for the Emperor?


Mikhal, as cool of an image of a Primarch fighting the Men if Iron, it still opens a can of worms that hurts the strength of our setting. Simply put, it breaks the suspension of belief. Now, I narrowly agreed to a 1000 years, but you've moved the number upwards, not downwards. I really think he shouldn't be more than a 100 years, maybe 300 at most.


I'm thankful that people are willing to throw their legions into the fire and intertwine their lore into our setting. I'm especially happy to see people coming with combined legion tactics. Excellent work, people, I support it.


Pariahs, by their nature, can't be corrupted. Now, they can willingly choose to side with Chaos, if they so desire because they still have free will.


Some more good thoughts Thorn. We'll have to address the effects on the Imperial orgs at a later time though. And, while I'd like to see a chaos legion per deity, I'm not sure how the numbers will work. (Though my money is in the Berserkers going Khorne, surprise, surprise.)


As of right this moment, we won't have a pure even split between the factions, Primarch-wise. Now, power-wise, probably. We'll see how it goes.


Like your fluff, Alpharius, carry on.


Yes, there will be an opening Ambush of sorts. Mikhal, you actually called it. At first, there will be a simple Loyalist/Traitor divide. Which means the Loyalist will start out outnumbered, and take the first hit. However, as Chaos sinks it's claws/tentacles into some of the Traitor legions, this will disgust the Revolutionaries and the Jackals, who'll split off.


229, those ideas sound workable.

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Some more good thoughts Thorn. We'll have to address the effects on the Imperial orgs at a later time though. And, while I'd like to see a chaos legion per deity, I'm not sure how the numbers will work. (Though my money is in the Berserkers going Khorne, surprise, surprise.)


While I am behind a legion for each god as well, may I just request that is that if the BoU go Khorne, they don't go mindless like the World Eaters in the canonverse.  That is why the World Eaters are my least favourite legion, and also I feel it would tarnish some of the great character Raktra has given the legion.

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Alright, another post. I'm actually going to add a little background. In this universe, the Halcyon Wardens is the legion that oftens perform garrison duties. Unlike the Iron Warriors, Alex considers the work an honorable assignment and has a Cohort solely assigned to this task. This combined with their large size, renders the Wardens one of the most common marines an Imperial citizen will meet.
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For the Quarith Extermination-Thing, I'd be fine with my Legion Participating but as more of a Support Group and coming in in force when it all starts to go South to make use of one of their Expertise: Extraction Ops.


They would've also loaned out as many Apothecaries out to the Legions in Attendance (if they would have them) to help out...and to report back to Legion HQ about the units they're accompanying :ph34r.:


As for the Dropsite Equivalent, I'm still undecided.

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This was my idea about the Qarith.


In the distant past a human population began experimenting with their genes in an attempt to transcend the human condition. They succeeded. Resulting in a race of vast intellect, balanced emotions and powerful psykers. They had achieved utopia, free from war, disease and want. Or so they thought, they came to find themselves unable to reproduce. They used their vast technology to reach out across the stars. Finding other humans to use as fresh gene material.


As they reached further out into the galaxy they encountered xenos races bent on violence. With violence now necessary the Qarith began building armies of gene wrought warriors, based on the humans from worlds they discovered. Soon they had entire populations of outwardly normal humans that were gene bred to be totally obedient and could be transformed into a variety of dangerous and powerful bio forms with a mere telepathic command.


The first Qarith subspecies encountered by Imperial forces, designated X 1-1a operations code name Banshees, are large bipedal and muscular with dark leathery skin. Banshees are completely blind to visible light have a rounded smooth head with no distinguishable neck, eyes, or ears. They have a large mouth with sharp jawbones ridges instead of teeth and sharp talons on their hands and prehensile feet. The code name Banshee is derived from their use of echolocation as well as being able to focus their vocalization as a weapon. A banshee scream is lethal to most unaltered humans and can stun, ever incapacitate Astartes. They are a easy physical match for the likes of Orks and Astartes. Banshees also have the ability to survive in the void for an as yet unknown length of time. They also possess sophisticated thermal sensing organs and may be able to detect light in the spectrums invisible to humans.


First evidence of X1-1a was discovered aboard Mechanicum Surveyor Light Cruiser Argus discovered downed on an uninhibited world at the edge of Qarith space.


I think the Qarith campaign should set in place the relationships that lead to the Lysenko event, someone getting censured and the eventual going of everything to heck in a handbag.


My whole plot idea foundation being that these were once humans who believed themselves to have left humanity behind. But end up becoming more than monsters, playing god and throwing away untold billions of human lives just because they can.

Edited by Demus Ragnok
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