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Some stuff I wrote about the II experimenting with various of my version of he Qariths internal organs

Poseko sawed his way through the Qariths bone breastplate. In front of him was a large arial Qarith, with enormours leathery wings behind it. He'd already examined the wings and the results had been underwhelming. What he was looking for this time was the box some of the more junior apothaceries had told him resided inside these creatures chests. Such a device could prove incredibly usefull in the right hands.

When his narcethiums saw had gone through the breastplate, he switched to a scalpel and sliced through the creatures leathery skin. Once he was through that, he was free to examine the creatures internal systems. Heart, lungs....boring. He ripped the lungs out of the creatures body and threw them over his shoulder. He could find no evidence of a box. Then he noticed it. A small, quivering organ connected to the creatures heart. Not bothering with a scalpel, Poseko simply wrenched it out. His narcethium was begining to tell him various statistics it could find out about the organ. He didn't pay any attention to those. Instead, he stuck his tongue out and licked the organ. Hmm....fascinating. It showed evidence of producing combat drugs and hormones organic to the creature. Only one way of finding out.

As Poseko walked towards the cages of animals he kept in his apothacerian, someone else burst in. A junior apothacery, who Poseko believed was called Huicatii, had entered. Turning with a crazed looked in his eyes, Poseko looked at Huicatii. No signs of instability with gene seed implantation, nor any side effects. Perfect. "Chief Apothacery" began Huicatii. Before he could finish, Poseko rammed a needle from his narcethium into Huicatii's throat. "Shush now" said Poseko "It's far more conveniant if test subjects are silent during implantation. Wouldn't you agree?"

Did I miss that. Thought I read what you posted?


Very interesting.


There is a lot going on in this thread.

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So, here's Morro

Sorrowsworn Morro = 480pts
Sorrowsworn Morro is continually surrounded by the scent of saline, but underneath that there is the cloying stench of the rotten dead, the thoughts of those who smell it filled with images of bloated decaying bodies, seaweed wrapped around their throats, eyeless as carrionbirds fight over the distended corpses for the choicest spoils. Those in the legion associate this smell, something that even the greatest Perfumiers within the Imperium have yet been able to recreate with the coming of an Angel of the Fallen, something which takes to battle only to oversee the final moments of an enemy already defeated.
7 6 7 7 8 8 4 10 2+
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
Unit Type; Infantry (Character)
- Two Agoniser-Scourges
- The Deeping Plate
- Searchlight
- Rad Grenade Harness
- May be given a Jump Pack (+20pts)
Special Rules;
- Primarch
- Night Fighting
- Sire of the Drowned; Units made entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Drowned) special rule within 24" of Morro may choose to automatically pass or fail any morale check they are called upon to make; this includes units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule.
- Haunt of Misery; Enemy units with one or more models in base contact with Morro lose the Fearless special rule (and are treated as Stubborn), unless they contain one or more models with the Daemon or Primarch special rule. Enemy units that do not have the Fearless special rule and have one of more models within 12" of Morro lose any ability they have to make rerolls to their Leadership if it is failed. However, such models may choose to roll twice for Fall Back distances and choose which result to use.
- Melody of Tides; This functions like a Grav Wave Generator (see Solar Auxilia) for Morro. In addition, once per battle, may be focused into a powerful blast of noise; this causes all enemy non-vehicle units with one or more model within 48" of Morro to consider all successful Charges as Disordered Charges until the start of Morro's next Player Turn, and lose the fleet special rule. After using it in this way, it may no longer be used as a Grav Wave Generator.
- Void-dreamer; Used to fighting in the crushing depths of the deepest Trenches and the inky blackness of the Void, the dark holds no fear. Morro fights with a preternatural speed when fighting in pressures of a normal range, represented by his elevated Initiative. In addition, even when affected by Concussion, he is only reduced to Initiative 3, rather than Initiative 1, and when he is rolling to Hit in Assault, never does so on worse than a 4+. 
- Electrostatic Discharge; Morro can harness the modifications within him any time he moves 6" or more during the movement phase. If he does so, then during the following shooting phase, all units within 6" 12" of Morro take D3 automatic S4 AP- hits with the Pinning, Ignore Cover and Deflagrate special rules. Vehicles are hit on their Rear Armour. 
Range -, Str As User, AP2; Type; Melee, Poisoned (2+), Shred, Specialist Weapon, Disarm; Deflagrate
Disarm; May change Specialist Weapon to Two-Handed during Morro's Assault phase. If done so it loses the Deflagrate special rule and may choose one enemy model within 2" of Morro involved in the same combat. This model loses the use of a single weapon chosen by Morro until either model are no longer within 2" of each other. This effect lasts until the start of Morro's next assault phase, but at the start of the chosen models next assault phase, if it is still within 2" of Morro may take a Strength Test. If it is successful, Morro reverts back to using the Agoniser Scourges as a Specialist Weapon, and the enemy model gains the use of their weapon again. In the event that stopping the use of a weapon prevents an enemy from having any other weapon with the melee type, they are considered equipped with a single close combat weapon as per the "No Specified Weapon" special rule.
Deeping Plate; This is a form of heavily modified Styxian-Tartaros Pattern Terminator Plate, and like any other Styxian-Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armour, may elect to divert power from the shield generators to the movement actuators; on any turn in which a model so equipped declares a charge, it may elect to reduce its Invulnerable Save by 1 (to 6+) in exchange for the ability to make a Sweeping Advance if they force the enemy to fall back during that same assault phase. All models equipped with Styxian-Tartaros Pattern Armour in the same unit must do so if you choose to use this ability. This special rule lasts until the end of the Assault Phase (after resolving any fall back moves). In addition, one It Will Not Die roll per turn made by a model with the Deeping Plate is made a 2+ rather than a 5+.
Rad Grenade Harness; This works exactly like a normal Grenade Harness with S4 rather than S3, but grants the firing Terminator Rad Grenades as well as assault grenades when used.
Kind of tough; a 2+ with 8 wounds and the ability to make a single 2+ IWND makes him last quite a long while, as his ability on his turn to force an opponent to not use a single weapon in conjunction with a 1/battle Rad Grenade, S7, AP2 Poisoned 2+ Deflagrate, he can quite possibly nix an enemy squad quite easily (6 attacks max, 5 if using Disarm, hitting on 3's, wounding on 2's, gets 3-4 unsaved wounds, maybe 3-4 more from Deflagrate. Quasi-Immunity to Blind and reduction to I3 when Concussion means that you're going to need to swarm him with Powerfists, or shoot him with Plasma (only a 5++ with it reduced to 6++ when he charges).
Mechanically, he's a match for many Primarchs, and his ability for Calgon's God of War like ability from 5th edition is neat enough to warrant him worth taking; as his ability to try and cause a mass rout. 
For alliances, if we have any Fear causing Legions, I'd love to hear you shout up; at the minute, I see possibly Slips Legion, and one other Legion becoming either Gold or at Least Black Allies, with the rest as Silver or maybe even Red (including some of my soon to be brothers.)


The reason I asked for Loyalists was because I'm trying to even out the 'screen time'. Alex, Icarion, Alexos, and Kozja already have big roles, so was looking for someone else. Which is why I wasn't going to choose Daer'dd because now he has his own major legacy shaping up. (No offense, Redd).

Morro is definitely a candidate for the deed.

Not a problem. With Big Bad Squig being involved, I'm still not averse to a decision going to the vote as it were. Either way, if we need a planet burning like Olympia/Nocturne, feel free to use mine. It needs a name, I'm think "Aquae-Boreas", and it being similar to Bespin/Cloud City for the majority of the inhabitants. 


A brief outline of what I'd imagined in my headcanon for Sorrowsworn Morro (Presuming there is still a scattering of Primarchs); 


Morro is found on [Gas Giant]; but his pod is discovered floating in the pressure tides of the Helium and Sulphur/Flouride compounds which made up the majority of the planets atmosphere. The Imperium at large needed this gas because of it's role as an electrical insulator; perfect for the temperamental plasma and volkite weaponry. However, there are several heavily noxious waste gasses coming from the planets manufacturing facilities, and Morro's pod has been cracked by a Cirrus-Wyrm's attempts to bite it's way through, letting in the gasses. A combination of this noxious gas with waking the young Primarch earlier than expected causes him to develop psychological and social problems which hurt his interactions with other people; turning him into a damaged sociopath whereas other Primarchs became leaders or figures of mythology, Morro ironically became that which he most wanted but thought he'd never get to, his self doubt hiding the truth from him.


When the Emperor comes to claim his son, he finds [Gas Giant] under the influence of a Dark Eldar Haemonculus Coven; Morro has encouraged the Haemonculus Coven to create an army fit to become powerful. The Coven is just about the jump into the Webway Portal when the Emperor appears with his Custodes. Recognising a "perfect being" and the father figure, Morro instantly turns aside from the Eldar, and under the Emperor's Instruction destroys the Coven and kills those citizens of [Gas Giant] who had been worked on by the Haemonculi. However, the Haemonculi's second in command Urien Rakarth survives [authors note; this can change, but I think having some crossover with existing peoples are okay, if not, this is still WIP and can change), and flees to Commoragh; they would later meet up once more during the Great Crusade, and recognising the talent of the Haem, captures him, and uses him to teach his legion about the basics of fleshsmithing.


He is looked down upon by other legions as a result of this, as they see the use of the Xenos tech as an abomination, but Morro lets the effectiveness of his Legion speak for itself.


During the secession, Morro kills [Depth's Seccesionist Primarch] through means to be arranged (was it the Emperor's orders, or was it the Secessionist high command which attempted to get the fleshsmiths of [Rakarth/Dark Eldar] on side; afterwards, being "arrested" on the Emperor's Command following the discovery of the depths of xeno-gene-Heresy to which his legion has stooped in their searches of the wide void. During his internment, he sees visions of the what the future will come to pass, and realises that the Emperor is a flawed individual, and throws in his lot with the Secessionists, giving himself up to Chaos (seeing it as a tool, rather than a faith). Seperated from his legion, the temperamental peace that's held between the multiple factions sees those loyal to the Primarch battered by the larger forces of those loyal to the Emperor (including both Terrans and [Gas Giantans], and fleeing into the webway under guidance from Rakarth. In exchange for aid and succour, Rakarth offers up the legion survivors to slaanesh, and experiencing chaotic mutations with which he gets greater experience, but the remains of the large loyalist fleet (place around 120,000 remaining astartes?) is harried all the way by Vects ships, stopping them from reaching Terra (similar to the Alpha Legion at Alaxxes in thought now I think about it).


How does that sound?


Unit wise, I see laser, volkite and grav weaponry being particularly favourite of this legion; perhaps using the Cinder Roc I posted a few months ago in the Volkite Appreciate Thread (Chooms! Unite!). Special equipment is Styxian-Tartaros armour, a specialized form of Terminator Armour created for both high and low pressure operation, with small jump jets to aid speed at the expense of invulnerable saves when they charge. Raktra, I think your legion might like that, and Slips too, feel free to borrow that idea (as listed below) if you like. Due to my legions nature as loners for the most part, may I request other legions ask before using it, so we can hammer out relationships etc?


Such a Terminator could have a Twin-linked Combi-Grenade Launcher which can be upgraded as a squad to contain a Luminagen-style Grenade or a Haywire Grenade, Scorpius Rounds and a Cyclone Missile Launcher equipped with Rad Missiles or a Graviton Gun as special options, and in melee, Thunder Hammers, because they're already slow. 


Another unit would be a Chaos infested unit similar to Gal Vorbak with a Haywire esque ability rather than Rending (i.e, on a 6+ to wound/penetrate, they inflict a haywire attack and deflagrate). I like Deflagrate, but rather than it being exclusively volkite, it represents chain lightning.


Psychic abilities of the legion would focus around Biomancy with L2 Psykers of that lore losing the Support Officer rule. 

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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As far as fluff goes, it's looking pretty good. I certainly don't mind Urien Rakarth being present. Although I have just one question: Why is he from a gas world rather than an aquatic world? I thought the Drowned were specialists in aquatic warfare?

Rules wise, he looks a bit too difficult to kill to me but I'll let those among us who've played 30k more recently than myself be the judges of that.

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As far as fluff goes, it's looking pretty good. I certainly don't mind Urien Rakarth being present. Although I have just one question: Why is he from a gas world rather than an aquatic world? I thought the Drowned were specialists in aquatic warfare?

Rules wise, he looks a bit too difficult to kill to me but I'll let those among us who've played 30k more recently than myself be the judges of that.

If we want to get all Scientific all up in here: Some Gasses, under extreme Pressure (like what you might find on a gas giant), can start to act like Liquids or even change phase into a Liquid.(iirc, science isnt my Forte)


So that could explain it?

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The Drowned on Terra came from one of the few places that still had natural water on Terra; the sinkholes beneath the hives between Cathay and Goreo (what was the East China Sea), and spent much of their time training in that location for boarding actions against enemy vessels, but also on water borne worlds.


As part of the crippling self doubt "theme" (and as much as a genetically engineered superhuman killing machine can have) of Morro (and hence "Sorrowsworn" which is both an epithet and a name), the very fact that his upbringing is a vague similarity ("zero g"/3dimensional combat) to that of the legion to which he is to take charge of, yet still be so radically different is enough to bring on an episode of unworthiness, and the need to try and perfect what he sees as flawed and broken, and not living up to his name as a Primarch. 


While others become leaders of their legion, able to share either the camaraderie or absolute control as a general/warlord, or even to the extent that similar to Angron he doesn't give a :censored: and just goes around birds aloft at anything and everything, Morro just wants to be accepted, and isn't able to feel the empathy and love that his legion has for him despite really wanting to (unlike Angron). He doesn't realise that they would follow him into the jaws of hell. He has the legion keep its original name "The Drowned" whereas other legions may pick up new ones, in an attempt to not feel like he's overwriting their past. 


The Self Doubt is assuaged by an almost bipolar sociopathic nature in regards to other circumstances, a complete misanthrope and "antipath" to much of the human races inability to see how powerful it can become. His legion is one of the largest (if possible, due to its lack of being drawn into long conflicts alongside other legions, acting a pathfinder), the constant experimentation of Rakarth (thank you, by the way) on those Astartes means that there is a reasonably high survival rate, as well as Morro's desire for defeating what he sees as a flaw by accumulating as many possible covers as he needs.




This link might help understand a little of his attitude. 


He'd probably be one of the later founding Astartes personally (if not the last found?), which would help increase his paranoia at feeling worthless by comparison ,especially when he learns of the success they all made while he was trading away his people for the secrets to becoming powerful, which would also give the legion time to develop on its own identity. That way they could latch as an auxiliary force to Slips legion to help get their training; (if they are on an ocean world).


As for being on a Gas Giant as well, somethings for 3d combat would be similar; i.e weightlessness in some aspects of it. I'm not suggesting the legion is capable at vessel versus vessel combat, but rather that the guys within it are suited for fighting in zero-g environs. Rather than a Jump Pack, they're using a great big prop like thing, rather than anti-grav plates, they have Magnetohydrodynamic drives or whatever. But the ethos behind the two are similar. 


I hope that helps?


I wanted him to have a legitimate reason for being broken rather than "because chaos lol" which is what the canon heresy turned into.

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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Well, crap. I was hoping there wasn't much of an update, and I could make a quick comment before bed. Should've known this thread wouldn't have been that nice to me. 


Hesh, Morro does have the execution mission. I'll take a more thorough look through the mechanics and fluff when I get up tomorrow. (Yay for having a day off!)


Just do me a favor and don't double the length of this thread while I sleep. That's fair, right? :wink:

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Well, crap. I was hoping there wasn't much of an update, and I could make a quick comment before bed. Should've known this thread wouldn't have been that nice to me. 


Hesh, Morro does have the execution mission. I'll take a more thorough look through the mechanics and fluff when I get up tomorrow. (Yay for having a day off!)


Just do me a favor and don't double the length of this thread while I sleep. That's fair, right? :wink:

...challenge accepted?


@Hesh: Having your legion use mines as a potential training ground alongside mine is cool with me! And yes, Ocean World.



Edit: also, is there a dated timeline of when our Primarchs were found? Ie: Icarion: 5yrs, Alexandros 9yrs, Leeman Russ 15yrs, Daer'dd 17yrs, etc.?


I need to know :p

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The Power of Stars.


Though my weapons facility was of the highest quality, it did not hold me in the meditative state my forge did. Though for this task I needed focus, for I'd be giving the power of stars to my little brother Alexandros.


I focused in a way I haven't needed to in a century, a Plasma Blaster was a complex weapon for anyone to build, let alone improve upon. I had deconstructed one from my armory and studied every little detail. From power cores, to acceleration and cooling units and fusion chambers.


I found myself on the belly of The Dragon going through our metal supplies looking for the purest ingots. Before long I was at my forge, though it was cold. I focused my mind, my breathing, my hearts. Before I knew it more than 20 hours had passed without even a moment's pause. But before me I had a new case, cooling and accelerator units, and a mount for a gauntlet.


My workshop was busy, I'd had my finest Artificers join me in this labor now, but after a month of work the weapon was done.

I'd finished this weapon to be immaculate. It's case was without peer, virtually indestructible and a piece of artwork if I may brag. Sitting upon a clasp meant for a gauntlet two perfect symmetrical plasma weapons sat in a single case, two eagle heads representing our alliance with the Mechanicum formed the barrel of weapon, from their heads a wing on each side made the case of the weapon. In betwixt the wings a cooling unit of flawless copper. It lacked the flash of plasteel units, but was far more effective. The butt of the weapon finished in cables linked to a back unit, I'd retrofitted it with the fusion unit of a plasma cannon to make a far deadlier weapon.


I think Alexandros will be happy with this, why wouldn't he? For now he had the true power of stars at his beck and call.

And no less from the symbol of our empire itself.


This will do.


Though he did say he needed a new shield...

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It is exactly that thing. When the primarchs were snapped away and drifted through the warp they not only landed simewhere else. They could also land sometime else cause in the warp time as we know it doesn't exist. I always wondered why there was never a primarch who landed in the past. So I thought that Gwalchavad or Neo Goth Galahad ;) landed in the past after he severes his ties from the warp to stop the pain. In canonverse his gestation capsule was the one damaged by horus and the demons were able to creep inside and haunt him. Hurt him and the infant just instinctivly protected himself even as he wasn't aware of the thing he was doing.


In my first draft he was sent back a way longer :)

But in our newverse 300-500years could work

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Some fluff sigismund wrote and I'll be presenting, about the eagle warriors and the Qarith:


Poseko used his scalpel to cut into his new test subjects throat. After having examined nearly 103 seperate Qarith corpses and being able to remove and preserve the most interesting organs, Poseko had begun to creat replicas designed to be implanted into astartes. This gene he was implanting now, for example, had allowed the Qarith seemingly unnatural resilience in recent weeks. It seemed to function in much the same way as a space marines Laramans cells, only working on bones as well, reknitting a Qariths exo skeleton in minutes. Ah the wonders Poseko could create with this new gene stock....


"Poseko" rumbled someone behind him. "You said you had something to show me". Recognising the voice as that of his primarch, Poseko turned around, leaving his test subject and said "Indeed I did my Lord". Walking over to a dark corner of the room, Poseko switched on a light. He said "My lord, I would like to introduce Ehecatl" he said, indicating the astartes chained in the corner, who was even now straining at his constraints to try and attack the two men standing before him. "As you can see, one of the organs which I have implanted produces organic combat drugs and pumps them around his body. While they heighten his strength and speed in this test subject they've had the unfortunate effect of heightened, almost uncontrable aggression, a fault I'm sure I can eliminate with time". Alexos gave a vaguely perceptable nod then said "What other organs have we.....aqcuired from the Qarith?". Poseko chuckled and said "Hundreds. The possibilites are endless. Eyes and parts of the brain that register and remember motion better than the human brain or eyes can, making it possible to improve against a foe far faster. Rapid evolution organs, organs which cause your salivary glands to produce poison, lungs capable of improved performance even over astartes. What wonders I could create....". Alexos nodded again, more visibly this time and said "Impant your.....test subject with all of them. I want to know how compatible they are with astartes physioligy". With that, Alexos walkes out of Poseko's apothacerion. Poseko chuckled and turned to the raging monstrosity chained to the wall and said "You are about to become something truly amazing my beauty" while tracing the scar lines from the first implantation. Injecting Ehecatl with a drug that would make him sleep through even an ork Waaagh, Poseko went to work.


"Did it work?" asked Alexos. In front of him stood Poseko, drenched in blood. Licking the blood off of his fingers, the crazed apothecary said "All genes were compatible. Although.....the subject may have lost some of his sanity. An error which it should be possible to erse within.....I should say about a thousand or so implantations". Alexos nodded, his eyes closed in quiet contemplation, and whispered "And it would work on all astartes?". Poseko stopped licking his fingers clean of blood and rumbled "Yes. Maybe". Alexos oppened his eyes and smiled "Begin implanting the warriors of the Eagle Hunters of 2 cadres immediately. Including myself. Let us create new gods... The Ecathl Aztekii...". Poseko grinned with a crazed gleam in his eyes and licked his lips before he said "As you will my Lord".

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This project is great.


However, as Simison says, it's difficult to update, and the ideas being thrown around are a bit hectic, with few posts on one subject (and therefore not explored as fully as they could) before another subject comes up. While this format is good enough when just starting out to get some core principles set in stone, this project is set in motion now.


Far from me to dictate how to develop the project, but it might be interesting to open new threads to develop one thing in particular, with a date limit: this should allow you to go in depth into that subject. Only one subject like this would be discussed at a time: for a week, for instance, you could focus on the Great Crusade, including some exp-fleet, grand battles, and alliances and friendships formed; the next week, you can focus on the Triumph, working on the Qarith, the way the battle is fought and how frictions between Primarchs and Legions start to augment; then, you could explore the reasons for two thirds of the legions will eventually turn against the Imperium, and why the remaining third stay so staunchly loyal; and so on...

In parallel, you can keep this thread here as a general discussion about the Brotherhood of the Lost, functioning much in the same manner as it is now. Here, you would be also able to mention if there are previous things you wish to change, as new events appear.


Many group projects on the board function in broadly such a manner, so I just thought that this could help you keep this structured.

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I'm asleep for 7 hours - and THIS happens.  You guys... You're making me start to fear being away from the computer.  As to the mention of Rakarth - I am a die hard dark eldar player as well, and I think he definitely fits in with this universe.  Also, I'm loving the stories everyone is writing.  Once the position of my legions is clearer, I will write some myself...

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Well, crap. I was hoping there wasn't much of an update, and I could make a quick comment before bed. Should've known this thread wouldn't have been that nice to me. 


Hesh, Morro does have the execution mission. I'll take a more thorough look through the mechanics and fluff when I get up tomorrow. (Yay for having a day off!)


Just do me a favor and don't double the length of this thread while I sleep. That's fair, right? :wink:

...challenge accepted?


@Hesh: Having your legion use mines as a potential training ground alongside mine is cool with me! And yes, Ocean World.



Edit: also, is there a dated timeline of when our Primarchs were found? Ie: Icarion: 5yrs, Alexandros 9yrs, Leeman Russ 15yrs, Daer'dd 17yrs, etc.?


I need to know :tongue.:



No, no, no! There was no challenge! I threw in the smiley to make sure I sounded a little humorous! I swear if you double the thread size, I will murder you in your sleep!



This project is great.


However, as Simison says, it's difficult to update, and the ideas being thrown around are a bit hectic, with few posts on one subject (and therefore not explored as fully as they could) before another subject comes up. While this format is good enough when just starting out to get some core principles set in stone, this project is set in motion now.


Far from me to dictate how to develop the project, but it might be interesting to open new threads to develop one thing in particular, with a date limit: this should allow you to go in depth into that subject. Only one subject like this would be discussed at a time: for a week, for instance, you could focus on the Great Crusade, including some exp-fleet, grand battles, and alliances and friendships formed; the next week, you can focus on the Triumph, working on the Qarith, the way the battle is fought and how frictions between Primarchs and Legions start to augment; then, you could explore the reasons for two thirds of the legions will eventually turn against the Imperium, and why the remaining third stay so staunchly loyal; and so on...

In parallel, you can keep this thread here as a general discussion about the Brotherhood of the Lost, functioning much in the same manner as it is now. Here, you would be also able to mention if there are previous things you wish to change, as new events appear.


Many group projects on the board function in broadly such a manner, so I just thought that this could help you keep this structured.


Thorn, you offer an excellent point, once again. One problem that's started happening lately is that thread is moving so fast that frater are responding to older posts without realizing new info has been offered in later posts. Perhaps it is time to start specialty threads. Although, I'm not as sure about focusing on one topic at a time. At least, not from this starting point. At the very least, I want Demus to continue forward with the Qarith. 


Although, I'm quite curious how long this will go on before they give us our own sub-forum.

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Well, crap. I was hoping there wasn't much of an update, and I could make a quick comment before bed. Should've known this thread wouldn't have been that nice to me. 


Hesh, Morro does have the execution mission. I'll take a more thorough look through the mechanics and fluff when I get up tomorrow. (Yay for having a day off!)


Just do me a favor and don't double the length of this thread while I sleep. That's fair, right? :wink:

...challenge accepted?


@Hesh: Having your legion use mines as a potential training ground alongside mine is cool with me! And yes, Ocean World.



Edit: also, is there a dated timeline of when our Primarchs were found? Ie: Icarion: 5yrs, Alexandros 9yrs, Leeman Russ 15yrs, Daer'dd 17yrs, etc.?


I need to know :tongue.:



No, no, no! There was no challenge! I threw in the smiley to make sure I sounded a little humorous! I swear if you double the thread size, I will murder you in your sleep!





Simison, that sounds more like the Berserkers of Uran speaking than the Halycon Wardens :tongue.:

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*urge to stab Invictus rising*




Anyway. I've established the first three specialty threads of BotL. Between them, everyone should have something to do. Cut loose, boys!

*Urge to run away very fast rising*


Good idea with the specialty threads Simison! But now I have to think of some epic storiesto put in each.

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What we decided was there are three factions. But it is fluid. At the beginning of the Insurrection, the traitors are all grouped into one faction under Icarion. But as the years of the war drag on, and chaos becomes more prominent in the traitors camp, the revolutionary faction splits off from the Chaos faction to 'do their own thing' That's why I created this thread: Insurrectionists Strategium So that we can hammer out the why's and wherefores of everyone who is NOT a loyalist.

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