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Ok. So this is where the allies chart is right now. (Maybe I should have made a thread for this?) Would anyone mind if I fill in the gaps that are left over with some educated guesses? I will obviously change anything should the Legion owners feel that something else should apply instead. I'd just like for it to be a complete thing.



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OK...may I say something? ^^


Been thinking on the idea of head hunting within the CL. It's something that was big in both early germanic and pre roman celtic cultures, so the Crimson Lions doing it would make sense from a thematic stand point. However, I've veered away from it as it seemed too Khornate. However, the SW were the Emperor's executioners and they take trophies and stuff so I wanted to ask what the group thinks. Should the Crimson Lions take the heads/skulls of fallen enemies as trophies or is that too Khornate?

And another point is that the Crimson Lions are Fidelitas Sine Recursu. Does that mean they would take up the role of the Emperor's Executioners with Russ and the Wolves gone?


Don't get me wrong, Sigi but I can't imagine the Lions wearing their enemies' heads as decoration. Just doen't want to fit in my head. I depict them as noble warriors with a savage note but not like this.


In canon, we got three Legions which made use of skulls: Night Lords, World Eaters and White Scars

I cannot imagine ANY depiction of the Vlka with such trophies which were not of an animal.


In our universe, I can imagine the following Legions making use of this: Grave Stalkers. Stygian Jackals, Berzerkers of Uran and Predators.


Instead of skulls, you could use furs, fetishes (right term for a lions paw?) and something like this. Would underline their savage character.


I favor noses and especially ears. Maybe they glue them.to their helmets.after they elongate them.

Just to feel closer to their primarch^^ please kel...don't hurt me. It is my other personality. Ot couldn't resist. Now present us a pic of andezo so that i cam stop making jokes about jis silly elf ears


<3 u 2


Ok. So this is where the allies chart is right now. (Maybe I should have made a thread for this?) Would anyone mind if I fill in the gaps that are left over with some educated guesses? I will obviously change anything should the Legion owners feel that something else should apply instead. I'd just like for it to be a complete thing.




Griff, I posted my suggestion of the Predators relations a while ago. I'll post them again:




Lightning Bearers: Sworn Brothers (fought several times at each other’s side, Andezo feels comfortable with him, although he dislikes their usage of sorcery and seemingly obsession of precognition)

Space Wolves: extinct - formerly Fellow Warriors (in terms of hunting, keeping their individuality)

Crimson Lions: Distrusted Allies (Andezo sees that Hec has something dark within him, lurking beneath his skin but can't name it)

Void Eagles: Fellow Warriors (for the sake of Why not?)

Halcyon Wardens: Distrusted Allies (they don't feel comfortable with Alexandros taking care so much, would rather be on their own)

Iron Bears: Sworn Brothers (Daer'dd was at the Emperors' side when Andezo was discovered, therefore both Legion worked very close together)

Berserkers of Uran: Fellow Warriors (Outsiders need a buddy, aye?)

Godslayers: By order! (Pariah)

Warbringers: By order! (causeSkalpy said so ^^)

Fire Keepers: By order! or Distrusted Allies / Fellow Warrios? (depending on the possible campaign with both being involved)

Thousand Sons: extinct - Distrusted Allies (same as the Lightning Bearers, although having powerful psykers by themselves, they distrust the overall usage of their brothers; something like the canon distrust between Wolves and Sons)

Wardens of Light: By order! (Pariah and too much bling )

Eagle Warriors: Sworn Brothers (causeAlexos directly says what he thinks, whatever the odds)

Dune Serpents: Fellow Warriors (not quite sure about that, had their commonality in infiltration in mind)

Grave Stalkers: Distrusted Allies (Pariah)

Drowned: Fellow Warriors (both Legion don't care for casualties as long as the campaign / hunt was a success, rather feel comfortable with the pre Morro Drowned)

Warriors of Peace: Distrusted Allies (Pariah)

Sytgian Jackals: Distrusted Allies (even for someone like Andezo, Wyllem is too much of a wildcard)

Scions Hospitalier: Distrusted Allies (Predators hunt people down; Scions save people...doesn't match)


Got everyone covered. Even the extinct ones. ;)


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@Kelborn: The CL already wear furs and the like(as well as runic charms and talismans and all that) ;) and the Blood Wolves wore their enemy's skulls encased in silver as trophies so it wouldn't be a new thing for the legion. I was thinking about is as a nod to th celtic and pre christian germanic cultures the CL draw quite heavily on, rather than as an extra bit of savagery. The only thing I was unsure of was if that was too Khornate .


Although I suppose I could keep the Blood Wolves doing it as a nod to those cultures and then have it dumped by Mycenaeans as that's desecration of a dead warrior's body or smthn...would help emphasise the difference between CL and Blood Wolves...

Edited by Sigismund229
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So, they were doing the same thing like the Scars, aye?


Wouldn't furs, talismans and skulls not be too much? I know that the Wolves are doing that but very individualistic with one having more runes, another pelt, yet another a wolf skull, etc.


NL got skulls and skins of their victims

WE got skulls and chains

Scars only got skulls (at least in 40k, can't remember them having these kind of things in 30k at all)

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Griff, I posted my suggestion of the Predators relations a while ago. I'll post them again:


Lightning Bearers: Sworn Brothers (fought several times at each other’s side, Andezo feels comfortable with him, although he dislikes their usage of sorcery and seemingly obsession of precognition)

Space Wolves: extinct - formerly Fellow Warriors (in terms of hunting, keeping their individuality)

Crimson Lions: Distrusted Allies (Andezo sees that Hec has something dark within him, lurking beneath his skin but can't name it)

Void Eagles: Fellow Warriors (for the sake of Why not?)

Halcyon Wardens: Distrusted Allies (they don't feel comfortable with Alexandros taking care so much, would rather be on their own)

Iron Bears: Sworn Brothers (Daer'dd was at the Emperors' side when Andezo was discovered, therefore both Legion worked very close together)

Berserkers of Uran: Fellow Warriors (Outsiders need a buddy, aye?)

Godslayers: By order! (Pariah)

Warbringers: By order! (causeSkalpy said so ^^)

Fire Keepers: By order! or Distrusted Allies / Fellow Warrios? (depending on the possible campaign with both being involved)

Thousand Sons: extinct - Distrusted Allies (same as the Lightning Bearers, although having powerful psykers by themselves, they distrust the overall usage of their brothers; something like the canon distrust between Wolves and Sons)

Wardens of Light: By order! (Pariah and too much bling )

Eagle Warriors: Sworn Brothers (causeAlexos directly says what he thinks, whatever the odds)

Dune Serpents: Fellow Warriors (not quite sure about that, had their commonality in infiltration in mind)

Grave Stalkers: Distrusted Allies (Pariah)

Drowned: Fellow Warriors (both Legion don't care for casualties as long as the campaign / hunt was a success, rather feel comfortable with the pre Morro Drowned)

Warriors of Peace: Distrusted Allies (Pariah)

Sytgian Jackals: Distrusted Allies (even for someone like Andezo, Wyllem is too much of a wildcard)

Scions Hospitalier: Distrusted Allies (Predators hunt people down; Scions save people...doesn't match)


Got everyone covered. Even the extinct ones. :wink:

Apologies. I remember seeing, now that you've pointed it out, but I must have forgotten to implement the changes. That's fixed now. Though I do still need your Mechanicum and Imperial Army ratings. :P

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Oh right...


Imperial Army = Distrusted Allies

Mechanicum = Fellow Warriors




Mortals might fear them and they rather work alone than with mortal soldiers.


Mechanicum loves them. They conquer worlds and defeat enemies without destroying infrastructure and precious technology. That's why the Predators are gifted with some unique equipment (Nihilum grenade launcher + wristblades + void grenades, etc.).

Though they are not BFFs, they cooperate very good.

Edited by Kelborn
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Mhm yup. I hve decided(in the past 10-15 minutes) that the Blood Wolves took their enemies skulls, some of the CL successor cohorts might but the CL won't. Part of Mycenaean culture I've added is a belief that a fallen warrior deserves to be treated with respect, friend or foe. Hacking off thr heads as trophies kind of goes against that
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Although I suppose I could keep the Blood Wolves doing it as a nod to those cultures and then have it dumped by Mycenaeans as that's desecration of a dead warrior's body or smthn...would help emphasise the difference between CL and Blood Wolves...

It could also be ended by Hec after he sees some Blood Wolves taking skulls to be silvered and has a flash of... Something... Something bad in his head as he hears Man'aan's cruel laughter echo through his thoughts. Immediately he gets the feeling something is very, very wrong and decides then and there to end the practise, fearful of what it might lead to.

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How come the Scions are Distrusted Allies to the Wardens of Light and Godslayers? Also, after Baal they should really be Distrusted by the Warbringers, as Pionus is seen as having stitched them up during the Prosecution


Oh and the Crimson Lions should probably be either Distrusted Allies(at best) of the Warbringers or By order!
I'd say By Order! And the Scions should really be Battle Brothers with the Imperial Army, given their reputation. Edited by bluntblade
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Hey guys, if you're ever in NZ, make the trek to Edoras. Holy moly.


On topic, I've made a start on the Fall of Aureus.


Edit: the friend I went to Mt Sunday/Edoras with is into 40k and we ended up talking about structures you could build to play a game on, such as a ship (by his calculations the smallest Imperial sloop would be 12m long, whereas if you wanted to do the Vengeful Spirit you're looking at more than 20 times that...) As well as the interior of an Ork scrapworld, a cross-section of siege fortifications and an ancient stone temple, the inside of an Imperator Titan was suggested. So, coming to a Predators/Grave Stalkers/Dune Serpents story near you at some point...

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Had a thought. How paternal are our various Primarchs? Obviously Alex, Gwal and Daer'd are very much so, while I assume Raktra's attitude remains, and I quote, "got me some prison bitches"

Yucahu doesn't care at all. He's the admiral of an army, not the father of a bunch of kids. Theoretically, given how half the fleets are composed of marine with the attitude of 15 year olds.


Kozja on the other hand is both the liege and father of the Warbringers.

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Also guys, we've got time we still like six books now to sort through first before we get to this fight. I'm sure it'll play out perfectly when we get there.

Wrong thread, Chief. Though seeing as you're higher, could I point you to the question above with regard to Solomon Grimm?

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