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The next section I'm writing for Book 3 is the Sack of Port Sarens. Basically, Port Sarens is a massive space docking station that's more like a planet than a space station that the insurrectionists want to take in order to use it as a forward base for the Blood Crusade. Now seeing as that's basically going to be one ginormous boarding action, I did contemplate using a company of Drowned to spearhead it but I thought I'd ask: are there any units in the 'Serkers or EW who could be the spearhead of a boarding action? Shall I invent one? Or shall I use a company of the Drowned?


The group of Drowned I invented in my head are called the Purged and are led by a failed captain/praetor/chapter master called Aro Karrion. The idea is that all of them have failed at some point so they've been grouped together into a unit of failures who are given all the highly dangerous or suicide missions and paint their gauntlets black to show both their shame and their purpose as suiciders to the world.

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How many legions are already present in book iii ? I sometimes get the impression that half the astartes in the galaxy are involved in the blood crusade.


I'd say go with a zerker unit, possibly even with some EWs attached. After all, all legions should excell in boarding actions (certain legions just excel more)

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Iron Bears are nocturnal creatures; we do not like to be awoken… ever really, just let us sleep and eat. If you must wake a Bear it's best to have roasted Elk, fried fish (freshwater Perch, Walleye, Rainbow Trout, and Whitefish) fried potatoes and fry bread at hand; otherwise it's Hangry personified, we may eat you we are Bears.
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Aye, I have; the Irish part of my family didn't come to the US until a just before WWI and nor was it the whole family, so we still have a lot of family in Cork and Carlow and I've been to visit. But short story long I hate most breakfast food, outside of breakfast meats.


@Mikhal awesome to see, I love the gauntlet, not what I pictured but very cool, what's it from?

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I got bored so I wrote another testimony. But not of a primarch. 


My sons…


For tens of thousands of years I have been alive and wandered among mankind’s teeming masses. I have seen civilizations rise and fall. I saw the Golden Age of Technology begin and fall down into a smoking ruin. I rose from those ruins and set out from Terra to reunite humanity and usher it into a new Golden Age that will last until the end of days. Never once did I doubt my course. Not until now.


Icarion, Kozja, Jackel, Morro, Koschei, Alexos, Raktra, K’awil, [the Jade General]. Nine of my sons raise their arms against me. Yet they are not wrong to do so and it is my fault that they do. I did not tell them the truth of the warp, of their birth…I sought to protect them from it and in doing so damned them. Oh my sons. Why do you tear me away from myself? I hate the pacts I needed to make to create you with every fibre of my being. There is not a day that goes by when I do not regret creating you. And yet I love you with all my heart.


I have done enough, made enough mistakes. I can already see the outcome of this war. There is only one way in which it can end. That final day, when Icarion charges forth from the webway shall be the beginning of my penance. Every day of my life has been leading up to this point. I could defeat Icarion. I shall not. I shall allow myself to be interred on the Golden Throne. There, I shall suffer and have time to contemplate every one of my mistakes. And by the time of the last days, perhaps my sons will be able to forgive me.


The testimony of the Emperor of Mankind. 


I was kind of annoyed by how the Emperor was shown as being an unmitigated dick in the HH series. This was my quick, scribbled attempt at fixing that. 

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The initial pieces of the Prospero story are falling into place. There is an Iron Bear hug. Also a reference to Athrawes' Thousand Sons, and I'm trying to explore the psychological effects of Alex and Icarion's foresight. The idea being that while for the others (I have the arrivals so far in order of Pionus - Daer'dd - Icarion or maybe Alexandros) there's a desperate hope that they might find survivors.


I'm interpreting Icarion's foresight as more "sublime" if that makes sense; there's less of the jumble of potential futures and more the "current" they must find and ride through whatever situation. So for Alex and Icarion, the knowledge of what they're going to find arrives differently.

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