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Ok. So here is a small Christmas update for you all. not too many changes, but the file should be all up to date with the rule/points changes that have been discussed so far.


Enjoy :)



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Also, a quite important point r/e Book 1 (just been flicking through). Is everyone aware that all modifiers to Strength etc from Wargear AND Special Rules go in order of multipliers, THEN additions? For example, the Ironbound slayer clan's Warclaws would be S9 rather than S10. Also to note, Forgeworld says in the wargear and special rules sections for units whether or not modifications to a statline have been included in their profile, something I notice was lacking in Book 1 and I think it's something we should endevour to keep in our Insurrection works for the sake of clarity and consistency. For example, going back to the Ironbound again, one could easily argue that their actual statline would be S6 T6 W3 I3 A3, which would put them on the level with Vorax automata (more so thanks to better saves) and would make the unit SEVERELY undercosted

Edited by Talonair
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K. I can do Mortera first. Can someone post the Drak's artwork of K'awil (just so I can make my sketches relatively uniform)? :smile.: Also, in terms of the Black Shields, would anyone like to 'donate' characters from their legion to a BS war band? I'd prefer for the war band to be loyalist, I think. 

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K. I can do Mortera first. Can someone post the Drak's artwork of K'awil (just so I can make my sketches relatively uniform)? :smile.: Also, in terms of the Black Shields, would anyone like to 'donate' characters from their legion to a BS war band? I'd prefer for the war band to be loyalist, I think. 

I'll PM you a description of Mortera quickly. Also, if you like I could write up a Mechanicum dude for the warband as well? A dude who's basically the only Magos from their world not to turn traitor?

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@Foamy: K'awil Pakal, coming right up


K'awil On Background



One thing to note that the Forgeworld character portraits have a LOT of variation, so don't fret too much about keeping the style uniform, as long as it's the general pencil-sketch look. In fact, this one would be a bit of a deviation, as it shows the character's torso. Most of them are just shoulders up, or head shots. So my advice would be to just have a browse on google images of the FW portraits and get a feel for the "look".

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@Talonair that can be rectified as the stats are meant to include wargear bonuses. Definitely not meant to be S6 T6. But we are still in the editing process.

Cool, just highlighting what I saw. And just wanted to make sure people were aware of the order in which bonuses and multipliers get applied

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Well, he worked on one specifically, a psyker Titan Legio.

I believe that they were listed as well somewhere in one of our threads.


At least you'll get a glimpse of it if you're follwing the link in his signature (the unicorn one).

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