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What is an Index Traitoris?


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While Renegades may rightly differentiate themselves from Chaos Warbands, the article title of Index Traitoris implies an Imperial perspective, in which case there would be no discernible difference. Both are traitors in their eyes.


You are free to come up with your own article title, though, if you feel it appropriate. I've made, or used what others have made, my share:

Indices Cartographae, Daemonica, Legiones, Militarum, Omnissiad, Questoris, Uchronia, and Vigilum. So far.


Room for an index Renegatus.

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Let me get this straight:

  • Cartographae: geographical articles (sectors, sub-sectors, systems, planets and/or regions)
  • Daemonica: self evident
  • Legiones: ditto
  • Militarum: Imperial Guard
  • Omnissiad: Adeptus Mechanicus (incl. Skitarii)
  • Questoris: Imperial Knights
  • Uchronia: Alternative Timelines

What's Vigilum ?


I've used "index Mechanicum" and "index regimentos", as well as "index titanicus", "index sororitas" and "index inquisitio", are those accepted forms ?

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They are acceptable if you want to use them. Mine are in no way "official," just ones I like to use. If they, or others, become popular enough, or if standards are desired, then that can be done.


Vigilum is Inquisition, Rogue Traders, Arbites and other, miscellaneous Imperial agents. It was originally Cohors, after Inquisitorial Cohorts, but Brother Tyler is using that for a listing elsewhere.


I don't reuse letters, and I try to use High Gothic names in accordance with the only canon article, the Index Astartes, and the pre-existing fan articles, the Indices Traitoris and Sororitas. So, Indices Legiones, Militarum and Questoris.


Index Omnissiad is self-evident, and makes the initials IO. Thought that was appropriate for the Mechanicus. :D


Renegatus sounds High Gothicy, and is the Medieval Latin word from which renegade originates.

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Woah woah woah. Index Cartographae? Like, you made a whole article dedicated to a map? That's awesome, and I was really wanting to do that with my chapter's home world (which I created a map on photoshop with). Can I do that?
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Woah woah woah. Index Cartographae? Like, you made a whole article dedicated to a map? That's awesome, and I was really wanting to do that with my chapter's home world (which I created a map on photoshop with). Can I do that?


Can't say we see too many maps around here. Sure, why not? I'd be interested to see where such an article would go.

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Woah woah woah. Index Cartographae? Like, you made a whole article dedicated to a map? That's awesome, and I was really wanting to do that with my chapter's home world (which I created a map on photoshop with). Can I do that?


Can't say we see too many maps around here. Sure, why not? I'd be interested to see where such an article would go.


Sweeeeeet! I'll have to do that when I get home! 

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I never posted anything like that, I just used it to keep my map tools separated in their own folder. I gave it an Index ___________ name because I could, theoretically, create an article dedicated to a Sector or Subsector. Never really did, outside of contributing to the Liber Cluster.


Edit: Didn't really answer the question, did I? Ah well, Olis gave the one I would have. :)

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Some thoughts on this (since I was away when the discussion was in full swing).


The White Dwarf articles in the "index" series were:


"Index Astartes" for all Legions/Chapters/warbands, including traitors

"Index Malleus" for daemons

"Index Xenos" for xenos (not really an issue here)

"Liber Sororitas" for Adepta Sororitas


And for the Imperial Guard ... ahem ... Astra Militarum ... there was the "Famous Regiments of the Imperial Guard" series (I think that was the name - my old White Dwarf issues are boxed up in the garage and I'm too lazy to go looking for them right now).


The implication of all was that there was a single "Index ~" for each of the various types (e.g., Adeptus Astartes, Adepta Sororitas, etc.) and that the articles were something like entries in an encyclopedia.


My personal practice will be to follow the precedent when I am using one of those formats (though I may or may not name other formats I choose to use). If I write an article for an organization type that hasn't had an "index" article given, I'll probably use the pseudo-Gothic word that GW uses (e.g., Index Sororitas, Index Militarum, Index Questoris, etc.) where possible. Initials are of no consequence to me as there is plenty of duplication (e.g., Index Astartes and Imperial Armour both use "IA"). That's just my personal choice.


Practically speaking, members can title their articles/formats whatever they want. There is no policy on what you may or may not use. So if you want to use "Index Daemonica" instead of "Index Malleus" that's fine. Alternately you can make up whatever names you want (as demonstrated by the replies above and what some members have chosen to do). Members have been using "Index Traitoris" vice "Index Astartes" for years when writing their articles about DIY Chaos Space Marines, and that's okay if that's what they want to do.

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I never even knew about the Index Malleus, or that the Sororitas had articles under a different name. Index Astartes articles I knew about, but I do prefer the separation given by using Index Traitoris.


For me, I like to use initials in the article name, and I like them to be sorted. So while IA can mean two, general things, for articles they only mean Index Astartes to me. Even if I used the Forge World style that can be found in Imperial Armour or Horus Heresy volumes, I'll give an Index title according to the faction. The Index title us just the title for me, not the format, so a Chapter article using the Imperial Armour format is still an Index Astartes to me. I don't think my Index Daemonica article will look much like an Index Malleus one, even though they are just different names for the same thing.


For that reason, I chose to not have both an Index Militarum and an Index Mechanicus. When I put "IM: " in the title, they'll sort together. So, I chose "IO: " for the Mechanicus instead.


Kind of a moot point now though, since these days I have so many it just became easier to sort them into individual folders, which are given the full Index name.


But as Brother Tyler says, these are just personal practices or choices. We can feel free to go with the norm, because that provides a ready and obvious link for the general viewers, or we can use our own. Like Regimentos instead of Militarum, or both Titanicus and Traitoris. Or split Traitoris up and create Renegatus. Or it doesn't have an Index ______ name, but something else. Or it doesn't have an article title at all, beyond the name of the DIY itself.


Hell, if I see somebody come up with a better Index name than I did, I'll probably steal it. It's how I got Questoris, I remember that.

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