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IL XVII - The Warriors of Peace (thread 1)


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I would agree that Split Fire is probably the way to go. It could get incredibly time-consuming to do each individual marine as a separate set of shooting rolls.


Also I'm not too sure whether the unit buys pistol upgrades together so you need to have all of them with the same weapons. Or whether they are supposed to be able to buy pistols independently so you can have variety in the squad. Not saying either is better, just wanting to check.


Also I'd probably go with 170-180 for their points. It puts them just over the Dark Furies (who are very competitively priced) as despite their lesser weaponry, they have more manoeuvrability to stay away from combat and their shrouding will be working for most of the game rather than for just one turn. As their thing will be to move into range unleash their pistols and then jump back out of range.

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I was trying to avoid a Sergeant character to make them more unique, but if I switch out the every model shoots at a different target for Split Fire, I'd consider it.


The pistol upgrade is supposed to be model per model and not just a unit upgrade. 

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I meant more in terms of a captain character rather then a centurion character.


I'd probably also include a caveat to the Moritat's Lone Killer rule, allowing a Moritat to join one of these instead of just Destroyers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hm, let's see. I was originally planning a Primus Medicae character and thought of a jetbike character later on, but that was it. Now that I'm thinking on it again, I think the third slot should be a character that becomes famous when the Warriors of Peace break from Icarion's forces. 

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Oooooh Wardens with Iron Circle robots for the win.


Wardens? Warriors in this thread.


Yes it is!


I'm not seeing it, Slips. With the emphasis on apothecaries and Pariahs, a praevian character doesn't feel like he belongs among the Warriors of Peace.

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I mean....


Battle-bots still require human components in them, dont they...?http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/msn-wink.gif


Just think of the Praevian as a very extreme and dark form of Apothecary where, if the Marines cant Serve as Dreadnoughts, they can still serve under his direct command http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/msn-wink.gif


Besides, Battle-Automata made from Marine Bits is likely to be more effective vs using Human-Pleb Materials http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png

Edited by Slipstreams
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Oooooh Wardens with Iron Circle robots for the win.



Wardens? Warriors in this thread.


Yes it is!



I'm not seeing it, Slips. With the emphasis on apothecaries and Pariahs, a praevian character doesn't feel like he belongs among the Warriors of Peace.

True. But it does work for Wardens.


For Warriors a Primus Medicae sounds good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Foundation of XVII

Founded in the early days of the Great Crusade, as the closing battles of the Unification Wars were being fought in distant lands, the earliest Warriors of Peace were recruited from the Kingdom of Qin in the east of what was once Aziatica. However, despite the large number of recruits the legion received, when the legions left Terra, the Warriors of Peace was the smallest, having barely 200 astartes, with even the massively unstable gene seed of the XV producing more astartes. It was quickly discovered that the XVII possessed the most unstable of any of the gene seed strands, so unstable that only around 0.3% of aspirants survived the implantation process. Following the relatively heavy losses the legion sustained on Luna, the possibility was discussed of dissolving the XVII and striking their names from the record and merging the legion with the XV. However, while such talk would persist for much of the Great Crusade, the Emperor forbade any such action, decreeing that "the legions astartes began in fire and if any of them are to be destroyed it shall be in fire".


Defended by the Emperor's decree, the XVII continued to prosecute the Crusade. However, they did not do so alone. Instead, they were attached to the IX legion, the Steel Guard and it was alongside the IX that many of the XVII's early victories would be achieved. Indeed, it was from the IX that the XVII earned their nickname. After observing the almost trance like state of peace and calm the warriors of the XVII fell into while fighting, never using more force than necessary yet never using less, always using just enough to kill their foe, the IX dubbed them "Warriors of Peace". While it is unlikely the XVII themselves cared much for having been given the moniker, it stuck and they soon became referred to as the Warriors of Peace in official war council dispatches made by the newly discovered IX legion primarch, Kozja Darzalas. Due to this nature, the Warriors of Peace were often placed in the vanguard of the IX legion, using their particular skills as well as the terror they inspired because of their pariah abilities to carve a path through the enemy lines.


For much of the Great Crusade, the Warriors of Peace served under Kozja Darzalas, who also took up where the genetecists of Terra had failed and attempted to rectify the instability in the XVII's gene seed, for the discovery of their own primarch was a long time in the coming. However, as the various faults and instabilities within their gene seed were gradually found and corrected by Kozja Darzalas, the XVII grew in size until, when Kosja was called to the world of Jin they numbered almost 13,000 warriors. It was on that world that they found their primarch, the last of the Emperor's sons to be found.

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Nice foundation story, you feel a slight worry that the legion will even survive, yet they manage to make it through.


After observing the almost trance like state of peace and calm the warriors of the XVII fell into while fighting, never using more force than necessary yet never using less, always using just enough to kill their foe, the IX dubbed them "Warriors of Peace".


What about calling them originally "Warriors at Peace" as that would mean that these are warriors who are at peace with themselves, and it is only later that they take up the idea of protectors of the Peace, leading to the slight name change as we know them today.


I know it is a very minor concern, but I often feel like Forge World injects this kind of tiny detail that end up adding a good deal of character to their armies.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yoxer Bellows is the closest we have. Basically Gimli, only with two axes, eight feet tall and on a bike.


On another note, and I can't believe I didn't think of this question before: how does the General regard Pionus? Because that could be a rivalry of sorts.

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Ah, guess I'll get to pioneer that route. 


So, what kind of character will this rider be? Three characters and a Primarch. Jade is the beat stick, martial arts icon. Huang is supposed to be the super medicae primus. I have this jetbike rider. I want the third character to be either related to the Nova Imperium or happens to be an icon of the soon-to-be Suzerainty. 


I'm tempted to have the rider to be a kind of rebel within the legion, who rejects Jade's views. But I worry that he'll simply become a White Scar in different colors.

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Yoxer Bellows is the closest we have. Basically Gimli, only with two axes, eight feet tall and on a bike.


On another note, and I can't believe I didn't think of this question before: how does the General regard Pionus? Because that could be a rivalry of sorts.



What the? How come B&C didn't notify me about this? 


That's a very good question. They are both scientists of high regard in the medical field. I think you have a point in that there's some kind of antagonism between the two, whether it's professional rivalry or something deeper.

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It was in one of the stories, I wasn't sure if Redd had put rules up for him yet.


I could see them being somewhat divided on priorities, especially Jade's attitude to psykers. Pionus is also wary of doing too much too fast after what he's seen of the Qarith, which the General might perceive as irrational.

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How about a jetbike chariot character ? A quick wiki-fu indicates that ancient chinese warfare included chariot warfare, and we know that at least the blood angels had jetbike chariots in canonverse, so it could make him different from white scars ?

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