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Alpha Legion 2500

Fang of Morkai

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I am looking more and more at getting into 30K and with the last batch of Alpha Legion related stuff from FW.  I think the tipping poiint is very close.  I put together a first list and would love to have some feedback from more experienced players.  I tried to put what  I think I will need while keeping the army flexible.


RoW: Coil of the Hydra



Exodus (115)

Centurion (Consul Vigilator, Scout Armor, Bolter, Refractor field, Power Dagger, Melta Bombs)  (107)



Legion Tactical Support Squad (4 x Meltaguns, Rhino, Sgt has Artificer armour, Melta Bombs, Power Dagger, Bolter & Augury Scanner) (215)

Legion Tactical Support Squad (4 x Plasma Guns, Rhino, Sgt has Artificer armour, Melta Bombs, Power Dagger, Bolter & Augury Scanner) (215)



Apothecarion Detachment (3 x Apothecaries with Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner and Power Dagger) (195)

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (3x Laser Destroyer) (165)



Headhunter Kill Team (5 x Combi-Bolter, 1 x Heavy Bolter with Suspensor Web, Prime has Artificer Armour and combi-bolter, Rhino) (310)

Seeker Squad (8 x Combi-Bolters, Strike Leader has Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, everyone has Banestrike Ammo, no transport, will infiltrate)



Fire Raptor Gunship w Hellstrike Missiles (220)

Legion Heavy Support Squad (4 x Volkite Culverin, Sgt has Artificer armour, augury scanner, power dagger, Volkite Culverin) (205)



Alpharius (415)


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some suggestion stuff here my Friend:



1- legion support squads cannot be used to fill up your basic troops slots (which is three in coils of the hydra by the way). says so right in their profile. If you take alpharius with Coils you will need x3 10 man tactical squads, minimum. No ifs, ands or buts. You could, if you wanted to reduce cost, run pride of the legion with two 5 man vet squads. 


2- power daggers on apothecaries isnt very good, look to the power weapons if you must.

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