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I, Rashbold... fell to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and failed to complete my vow. These were points not only lost for myself but points I had cost the Omnissiah and my Adeptus Mechanicus brethren.

I now wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end in compliance with my penance.

All command units have been disassembled. Program modules have been purged to prevent their 'scrap-code' from infesting other units.

My flesh brought this failure. I lost sight of the Omnissiah's Great Plan. I allowed myself to become distracted by real life events (some serious, some not) instead of allowing His Hand to guide me. I ignored the binharic call of calm calculation and blessed logic.

The seed of my failure has been determined. I did not construct my models before the ETL IV commenced. Indecision and laxity followed.

As atonement, I am going to prepare for next year's ETL V. Not just for one vow, but for ALL FIVE.


By my calculations, I have approximately 10,000 points of models to put forward in the Omnissiah's name.

I have approximately eight months to construct them. If I can not do this, then I can be of no useful function to His Great Plan.

Please share your derisions here or here if I do not appear to be doing so.

So it is encoded, so let it be done,

Rashbold Oathbreaker


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Holy hell, my hands are hurting just at the sight... Go with the Omnissiah, Brother...

What is pain to one such as I? May the Omnissiah guide me...

Holy censored.gif dude.....totally feeling more than a little jealous right now.......best of luck thumbsup.gif

Don't feel jealousy. This stockpile has arisen from laxity and procrastination. It I a pillar of shame that must be brought low by constructive action.

Throne of Terra... this is how one atones for shame and dishonour msn-wink.gif

I do have MUCH to atone for. My failed 600 point vow could have made a decisive difference in the rankings. THAT is the harshest blow to my machine spirit.

Rashbold Oathbreaker

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Ah rashbold, all is forgiven...at least you have the cogs to admit your failure msn-wink.gif

i understand all too well the ups and downs of real life, i tend to think i should have PM'd you a bit more when i noticed you had dropped off the omnispex sleep.png

i too in a way have failed by not connecting with the other temples of mars...

in future i will be looking for updates and progress on this task you have set.

the important first hurdle in this endeavor is have you decided on a paint scheme !!??? (that is usually where i fail in so far as not starting because im not happy with the way it's going to look...).

my occular implants are watching you now...that servo skull hovering in the corner of your forge temple eek.gif is mine yes.gif

Best of luck my friend,


P.S. yes putting them together and undercoated before the next ETL starts will be legal and save you hours and hours of precious time when it starts, paint one thing in your scheme, lock it in,write down the procedure and get the rest together and primed...

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It's... It's beautiful. My aesthetic receptors are going off the charts.

sml_gallery_8429_8832_12169.jpg Yes, I agree. How I could have allowed myself to stray... no matter. It changes now.

Holy crap. I'm both impressed and intimidated. Best of luck to you, sir!

I think I let myself be intimidated too. Strangling myself with thoughts of "wait... wait until you know you're ready to build them juuust riiight...". Parts of the mind can really work against yourself when you let them.

Ah rashbold, all is forgiven...at least you have the cogs to admit your failure msn-wink.gif

i understand all too well the ups and downs of real life, i tend to think i should have PM'd you a bit more when i noticed you had dropped off the omnispex sleep.png

i too in a way have failed by not connecting with the other temples of mars...

in future i will be looking for updates and progress on this task you have set.

the important first hurdle in this endeavor is have you decided on a paint scheme !!??? (that is usually where i fail in so far as not starting because im not happy with the way it's going to look...).

my occular implants are watching you now...that servo skull hovering in the corner of your forge temple eek.gif is mine yes.gif

Best of luck my friend,


P.S. yes putting them together and undercoated before the next ETL starts will be legal and save you hours and hours of precious time when it starts, paint one thing in your scheme, lock it in,write down the procedure and get the rest together and primed...

Thanks, I suppose there are reasons for the obstacles which present themselves in one's existence. We must simply trust in the Great Maker's Plan.

Yes, I have decided on a paint scheme. A simple palette: black, shades of brown, and orange/red for the main colours. Gold, silver and other metallic highlights. Followed by a shading wash in muted brown and nuln oil. That's the plan so far. I'll test it on a few models as suggested and keep notes.

sml_gallery_8429_8832_81839.png And yes, I see the servo-skull. It's reassuring. A bit disturbing, but reassuring.


EXACTLY. That's why I feel the way I do now.

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