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I, Viridia, vow to chronicle the foul deeds of the Infernal Carnival by Thursday 17th September 2015 at 1800 hours GMT. This I vow in the name of the Four Truths!


EDIT; The pictures don't need to include a badge, do they? I've never had anything really fitting for them, and in the end I decided the colour scheme would be their 'badge'.

Edited by Viridia

I hope this is allowed. I am revamping my old Chaos Warband (like, almost starting from scratch, just using the same general concepts), but within it will be a few "Sub" warbands. You'll see. If it doesn't count, That's cool, just let me know!


I, Arkangilos, Vow to Enlighten the Imperium about the Warriors of Cain by Thursday 17th September 2015 at 1800 hours GMT. This I vow in the name of the Dark Gods  Sanguinius and the Emperor so that we can kick the warp out of them! 

Though I have written a lot of fluff about them already, I welcome the opportunity to collate and codify it.


I, Kierdale, hereby vow to write up an entry about the Psychopomps by Thursday 17th September 2015 at 1800 hours GMT. This I vow in the name of the Dark Prince.

Indeed, a good excuse especially since there are unavoidable delays on bits acquisition that are stopping me from doing modelling work:


I WarriorFish, Vow to create a Warband or group of Chaos Space Marines by Thursday 17th September 2015 at 1800 hours GMT. This I vow in the name of Slaanesh!

Edited by WarriorFish
  On 8/26/2015 at 9:00 PM, Aquilanus said:

Apologies for the late post - I've been stuffing my face with Birthday cake laugh.png All new vows have been added smile.png

Oh, is it Aquilanus?

Because I appear to be missing. ^_^

  On 8/26/2015 at 10:05 PM, Conn Eremon said:

  On 8/26/2015 at 9:00 PM, Aquilanus said:

Apologies for the late post - I've been stuffing my face with Birthday cake laugh.png All new vows have been added smile.png

Oh, is it Aquilanus?

Because I appear to be missing. happy.png

I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about whistling.gif

I have been a part of every challenge so far. Might as well joint this one as well.
I, Grand Master Belial, Vow to create a Warband or group of Chaos Space Marines by Thursday 17th September 2015 at 1800 hours GMT. This I vow in the name of the Dark Gods!
Bring forth the Silent Sword Renegade Space Marines

Edited by Grand Master Belial

Here's my entry:

Warband Name:
The Sundering Call





(This is the same as in my WIP topic)

Hidden Content
The Swords of Victory were once a paragon of heroism; a chapter of no small accomplishment. Heroic and selfless, winning countless great victories over every foe imaginable their deeds in battle were matched by their grace and humility in peace. Staying to help not only rebuild but also improve life once the battle was won they were beloved by all who knew them and lauded among the greatest of heroes. While strategic commanders could only voice in private their displeasure at the limited number of battles they would fight none could doubt the results of their actions and the spectacular victories they provided.

It is without surprise that the grateful peoples would want to honour their saviours; statues would be raised for their victories and songs written to praise their name. Over time the Swords did come to appreciate these acts of thanks but this would be the seed that would eventually result in their fall. For what once started as acknowledgement of gratitude did then become appreciation and finally expectation of the adulation they received. In time this devotion would become more important than the victory that earned it.

The Swords always has a grace about them in appearance and action, squads and brothers would compete for glory but this took a more sinister aspect once their attitude to victory changed. It was no longer about friendly rivalry and skill and become a direct competition regardless of the consequences. What was once battles won in the most efficient way to preserve life became a race to see who could take the most. Ironically this fervent desire to be better and more impressive only lead to lightning quick victories that gave Imperial commanders the fast victories they craved, without care for how it came about. The name of the Swords became praised to new heights but it was not enough.

Surely it was time for them to be proclaimed the greatest of all, as is clearly proper? Surely this was only fair? Not only did they prosecute campaigns in less time than others but they did so with grace that other brutish chapters could never hope to achieve. Such greatness must be rewarded and so it became, but through the attention of Slaanesh. It was not just the Prince of Excess who noticed the Swords though, but also the glaring eye of the Inquisition that turned upon them...

Perhaps foreseeing what may be the Holy Inquisition of the Emperor deemed the Swords needed to be brought to account for their actions. The Sword's Chapter Master was indignant and sent their representatives away with no small threats should they return, but it was a ruse and distraction letting spies report far more than the Sword's inhospitality to their master. Without delay a fleet is assembled to enforce the Inquisition's will; regiments of the Guard are joined by Sisters of the Sacred Rose and 6 companies of the Legio Venator Space Marines - headed by the Inquisitor Lord himself and his personal retainers.

The Swords are incandescent with rage that anyone would presume to hold sway over their domain and challenge their authority like this. Their fall is complete when they turn their guns on the Imperium without responding to hails. The people of their home world rushed to the defence of their heroes, sacrificing themselves without thought in any way they could. The corruption of Slaanesh became ever more apparent as the Imperial forces pressed onwards finding every man, woman and child they meet a belligerent foe that must be slain. Before long the taint of Chaos is clear and the Emperor's warriors fight ever harder as the planet is drenched blood for every inch.

Despite their skill at battle - and their opinion of such - it was a battle impossible for the Swords to win once the Eldar mysteriously appeared to aid the attackers. Whether joining to fight the mutual foe of Chaos or to repay one of the many bloody victories the Swords had gained over the Eldar it sent the scales of battle crashing against them. The Inquisitor had chosen his forces well, what's more displayed an unusual flair for strategy; the forces at his command were grim and determined, resisting the powers of Chaos and resolute in executing the Emperor's will no matter what. Every sally by the Swords was pushed back with righteous faith and fire power - the unthinkable was happening and the Swords of Victory were losing, and losing badly.

The rage of their Chapter Master at admitting defeat was said to have been terrible to behold and the survivors fled to the warp, leaving their world and its people to the cleansing fire of the Imperium - and taking their souls to Slaanesh. None of the survivors talk of their previous life, the shame of their first defeat burns brightly even to this day. That the Inquisitor declared this result a great success perhaps suggests some greater threat to the Imperium was avoided but the truth can never be known.

While the Sunder may well cast aside this part of their history the Imperium has not forgotten; it is widely known that the forces of the Emperor involved in the initial crusade are all too eager to catch up with them once more to finish what they started...

The War Band:

Hidden Content
The Sunder carry out war in much the same manner in which they did before their fall. Primarily infantry based their skill at war is such that the Marines themselves will always be their greatest asset, so they generally don't make a large use of vehicles aside from transportation. The war band is strictly controlled in appearances - colours in particular being something Yjun is most keen on. Outside of the war band's colours (the pink for Slaanesh, the white from their former livery) squads make use of a colour and mark their armour in various ways to bind them to their squad brothers. Outside of that further variation is forbidden and individuals customise their armour to their own desires to state their presences.

The war band's attitude to most other things is set predominantly to individual Marine's preferences. Some despise mutation and consider it ugly; others desire it. Some have forged ornate and decorated armour; others stand plain aside from the Praefactor's colours. Beauty comes in many forms and it is next to impossible to get such a group of individuals to agree on anything consistently. Others would have surely fractured under such strain but fortunately the Call follow those with the greatest skill and the closest to perfection. Each following planning to learn, steal and eventually replace him but yet standing together with his fellow lessers in doing so. It is fitting that the Sunder make no sense to outsiders as they would have it no other way!

Notable Characters:
Praefactor Yjun
Hidden Content
Not much is known about Yjun though it is anyone's guess if this is intentional or not. Having ruled supreme over the Sunder for living memory some claim that he was the original Swords of Victory's Chapter Master, others that it is a persona adopted by each Praefactor. Whatever the truth is seems to matter little, for Yjun has lead the Call in a manner they appear to find satisfactory enough as it is claimed he has never fought a duel for leadership. Yjun is highly talented combatant and masterful strategist that would surprise those expecting the Sunder to be more interesting in sating their desires - the Praefactor reigns supreme in all things and his word is law. That is assuming he deigns to fight at all for the Sunder consider no battle preferable to a disappointing one. There are other ways to be entertained after all.

It may be Yjun's greatest gift is his diplomacy and silver tongue. There appears to be little he doesn't know, and powerful figures are lining up to pay for the Sunder's services despite their reputation. Perhaps there is more to him than meets the eye, perhaps his fickle and contradictory nature has a greater goal in mind? If so it is a mystery that will remain so until he decides otherwise.

Ijax "the Silent"
Hidden Content
The psyker Ijax is a mystery even to Veterans of the war band. He never speaks instead communication through a Daemonette who always accompanies him. Whether this is because he considers talking to others beneath him or signifies a more malignant relationship nobody knows. Not much thought is generally given to him as most are too busy with their own affairs even if a powerful psyker to aid in war is always useful, and to make things better he's seldom seen outside of battle. What he does in this time none can say for sure but it is usually assuming that he is busy researching and using the powers of the warp to find worthy foes or potential employers with useful trades to be made. Few even claim he uses his power not to find strong foes, but rather avoid them for it is said he was once the Chief Librarian and has foreseen the Call's destruction should their final foes as the Swords of Victory catch them again...

Notable Conflicts:
The Sundering of Lilaethan
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Arguably their greatest of victories - their last when they were still loyal to the Imperium - The Sundering of Lilaethan was such an epic battle that it would forever shape the Sunder, giving them their name once they fell to Chaos and an eternal foe in the Eldar. It was the name given to a decisive battle to save a young Imperial colony on an Eldar maiden world from the vengeful xenos, the moment the aliens were at the apex of their strategy the Swords of Victory struck with speed and ferocity that seemed all but impossible to the beleaguered Imperial defenders. History records would - before their expunging - declare that the Swords attacked with such a mastery of war that the Eldar had no choice but to focus on them, saving the PDF force. Of course the truth was far from it as the Swords had no intention of saving lives by drawing the attention of the enemy, but given the choice the Eldar knew who the true and greatest foe was even if the Imperium was yet to understand.

It mattered little in the end, the full strength of the Chapter slaughtered them to the last and as the Swords left behind exuberant celebration their Chief Librarian ordered the fleet back to their home world with the plundered soul stones. The fate of these Eldar stones is unknown as the Swords were visited by the Inquisition and their allies shortly after returning...

Hidden Content


Hey there. I am new here and I like challenges, but I do have a question:

  On 8/17/2015 at 9:26 PM, Aquilanus said:

Partially made warbands are fine, although participants are encouraged to make new ones smile.png

I got the colour scheme, home world, creation and the first few millenia of their background, need to work on the fall to chaos (around M35 / M36) and the time thereafter (and I started on June 23). Is that okay? Not really much left, but it's the trickiest part imo... it's some intertwining between iron hands, iron warriors, the mechanicus, the dark mechanicus, moirae schisma, degio khamrios... and marines on juggernauts! msn-wink.gif

You don't need to do lots, my war band still has a lot not yet documented. As the challenge says only certain parts are essential and you can fill them in as much or as little as you like - but of course the more the better msn-wink.gif

  On 9/9/2015 at 12:58 PM, MadSkoll said:

Hey there. I am new here and I like challenges, but I do have a question:

  On 8/17/2015 at 9:26 PM, Aquilanus said:

Partially made warbands are fine, although participants are encouraged to make new ones smile.png

I got the colour scheme, home world, creation and the first few millenia of their background, need to work on the fall to chaos (around M35 / M36) and the time thereafter (and I started on June 23). Is that okay? Not really much left, but it's the trickiest part imo... it's some intertwining between iron hands, iron warriors, the mechanicus, the dark mechanicus, moirae schisma, degio khamrios... and marines on juggernauts! msn-wink.gif

It should be fine smile.png

  On 9/9/2015 at 3:27 PM, WarriorFish said:

You don't need to do lots, my war band still has a lot not yet documented. As the challenge says only certain parts are essential and you can fill them in as much or as little as you like - but of course the more the better msn-wink.gif

Indeed happy.png

Apologies for not being around as much as I have been lately. Real life has gotten in the way, as is its want... dry.png

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