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EX IL - Stygian Jackals (thread 1)

Praefectus Invictus

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Now that we have our own subforum (Thanks to the mods and Simison by the way), I've started a thread specifically for my alt universe version of the Jackals.


Compilation of what I've done so far



Willym Jackel looked to the sky. Stars were falling from the sky, Bright in the night. He did not know what they were. He only knew they were launched from the ships that had translated into the system one week ago. Anticipating an invasion, he had mobilised the planets entire military force and placed it on high alert. It has begun, he thought, The end of our times is upon us.



Jackel withdrew all his forces back into the city. He stood defiant, his massive war plate gleaming gold in the light of the flickering torches placed on the ramparts of the walls. He watched as massive beings marched upon the walls, banners held high. Two even larger figures walked at the forefront. One wore blue-grey armour, the same as those behind him. The other wore gleaming golden war plate, glowing even in the night. He was perfect in every way, the ultimate vision of mankind. Jackel heard anguished cries as hundreds of his warriors were blinded just from looking at him. That man is interesting, he thought to himself.


The pair of giants reached the walls of the city. The one in the grey armour beckoned to the occupants, "Where is your leader? Show him to us!" Jackel obliged, coming out of the main doors of the city. 


It was there his life changed forever. It was there he began down the path of damantion.



++Taken from the writings of Veral Khalin++


The XI legion favours a direct frontal assault, utilising heavy armour to crack holes in the enemy's attack or defence before mechanised infantry squads flood into the breach. Land raiders are particularly common in their assaults, as are rhinos for their infantry and spartans for their elite units. 


Under the guidance of First Master Tuskan the XIth gained renown as a formidable fighting body that excels in pitched battles. This tactic had begun to see widespread use throughout the legions, further adding to the respect that the legion is given.



The sky was black with ash. Bright red flame illuminated the sky as the world burned. "Forward!" screamed Tuskan as the onyx land raiders of the God Hammer battle squadron crashed through the outer walls of the city and the space marines disembarked. Drop pods rained down from the sky, pitch black and unseen as they destroyed aeons old art engraved onto the streets and walls of the city. 


Tuskan moved forward, his trusted armatus cadre with him every step. Other brothers moved with him, bolters flashing as they sighted and killed the figures moving in the smoke. 


Suddenly, a ferocious storm of fire and shrapnel pounded the advancing astartes. Several fell as the crude bullets found weak spots around the head and abdomen, and the advance slowed. "Support, we need support!" Tuskan screamed into the vox as another brother was felled next to him, clutching at his throat as he choked on his own blood. This continued on for precious minutes, as the humans encircled the shrinking number of astartes. An explosion knocked Tuskan off his feet in an array of light and confusion.


When he looked up, all he saw was a leering face and the barrel of his gun. "The Emperor protects" he whispered, as the barrel drew closer to his eye. A flash of movement averted his eye, and then he looked up to see the human staring blankly at the hole in his chest where his heart should be. The flash proceeded to disarm or destroy every other human standing in the immediate vicinity. Tuskan would have been amazed, but he had acted with the Emperors sons before, and he was only sarcastic when the primarch of the XIth legion stopped from the slaughter. "Took you long enough." he said wryly. "Other matters had my attention, first master." replied the primarch with a cheeky grin. 


The mirth lasted a matter of seconds, and then the two warriors returned to the battle within the lost city.







The lost city was a major battle for the XIth. It was the first conflict in which the primarch was present, and that the newly inducted legionnaires from Fugion to show their skills. These legionnaires served as the primarchs honour guard, striking wherever needed from personalised jetbikes. It was here that the new character for the XIth legion was cemented into stone.




The world of Altalga was home to a mad king. He had led his people into heresy long before the God Emperor sent forces into the system. He forced them to worship four gods, cruor, nimium, calumnia and morbus. The king had glyphs and sigils, and even strange inscriptions, carved upon the walls and streets of the city. At night, strange howling creatures stalked the barren streets, and any person brave enough to venture outside was never heard from again. Some say their screams still haunt the streets, even after the world was left a barren husk by the Stygian Jackals assault.


- excerpt from the writings of mikael the diviner.



Willym Jackel woke up in a cold sweat. The dark chamber around him smelt of mangy animals and dried blood. He looked around as his eyes adjusted. Bloodied and disembowelled corpses hung from savage meat hooks in all the corners of the cell. A looming iron door blocked all light, save for tiny slivers that seeped from the bottom and top. What fresh hell is this? he thought. 


He sat silent in the dark, counting the seconds, minutes, hours. He lost track on the fourth day.


A gut wrenching creak stole him from his sleep. A slightly built figure clad in strangely ornamented armour bearing a crested war helm and a longsword sizzling with blood stepped in, followed by two other similarly armoured warriors. "Who are you?" Jackel roared, his anger taking over. He lept to his feet, lunging at the figure, silver canines glinting. A shield of simmering energy stayed his wrath. He beat uselessly against it. "Do not speak to me, Mon-keigh, unless I give you permission." The figure hissed. It snapped its lithe fingers. Light filled the room, and Jackel was blinded for a split second as his eyes reacted to the sudden glare. When they cleared, he was surprised to see the longsword at his throat. "You hold no power here, Mon-keigh. We do not worship your Emperor, and we care not for his sons. At least, none but one." He chuckled at this, staring hard into Jackels eyes. Jackel saw the hate there, burning unbridled. He knew this creature would like nothing more than to end him then and there, but something was holding him back.  


That something stepped in.


A figure of the same build, but in an entirely different style of armour and swathed in long robes. "I am Barranyl, of the Eldar." it said, standing before the Primarch. "What I am about to show you, will no doubt shock you, but it is the future that will come to pass if you do not act." The Eldar reached out with his hands, and Jackel felt psychic tendrils reaching out for his mind. Too tired to resist, he let them come.


He was shown many things. The Eldar showed him Terra, of what it would become, a shrine dedicated to the immortal God Emperor, who lapped up the attention like a dog drinking water in a hot day. The room where the plinths of the 20 Primarchs had stood, empty and unused, forgotten in the rush to worship the God Emperor, who had finally given in to the stigma surrounding him and admitted that he was, in fact, a God. And not once did Jackel see any sign of an Astartes warrior.


"So you see, one day you will be cast away, forgotten. The Emperor shall cast you away, he shall strike pacts with dark Gods to ensure you never rise to usurp him, or disrupt his plans. You, your brothers and your warriors are simply a means to an end. Decide, Mon-keigh, for the fate of your kin depends on your decisions now."


The Eldar drew away. "Begone" it said, lifting its hands. Suddenly Jackel's world turned to a harsh white light, and he materialised on the bridge of his flagship, much to the surprise of the senior deck crew. "My lord," said commander Fahell, unfazed "We have been searching for you. It seems we needn't have looked so far."



So, a spur of the moment idea on one of the legion specific units, The Tazmanien Devils




Fugion, Home World of the Jackal Lord


Fugion was a sparsely populated world filled with sprawling forests, mountains that eclipsed the clouds and massive desserts. The populace lived in groups, called kinships or tribes. Some of these tribes were always on the move, such as the Aebaken, would inhabit an area, taking all of the resources available, and then begin large fires to hasten the process of regrowth. Others, such as the Beylgu, holed themselves up in cast and sprawling cities and keeps. There may have been over 300 of these tribes, numbering from scarcely 50 people to over 10,000. The major tribes, called The First, each ruled over a vast tract of land. The First consisted of the Aebaken, Beylgu, Gimbilang and Jairongy. Each ruled over one of the four continents, borders set by the raging oceans. There was a rudimentary planetary vox network in place, but the secrets to maintaining such a device had died with the first settlers, and as such contact between the continents was fleeting and sporadic, news often coming from the slow moving trawlers that journeyed through the raging seas to trade and fish.




The Aebaken inhabited the Sourthen most continent of Fugion, and had only rudimentary technologies to help them face the searing heat, but made the best use possible of the land around them. Their continent housed many sprawling forests and grassy plains, along with the scarred husk of a ship that had first brought the settlers to Fugion. However, they did proudly boast two great engines of war, which they called  Beast Striders. As it would turn out, these were actually ancient patterns of Imperial knights, boasting great hunting lances and searing energy weapons. These two behemoths kept silent vigil over the North and West coasts of the continent. As such, the Aebaken enjoyed great peace among their lands.




The Bailgu inhabited the Northern most continent. Their King operated out of a great Ceramite fortress built into the sheer face of the Wolfenshire mountain, utterly impenetrable once sealed. It was here that young Jackel came to rest. Found by the Kings most trusted Swordsguard, who had been sent to investigate the object seen hurtling down from the sky, he was taken before the King, who immediately declared he would adopt him and teach him the ways of the Beylgu. The Beylgu were arguably the most advanced tribe on Fugion, having taken most of the technology from the ship that took them to Fugion and left for new land, to make a fresh start. They also took the most learned men from the settling party, stealing them away and taking every secret they could.




The Gimbilang were unusual to the eyes of outsiders. Instead of sticking together in one spot as a group, like so many other tribes, they were encouraged to split off and form their own trading colonies, to increase the greater wealth of the tribe. Comprised of traders, mercenaries, thieves and scum, The Gimbilang earned a reputation for their hired services. One could find a man to do anything he desired in any of their labyrinthine cities. They earned a reputation for always keeping their word, something much valued when doing shady business, as was so often done in the underground of a city. One of their greatest cities, the Free Heights, was inhabited by the finest artists, smiths and muses that ever walked Fugion. It was also the root of the Comtretist revolution that levelled entire sections of the planet using weapons of mass destruction unseen since the first settling, and experimental gene manipulation forbidden long ago. It was in this crisis that Jackel, even though only 4 Fugionite years old but as tall as any man, stepped into the void and rallied the armies of the four continents under the banner of the King, and crushed the insurrection.




The Jairongy are more savage than civil. Roaming the desserts with the Devils and the Wyrmbats, their continent was rarely visited except by the historians appointed to document them. They were not just renowned as savages though, having a earned the moniker Flesh Fury for their valiance and aptitude for physical combat.





After the discovery of the Primarch, the legion became both withdrawn into its ranks and outwardly open to its close friends. Some legions were shunned almost completely, such as the Halcyon Wardens, while others, like the Berserkers of Uran, became close allies of the Jackals. Gone were the days were massed mehanised infantry were counted upon as the XVIIIth's signature style of battle, replaced by warfare of a different kind. Instead of delivering the beheading strike, they would kill an enemy through a thousand cuts, from a hundred directions. Accounts from those who survived against the Jackals speak of the so called laughing trees, warriors that moved through the woods in armour as brown as the ancient oaks they flitted between, as still as trees, as silent as trees, as deadly as any foe ever encountered by man.




The Primarch, the so called Whisper In The Trees, changed the direction of his legion drastically. Aside from eventually leading them into secession from the Emperor, he turned them from the "Ferrum Clostra" into something else, teaching them the way of terror, and shadows. He taught them that power came from the dark, to let the darkness around envelop them, be their cloak, and use it sow fear into the Imperiums enemies, and then eventually the ranks of the Astartes. Even in his Whisper plate, gleaming white, Jackel could move unseen in the shadows, followed closely by his Devils.




Will do rules next



Edited by Lord Thørn
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Legio XVIII: "The Stygian Jackals"


Primogenitor: Willym Jackel


First Master: Uten Tuskan


Nominal strength: 120,000 Line Legionaries



Legiones Astartes (Stygian Jackals)


Strike Together: When a Stygian Jackals unit makes a shooting attack at an enemy that has already been shot at by an infantry unit from the same army, they get to re-roll rolls of 1 when rolling to hit.


Hunting Packs: If a troops unit numbers 20 models, it may choose to split down into 2 squads of 10 models. These all function as if they were different units and each count as a separate kill point if required.


Bigger they are, the harder they fall: Any infantry squads with the LA(SJ) gain the Monster Hunter Universal Special Rule. 


Styigan Jackals armies also gain access to Two Legion specific units, Two Legion specific HQ's and one Legion specific Lord of War:

The Tazmanien Devils (Fast Attack) 

The ++REDACTED++* (Elites)

Uten Tuskan (HQ)


Willym Jackel (LoW)




Independent characters in this army gain access to a unique piece of wargear: The Wyrmbat hide. 


Wyrmbat Hide +20 points

Confers the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule and Adamantium Will special rule to the bearer.



Jackal Dydery +25 points (replaces Legion Vexilla option)

The Dydery gives all models in the unit +1 leadership (to a maximum of 10) and all Legiones Astartes (SJ) units within 6" re-roll failed morale checks.




Stygian Jackals Unique Rite of War: Hunting Pack



All Infantry models gain the Infiltrate rule

All Infantry models gain Stealth (Forests)

Opportunistic: When in combat with a unit that has less models than it, the Styigan Jackals unit gains +1 to combat resolution.



Must take a Legion Outrider Squad, Legion Jetbike Sky hunter squadron or Legion Hunter squadron

May not take Drop Pods of any kind or Flyers of any kind.

May only take 1 heavy support choice



Willym Jackel - 470 points, Lord Of War


Jackal Lord, Relentless Hunter, Whisper in the Trees


WS  BS  S  T  W  I  A Ld  SV

  8     5    6  6   5  7 4  10  2+



Unit Compositon:

1 (Unique)


Unit Type:

Jump Infantry (Independent Character)





The Hounds Axe

Frag and Krak Grenades

Whisper Plate



Range: -    S: User     Ap: 1   Type: Melee, Master Crafted, Throat Ripper, Unwieldy, Electro Charge


Throat Ripper: Jackel must be in base contact with at least one enemy to use Bite. Wounds cause by Bite can only be applied to models Jackel is in base contact with.

Electro Charge:

Once per game during the owning players combat phase, Bite may gain the following profile:


Bite (Electro Charge)

Range: -  S: 10  Ap: 1  Type: Melee, Haywire, Unwieldy, Throat Ripper, One Use only


Only one attack may be made with Bite (Electro Charge). This mode lasts until the end of the owning players combat phase the turn it was declared.



The Hounds Axe:

Range: -    S: +2   Ap: 2     Type: Melee, Murderous Strike, Specialist Weapon




Range: 24"    S: 5   Ap: 3    Type: Salvo 2/4



Whisper Plate:

The Whisper Plate confers a 2+ armour save and a 4+ invulnerable save. It also Incorporates a Wyrmbat Hide.


Special Rules:


Sire of the Stygian Jackals

Furious Charge 



Surrounded By Friends 


Sire of the Stygian Jackals:

All units with the Legiones Astartes (SJ) and Imperialis Militia squads with the feral warriors provenance gain +1 Leadership while Jackel is alive and on the board. Additionally, Jackel may take a compliment of 2 Tazmanien Devils for +60 points



If Jackel moves into area terrain, and there is another piece of area terrain within 6", he may choose to appear there. He may be placed anywhere inside the terrain, but may not run, charge or voluntarily move until the start of the controlling players next turn. This ability may only be used once per turn and can not be used if Jackel is accompanied by any units other than Tazmanien Devils.


Surrounded By Friends

Jackel can include a single Imperialis Militia squad as a non-compulsory troops choice. This squad must have the Feral Warriors Provenance and must choose to take the close combat weapons and las pistol upgrade. This units gain the outflank rule for +20 points.




Tazmanien Devils 165 points, Fast Attack



2 Handlers

4 Devils


Handler    WS  BS  S  T  W  I  A  LD  SV

                  4      4   4  4   1  4  2   9    3+

Devil        WS  BS  S  T   W  I  A  LD  SV

                  3     0    5  3   1   4 2   5    6+


Unit Type: Beast (Devil only) Jump Infantry (Handler)



Power Armour (Handler only)

Boltgun (Handler only)

Claws and teeth (Devil only)

Jump Pack (Handler only)


Special Rules

Savage: All to wound rolls of a six made by the Devils are resolved at AP2.

Legiones Astartes (SJ)

Bloodlust: If, after winning a combat, the enemy successfully falls back, roll a die for each Devil remaining in the unit. On the roll of a 6, the Handlers immediately take one automatic hit. Roll to wound as normal.

Furious Charge (Devils only)

Counter Attack (Devils only)



May add up to three additional Handlers, who each come with two Devils +40 points per Handler/Devils

Any Handler may take Melta Bombs +5 points per model

Any Handler may take a Power weapon +10 points

                                        Power fist +15 points

                                        Single Lightning Claw +15 points



Uten Tuskan: 210 points, HQ


WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A4 LD10 Sv2+


unit compostiion

1 Uten Tuskan


unit type




  • Artificer armour
  • boltgun
  • bolt pistol
  • iron halo
  • frag and krak grenades
  • Leventh Lamina

Leventh Lamina

Range n/a   S+2 AP2 Type: melee, master crafted, two handed


Special rules

  • LA (SJ)
  • Forward!: D3 units have scout. Dedicated transports and any occupants each count as one unit.


Warlord Trait: Armour to the fore!: All tanks in an army containing Uten Tuskan get the extra armour upgrade for free. Additionally, any tank that has the option to take a dozer blade may take it for 1 point.




Jackal Swordhunter: consul type +50 points, HQ


(Cannot be equipped with terminator armour, artificer armour, jump pack or jetbike)


BS  WS  S  T  W  I  A  Ld  Sv

 6     4   4  4  2  4   1   9    4+



Scout armour (or is it recon?)

Suppression Rifle

Bolt pistol

Krak, frag and rad grenades

melta bombs


Advanced Tracking augment



Special Rules


support officer



Preferred enemy (characters)

Precision shot


Suppression Rifle:

Range: 96"   S: 6    Ap: 2  Type: Heavy 1, Pinning, Massive, Sniper



massive: gives the model the bulky special rule when embarking upon transports (therefore cannot embark upon rhinos)


Swordhunter: If, at the end of the game, the Swordhunter is still alive and has killed at least one enemy independent character, then the controlling player get D3 victory points. If the Sword hunter dies, the enemy gets 1 victory point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Let the Legions fall. We will bleed them all away. And this shall be achieved through the...noble...efforts of the Legion Hunters."


Comprised of marines involved in the heaviest fighting of the Dropsite Massacre, the legion hunters have honed their abilities on that cursed ground and dozens more such that they are the unparalleled experts in marine vs marine warfare. Utilising experimental banestrike rounds, they are the Jackals ultimate word against their brothers.  


Legionhunters  120 points


WS  BS  S  T  W  I  A  Ld  Sv

 4     4    4   5  1  4  1   9    2+


Unit Composition

1 Legion Slayer (Jetbike, character)

2 Legion Hunters (Jetbike)



Legion Jetbike with heavy bolter (Bonus to toughness and save already included in profile)

Bolt pistol


Power armour

frag and krak grenades

Banestrike rounds (For HB only

Special Rules:


Deep Strike

Legion Hunters: Preferred enemy against any Legiones Astartes unit that does not have the LA (SJ) special rules



To follow what others have done, I am thinking of a legion symbol. I've narrowed it done to a few options: Wait for the space wolves symbols to come out, and use them with some minor modifications, use the Ultramarines symbols because I think they would look pretty cool when painted up differently. Use the EC symbols with the claws cut off, or take something from the interwebz.


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The timeline for the Jackals is more or less done, if anyone wants anything added please let me knowhttp://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png .



Exemplary battles of the Stygian Jackals


Great Crusade (Pre Primarch)

·      Under the guidance of First Master Galkaan, the Jackals smashed the last strongholds in the Mericas using armoured tactics unseen since Millenium 23, the last recorded instance of this. From that day on the XVIIIth were reknowned for heavy armour assaults.

·      Liberation of Aberiis III: Fighting alongside the Vth, the XVIIIth liberated the world of Aberiis III from the clutches of techno recidivist Arkban, who controlled an entire hive city of mindless human slaves using forgotten technology from a forbidden era. The first conflict in which the two fought together, and cemented a friendship through blood and fire, which would last until their respective primarchs met for the first time, and they slowly drifted apart.

·      Elements of the infiltration and assault companies battle a splinter of the Hrud upon

·      The 2nd and 4th companies simultaneously  take on both Waaaaagh Kraksmash and KilCuttar, emerging heavily embattled. It takes the better part of a decade to regain their strength, leaving them on garrison duties for the remainder of the legions pre primarch days.

·      First Master Galkaan falls in battle, against the Eldar of Haroi Djinn craftworld. He was torn limb from limb by an Avatar of Khaine after fighting off three Wraithlords in personal combat. Uten Tuskan leads th counter charge to recover his remains.

·      In his first deployment as First Master, Tuskan personally leads the 45th expeditionary fleet into the outer reaches of charted space, encountering several new strains of alien, including the Jokaero, and no less than 60 human colonies willing to embrace the Imperial Truth.

·      While returning from the expedition from the Void, the XVIIIth encounter the ork horde of Gaklashh.

·      The Primarch is found upon Fugion. The XVIIIth is given a decade to learn the ways of their new Lord, world and culture. It’s ranks swell by the thousands. They emerge the Stygian Jackals, named after Jackel himself. The old terran ways are expunged, stealth and savagery becomes the status quo.


Great Crusade (With Primarch)

·      First engagement under the Primarch. Fighting alongside the Blood Wolves, the XVIIIth and IIIrd standing against the Dark Eldar on the Forge World of Derfasa. This is the Wolves last engagement with this cognomen, for they find their primarch soon after. The Jackal and the Lion soon become decent friends, but Hectarion is held at arms length as Jackel see there is something that doesn’t quite fit with Hectarion

·      First engagement with the orks by Jackel. He immediately hates them, seeing them as abhuman monstrosities. They are crushed.

·      The Berserkers of Uran arrive, Raktra Akarro eager to blood his new brother. The two set off into the far reaches of the Ultima Segmentum, engaging in a recorded 90 conflicts, and bringing hundreds of worlds into the Imperium’s fold.

·      Even though he had been avoiding his brother, Jackel was eventually forced to fight alongside Alexandros. This happened just as the Jackals were beginning a campaign against the tech mutants of Lokhif. Upon witnessing Alexandros terrifying powers, Jackel leaves immediately, leaving his brother to fight the mutants. Alexandros lodges a complaint to the Emperor, as the resulting fight leaves an unprecedented number of astartes casualties.

·      The Jackals fight alongside the Lightning Bearers in the subjugation of Hertristes IV. Jackel admires Icarion immensely, leading to him following his traitor brother during the Insurrection.

·      The Jackals fight alongside both the Void Eagles and Dune Serpents during the crusade of compliance. Though the Stygian Jackals would eventually be expunged from this record, it becomes a thing of legend in imperial training manuals, demonstrating the best techniques in void warfare, low orbit drops and stealth operations with limited capabilities.

·      The Qarith Triumph. Though initially felled through an ambush, the Jackals receive an influx of newly inducted legionaries and are present at the Qarith extermination. Willym Jackel is also ‘gifted’ Bite, implanted by Pionus himself. This cements a friendship that lasts until the insurrection.

·      The Stygian Jackals and Scions Hospitaliar fight a desperate extraction mission on the maiden world of Polyhi. Contingents of both legions are trapped as the Eldar and their erstwhile brethren emerge from long forgotten webway portals, shooting down the awaiting transports. Trapped for a week, the Stygian Jackals show the Scions how to lead survival and guerrilla warfare campaigns, keeping the majority of both forces alive to see the decimation of the Eldar.



·      The Stygian Jackals take part in the Dropsite Massacre. Legionhunter squads are formed from the survivors, and the galaxy is plunged into a new era of bloodshed and war.

·      Tracking cadres follow fleeing elements of the Iron Bears, Crimson Lions and Dune Serpents into several neighbouring systems, harassing them until larger obliteration fleets can arrive.

·      Tracking Cadres Alpha through Kilo begin crusades to eliminate Astropathic relay stations, forge worlds, munitorum worlds and other key imperial installations to mask the traitors approach.

·      Pionus and Willym meet in open battle upon the watch world of Lostris. In titanic combat, Jackel out fights Pionus dozens of times, but the Healer ignores all the wounds, that would have killed a primarch a dozen times over. Seeing that his position could only end in a stalemate, Jackel orders a retreat, but orders the titans of Legio Bloodhound to track their weapons upon his brother. An unholy fusillade is unleashed, but the Jackals and Bloodhounds do not stay to view their work. They regroup on their strike cruisers, and bombard the Scions from afar, slinking into the warp afterwards. And so a blood feud is sworn. Pionus, somehow surviving, casts aside all reason and follows the Jackals, swearing to end them wherever they may hide, whatever shadows they inhibit.

·      The Jackals, attacking the Warriors of Peace in their moorings at the Carth orbital shipyards, commit their first act of separation from the revolutionaries. A brutal space battle ensues, the Jackals staging withdrawal manoeuvres, retreating to the far reaches of the system and jumping to the warp.

·      The Stygian Jackals are present in full force at the siege of Terra, mustering with the Lightning Bearers, and the Revolutionaries. Fully four XVIIIth aligned Titan Legios are present: The Legio Bloodhound, the Legio Fire Angels, the Legio Invictus and the Legio Polyphemum. The greatest force ever mustered by Willym Jackel, numbering over 5 million warriors, hundreds of god engines, millions of Skitarii and human auxiliaries and 150,000 legionaries, is thrown into the chaos of battle.


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  • 1 month later...

Done some work on the beast strikers, certainly very rough rules, and they do seem a little OP but I'd like to get some different opinions on them

Beast Striders

'Yowus' 565 points

LOW choice for a Stygian Jackals army, Imperialis militia army

5 5 10 13 13 12 4 3

Hunting Lance
Fission Rotor
Ionic Carapace
Flame shield

Hunting Lance:

Range S AP Type:
- User 2 Melee, specialist weapon, long reach

Long reach: gains + 1 initiative on the charge

Fission Rotor:
Cannibalised from the warp drives of the expeditionary cruiser that ventured to Fugion, the Fission Rotor packs the power of a star on the chassis of an imperial knight, however it is extremely unstable and liable to overheat

Range S  AP  Type
36"      6   3    Heavy 2, rending, heavy beam, deflagrate, rad phage

Ionic Carapace:
Grants a flare shield to all facings
adds +1 to the invulnerable save on the front facing when used in conjunction with the Flame Shield

Flame Shield:
Each turn, grants an invulnerable save of 5+ to an armour facing of the owning players choice.

Special Rules:
Super Heavy Walker
Relics of the Dark Age
Beast Strider
Silent Vigil

Relics of the Dark Age:
grants Venerable, immune to haywire, It will not die

Beast Strider: monster hunter

Silent Vigil: cannot have a Knightly rank or have a warlord trait

'Syrpent' 530 points

LOW choice for Stygian Jackals army, imperialis milita army

5 5 10 13 13 12 4 3

Ionic Carapace
Two Carapace mounted plasma guns


Range S AP Type
48" 7 2 Large Blast, gets hot


Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee, Concussive

Special Rules:
Super Heavy Walker
Relics of the Dark Age
Beast Striders
Silent Vigil

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On a quick look through you need to add an exception into the Vortex rule for your first 'knight'. Otherwise it will follow the rules in the rulebook, which will make all of the templates it creates strength D. Which feels a little over the top. Also is there a reason to give Yowus a lance that increases its/his strength when it/he already strikes at strength 10? Maybe changing that for something that represents its superior reach over other knight weapons? Say a +1 I on the charge/in the first round of combat? It also feels like Yowus gets a lot more for his points than Syrpent. For example I can't seem to find anything giving Syrpent an invulnerable save, which is a pretty massive difference right there. And to my mind the Fission Rotor on Yowus is a better weapon than Sunspite, in spite of it's drawbacks.

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Yeah, these rules are pretty rough, I did them on a 10 hour road trip yesterday where I had some free time. I'll change the rules on yowus to have +1 initiative on the charge and add the flame shield to syrpent, which I overlooked lol. I'll also edit the fission rotor to change the strength of the vortex to the base strength of the fission rotor
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That weapon is ridiculously OTT for a knight. Even aside from the rules regarding Vortex, D3 Haywire Deflagrate S9 AP1 Blasts?


We have a Super Heavy Legion vehicle which mounts the heaviest known Volkite Weapon; the Carronade, and knight weapons are roughly the equivalent of slightly heavier than normal battle tanks (hence the Chieroveille, rather than Demi Culverin), but they are nowhere near what a Carronade or other SHV equivlent is capable of. Compare a Fellblade to a Knight Battlecannon for example, or a Thermal Cannon to a Magnamelta.


That is a Reaver, if not Warlord level weapon.


It needs to be a bit more expensive, but then that brings the question 'why not just bring a Warhound with its 4 Str D blasts? Bjt at the same time keeping it cheap means you have no reason to use any other model.


The other balancing thing you have removed is the requirement for a knight to ne taken in an allied detachment which requires a second knight minimum to be used in a Legion army.


Knights shouldn't be in a Legion Detachment at all. In essence to keep it balanced across the board. In order to keep this from becoming a typical OP fammade thing, I'd at least want to try and keep thimgs as simple as possible to incorporate within the core game eithout a vast power difference. Ie, no legion should be stronger than Raven Guard and no legion weaker than Death Guard or Salamamders.

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Powering a Nuclear star weapon, what about giving it a something like a Heavy Beam rule from the carronade; 2 shots with a S6 Rad AP3 Rending Rad Phage with the deflagrate special rule, gets hot means it can rip through light infantry and 2 rending deflagrate shots can let it take on Terminators in a pinch (after all, the Book 5 Radiation Damage effects are not massive for Astartes, and Terminator Armour was designed to operate in such highly radioactive zones?


Perhaps give it the Rad Furnace special rule while it still has the weapon; that way you can ID T6 Creatures with your basic attacks even if the Strength D doesn't trigger.

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So something like this:

Range. S. AP. Type
36". 6. 3. Heavy 2, rending, heavy beam, deflagrate, rad phage

That seems a lot better and balanced. Also, do you know where you can find the rules for rad phage in LA:CAL? I can't find them anywhere.

Edited by Praefectus Invictus
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Write them out in full Forgeworld style sections is what I was referring to. I saw the earlier blurbs and they're an excellent start.

Okay, I'll have a little refresher by looking through Tempest, and then begin with one. This is gonna be fun... http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/wacko.png

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XVIII Legiones Astartes "Stygian Jackals"


"A thousand cuts will kill you where one will not"

          -Willym Jackel




By the time the Insurrection began, the Jackal's, and their primarch, were already firmly down the path of the renegade. At the forefront of Icarion's crusade against their father, the XVIIIth participated in some of the bloodiest and savage conflicts in the history of the Galaxy. The legion deployed en masse for the (Blood/Shadow) crusade, although fragmentary reports say that Cadres were spotted all throughout the galaxy, mounting assaults against key installations and planets, using the illusion of loyalty to penetrate the loyalist lines. Though originally using heavy armour tactics, much like other legions before their primarchs were discovered, they began the use of stealth, infiltration and terror to pursue their goals when their primarch was discovered upon Fugion. With just over a tenth of a million warriors, these tactics meant that their ranks continued to swell, although the growth rate wasn't recorded in the latter years of the great crusade, intentionally done by several of the traitor legions to leave the loyalist continually second guessing. The legion maintained close ties to several legions, such as the Berserkers of Uran, the Crimson Lions and the Dune Serpents, while keeping several others at more than arms length. The Halcyon Wardens were shunned to the point were it would take an order from the Emperor himself to bring the legions together for a campaign. This was felt to a lesser extent in the terran companies, who had co-operated with the XVIIIth through much of the unification wars and early crusade. However, loyalty to the primarch rose above all else, and they willingly followed their master into damnation.


Origins: By Tooth And Claw, Hounds of Old Night

Like all Legiones Astartes, the origins of the XVIIIth were on Terra, the cradle of mankind. Most of its members hailed from the Pan-Pacific region, after the Techno-Barbarian Narthun Drume was defeated by the Emperor. In the legions alpha stage, they were noted for possessing one of the most pure strains of gene seed, and a tendency towards individual and squad warfare, placing great reliance on a single squad to play their part, and function independently without input from commanders. This functioned well when vox networks were down, allowing tactical goals to be met without confusion, in smarter and more economical ways than high command had originally outlined. This was exemplified in the retaking of the last fort of the Mericas, the legions major action during the unification wars. Recently promoted, First Master Galkaan was keen to blood the legion in combat. Despite warnings from several senior commanders, the legion was deployed en masse in armoured spearheads unseen since 056.23M. Despite vox communications severed, the squads and their transports, given the cognomen "Hammers", completed their objectives to the letter, with minimal casualties to both arms and personnel. The tactics demonstrated would later become a core component in the handbooks of the imperial army and solar auxilia, and then omitted during the outbreak of the Insurrection.




Thats all for today. I'll try and get one battle done a day, give me some good motivation to smash through them. If anyone wants anything added then just let me know

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  • 3 weeks later...

Revised Rules for Jackel with Grifft's suggestions in mind:



Willym Jackel - 470 points, Lord Of War


Jackal Lord, Relentless Hunter, Whisper in the Trees


WS  BS  S  T  W  I  A Ld  SV

  8     5    6  6   5  7 4  10  2+



Unit Compositon:

1 (Unique)


Unit Type:

Jump Infantry (Independent Character)





The Hounds Axe

Power Dagger

Frag and Krak Grenades

Whisper Plate



Range   S    AP    Type:

   -        X2    1       Melee, Unwieldy, Throat Ripper, Specialist Weapon


Throat Ripper:

On a to wound roll of a 6, that wound has the instant death special rule



The Hounds Axe:

Range: -    S: +2   Ap: 2     Type: Melee, Murderous Strike, Specialist Weapon, Master Crafted




Range: 24"    S: 5   Ap: 3    Type: Salvo 2/4



Whisper Plate:

The Whisper Plate confers a 2+ armour save and a 4+ invulnerable save. It also Incorporates a Wyrmbat Hide.


Special Rules:


Sire of the Stygian Jackals

Furious Charge 



Surrounded By Friends 

Weapon Mastery


Sire of the Stygian Jackals:

All units with the Legiones Astartes (SJ) and Imperialis Militia squads with the feral warriors provenance gain +1 Leadership while Jackel is alive and on the board. Additionally, Jackel may take a compliment of 2 Tazmanien Devils for +60 points



If Jackel moves into area terrain, and there is another piece of area terrain within 6", he may choose to appear there. He may be placed anywhere inside the terrain, but may not run, charge or voluntarily move until the start of the controlling players next turn. This ability may only be used once per turn and can not be used if Jackel is accompanied by any units other than Tazmanien Devils.


Surrounded By Friends

Jackel can include a single Imperialis Militia squad as a non-compulsory troops choice. This squad must have the Feral Warriors Provenance and must choose to take the close combat weapons and las pistol upgrade. This units gain the outflank special rule.



Additionally, the Jackals Allies Chart:


Battle Brothers

Berskers of Uran: Ever since their first fight, the white devil and the Jackal have been close friends

Imperial Army: Willym values the contribution of the army, recognising that they are an integral part of the Imperium

Lightning Bearers: Willym looks up to Icarion and seeks to emulate him

Crimson Lions: In their pre primach days the two legions were close, but have slowly drifted apart during the latter years of the crusade

Dune serpents: The two utilise similar tactics, leading to a friendly rivalry

Scions Hospitalier: Pionus' work on Jackel's jaw created a close friendship. The events on Polyhi also help

Wardens of Light: Gwal instantly hits it off with his brother. Gwal teaches Jackel the value of democracy, even if Jackel twists the perception a little to suit his own view.

Fire Keepers: Niklaas and Jackel became close friends upon their first meeting


Fellow Warriors

Iron Bears: The hit and run tactics of the legion do not favour stationary tactics. They also view hiding in great ceramite fortresses as dishonourable

Warriors of Peace: rumours of genetic experimentation lead to distrust within the legion. Jackel finds the General unnerving, much like Alexandros

Eagle Warriors: The increasingly wayward views of the legion leaves them held at arms length. They are still respected for their tactics and strength in battle though.

Godslayers: viewing their mercy for the non combatant as weakness, they are secretly scorned throughout the legion

Warbringers: As with the iron bears, gunlines, fortifications and massed armour assaults are unfavoured within the legion, and don't have a place with the Jackals fluid tactics

Ghost Walkers: "Spiritual Aid" is seen as heretical to Jackel and the XVIIIth. They are still respected for their use of medicines and ability to heal but are held at arms length.



By order of X!

Halcyon Wardens: Alexandros mind powers leave Jackel uncomfortable and agitated. He refused to take to the field alongside his brother since Lokhif

Grave Stalkers: Legionary Sacrifices and the unnatural nature of pariahs means the Jackals are unwilling to the point of leaving a war zone to fight with them. This stems partly from Jackels past and because the XVIIIth have unusually high self preservation instincts...

Edited by Praefectus Invictus
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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Figured I might as well revive the proper BotL Jackals thread because it contains all my specific stuff for the project, rather than my canon-verse one.


Please keep in mind that this is my first piece in a while so it'll probably be a bit scratchy. C&C welcome!






Galkaan struggled to one knee. He looked down at his ruined power fist. Energy still crackled from its open wires, but he knew that it was useless. He surveyed the wreckage around him. Three gargantuan creatures lay prone around him, each shattered beyond repair. A small part of him felt a twinge of sadness for t=destroying something so graceful, but the rest loathed them for their existence. These xenos did not deserve to live, and their execution fell to him and his legion. He was the First Master, and he commanded a power unlike that seen in any era of humanity’s history. At least for now. He would only be in command as long as his primarch was in lost, and even though he yearned to find his liege, a small part of him craved the power that he was afforded.


Loud footfalls approached. He craned his neck upwards, hoping that it would be a dreadnought, or even a terminator. He was unsurprised to see that it was not. It was an even larger elder construct, an ‘Avatar’ of their warlike gods made manifest, and it seemed to imply absolutely menacing power and respect as it approached. Its skin pulsated in oranges and reds, as if there was lava convalescing underneath. It dragged a massive sword along the ground, leaving a trail of charred wraithbone in its wake. Galkaan recognised that this would be his end, but even so managed to get to his feet and draw his combat knife. Looking down at it, he realised just how dull it was. It barely glinted in the bright light, and cast off a red hue from the approaching monster. Dropping into a combat stance, Galkaan roared his defiance:


“come on then monstrosity! Prove that you are not worthy of benevolence and tear me limb from limb! Prove that your race is evil and tainted! Show the Emperor that he was right to wage a war of extinction against your pitiful kind!”


His words rang out to the beast, enraging it. It broke into a loping run and brought the sword up in a two handed grip, ready for the finishing strike.


“Look at you, you’re slower than a grox!” Galkaan roared, the humour coming off as it came towards him.


The beast eventually closed, and with lightning speed that surprised even Galkaan he scythed through the Master’s midriff, separating his torso and legs with one blow. Surprise barely registered on his face before he toppled to the ground, crimson blood flowing out of his lacerated organs. It blossomed out around him and pooled in the scarred surface. The beast roared triumphantly and stamped the ground, pulverising what was left of the Master.




Uten Tuskan ripped the helmet from his head. It was useless anyway, half the visor had been shot out by haphazard eldar fire. He hurled it down the hallway, were it miraculously punctured deep into the chest of an eldar warrior. He smiled as the bright orange form crumpled and lay still. He levelled his bolter onto his arm and began firing away with his vanguard, a veteran squad of breachers who had the best wargear that the legion could offer. They were Tuskan’s personal guard, each hand chosen for their valour and skill, and there were none that he would rather have by his side.


Tuskan retreated back behind the advancing shield wall, continuing to blast away at the enemy while they advanced down the corridor. The hail of shuriken fire did little to slow their implacable advance, although stray shots occasionally found their way through the wall.


Eventually they reached the antechamber that contained the beast and the body of Galkaan. The entire party was stunned, as even they could not comprehend the scene arrayed before them. Never had they imagined that their Master could have gotten so far into the belly of the ship alone, yet alone have slain three wraithlords.


“Brothers, bring this abomination down!” he roared, pointing the Leventh Lamina in the direction of the beast. A swarm of bolts erupted from their smoking muzzles, slamming into the beast with kinetic force but somehow having no other effect than enraging it even further. It turned and began running towards the cluster of legionaries.


“Spread out!” Tuskan ordered, before bolting away to find a strategic position. His men followed suit, scattering behind pillars or rubble and continuing to pour fire into the encroaching beast.


It collided with the nearest marine, slamming him into a wall and crumpling his armour. He stayed up there, the force of the blow entrenching him solidly in the material. Tuskan took the opportunity and dashed towards the fallen Master, gathering what he could in his arms and calling out through the vox.


“Sergeant Hijak, get your men to distract the beast to the far end of the chamber and lay charges around the door. I’m getting the Master out of here.”


He dashed towards a pillar and hid behind it as two marines attracted the attention of the beast with their melta weapons. When the beast was in the middle of the chamber, Hijak’s men began laying krak grenades and breaching charges around the pillars and doors. Tuskan led the way back into the corridors, and looked back to see the two marines being butchered for their efforts.

They don’t deserve this, thought Tuskan, before resigning them to their fate and ordering the charges to be blown, thus sealing off the chamber and allowing the squad to retreat.




Tuskan watched from the bridge of the Yarus as the eldar ship was pummelled with lance fire. Explosions glittered along its wrecked flanks, mesmerising the human crew. Medical aides scuttled around him, attending to his wounds. He waved them off with a flick of his hand. A senior aide stepped up behind him.


“Lord, it has been decreed, that in light of recent events and the unfortunate passing of First Master Galkaan, that you will be the First Master of the XVIIIth legion. May the Emperor guide you.”


The aide bowed and left. Tuskan weighed those words in his head. He had only been a company captain, never even considered for ascension to the ranks of the masters, and now he commanded it all. It all seemed so overwhelming. He sat down in Galkaans command chair.




My command chair.


The enormity dawned on him. He was now the Master of an entire legion. Fully 80,000 of the finest warriors’ humanity had to offer. He finally lapsed into exhausted unconsciousness and let the sweet embrace of sleep take him.

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