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Taking the punishment

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AdMech sure know how to fight things straight on, with a punch directly to the forehead. What I want to talk about is how to handle things once the tables have turned.

I am not a big fan of a 'all or nothing' play style like Alpha Strike, hence I do not really want to go full Pods up the wazoo.

I like to systematically obliterate the enemy, in somewhat of a longer game if necessary.


Two things need to be answered.

1) How to mitigate the enemy alpha strike, especially if you go second?

2) How to increase your staying power in drawnbout, grindy games?


Everything from the three AdMech-related books is fair game, as well as Stronghold Assault. With Cult and Skits there are two fortification slots available. Awesome!

I would like to avoid allies or the War Convocation for now.

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1) How about the wall of martyrs defence network? Play against an alpha strike army and start your softer units either in bunkers, firestorm redoubts or the trench lines-use vengeance batteries as a way of punishing alpha strikers. 


2) I found 2 knights pretty good for staying power against an alpha striking nemesis strike force (was playing a war convocation, which I know you want to avoid) but I think even one of them would help in grindy games. They are such a massive bullet magnet against most armies that they will help draw fire away from your softer skitarii, while still dealing out damage.

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I think an ADL would go a long way in dampening enemy alpha strike and help Grav Destroyers do sit behind and make use of their Stealth Canticle.

For the second slot I might consider the Void Shields with some extra Barricades. This will basically turn my deployment zone into a massive bunker.


The only question is whether such a defensive tactic can win games, especially since Skits and Cult without Pods might have some problems with objectives.

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I am more and more inclined to look into bigger networks. For example, the Fortress of Redemption or Wall of Martyrs Defense Network. Yet, I will pay 250-350pts, but I get some firepower, good defense against alpha strike, a solid back-field presence. I can then spend 1-2 turns castled up while I murder the opponent and then spread out.

If nothing else, it would be stylish.


But tell me. Does the AdMech have the capabilities to deploy whole defense networks on to the battlefield? Say you are assaulting an enemy strong point and thus you need to something to stop their echo, so they deploy some big stuff to house the troops and weather the enemy retaliation. Once they have expended their resources trying to break the fortifications, the army can then assault and break the enemy with relative ease.

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Well, just ally in some minimum-sized IG. Platoon with maybe 3 guardsmen squads, 50 recruits, and you'll have enough cheap speedbump units.


Used that to fill up points, in a game against strike force ultra (lots of terminators, deep striking turn 1). The recruits are numerous enough to screen entire 3x24" boards from deep strikers, and soaked up 2 turns of fire and a turn of CC. All units behind them always had cover, and once the opponent broke through them, the guardsmen screened the kataphron/skitarii where needed, and left lanes for infiltrators/vanguard to move/charge.

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