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Rogue Trader Party Bus I mean ship


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(I think this is where this post goes)


So I have no party other then myself, and no GM. (I GMed Deathwatch now I want to play!) But I have the urge to play Rogue Trader, so I figured while I search for a party I might as well go and make my character (the Rogue Trader) and the ship. I used the Into the Storm Warrent Creation and got a total of 72 SP and 24 PF, from The Forging, Struggling, the Age of Plunder, Battlefleet, Famous. Which yes I have worked into the back story of both the ship and its master. And I shall now tell you. FYI: Only got the ship to show you haven't nailed down the character yet. Not my best fluff writing fair warning.


Sovereign Enterprise

Hull: Cruiser

Dimensions: Approximately 5 kilometers Long, 0.8 kilometers abeam at fins

Class: Heavily Modified Lunar-class Cruiser (Ambition-class rules)

Mass: Approximately 25 megatons

Crew: Approximately 95,000 crew

Acceleration: 3 gravitates maximum sustainable acceleration


The Sovereign Enterprise began its days like many of its brethren as a proud vessel in the Imperial Navy, then known as the Sovereign Destiny, in the early days M36. In her brief service the Sovereign Destiny became the bane of pirates, heretics, xenos, and the various other foes of the Imperium. But less then a thousand years after her plasma drives were first stoked to life the ship would be lost while on an anti-pirate patrol in the deep reaches of Imperial Space, it is unknown what caused her disappearance, and her 'passing' was mourned by the fleet. She would reappear as apart of the Space Hulk Death of Innocence almost a thousand years later in the Calixis Sector during the closing years of what would become known as the Age of Plunder. Once the Navy recognized the Destiny they made all efforts to reclaim the venerable vessel. And while they were successful the ravages of the Warp were not kind to the vessel and most of her armour and hull had long been ripped away. And the Navy deemed her not worth refitting.


But the Emperor was not done with the mighty vessel just yet. Admiral Brann St.Clair, looked at the vessel and saw a chance to repay a debt. Decades before the then Captain St.Clair was commanding an anti-piracy patrol, consisting of the Dauntless-class vessel Adjudicator and 2 Sword-class Frigates from Falchion Squadron when his squadron was ambushed by a larger pirate squadron of six destroyers. His S.O.S. was answered by a passing convoy of armed merchants and a retired frigate converted to cargo vessel, all owned by the Solar Dynasty of Rogue Traders. The convoy instantly changed course and provided aid to the embattled Naval Squadron winning the day. Sense then St.Clair has always felt a debt to the Solar family, and now he had a chance to repay them. The Solar Family has long made and lost it's fortunes primarily on trade, but like all honest sailors, pirates were the bane of their livelihoods. As such when the family expanded it's reach into the Calixis Sector during the Age of Plunder, they expanded their operations into Pirate Hunting, claiming the bounty on many infamous pirate. This combined with their daring rescue of St.Clair and his Squadron earned them a friendly relationship with the Navy that lasts to this day.


Over the next several centuries the Solar Family has turned the renamed Sovereign Enterprise into a generational family project with each successive generation adding something to the ship's construction. Taking advantage of her stripped down hull the Solar's have made her into a premier pirate hunter. The Sovereign is faster and more agile then the average Lunar-class Cruiser, with longer ranged Lances, more powerful Auger Array, and her space intensive torpedo bays removed for a long ranged laser battery as a 'chase' gun.


Although now that the Solar's family fortunes are waning the Sovereign Enterprise along with it's soul remaining heir seem the be the Dynasty's last hope to reclaim their lost fortunes and pride.



Speed: 6                                   Maneuverability: +23                                               Detection: +20

Void Shield: 2                          Armour: 19                                                                Hull Integrity: 68

Morale: 100                              Crew Population: 102                                              Crew: Competent (30)

Turret Rating: 2                       Weapon Capacity: 1 Prow, 2 Port, 2 Starboard

Space: 75 (72 used)                 Power: 75 (72 used)

SP: 72 (72 used)


Essential Components

Jovian Class 4 Plasma Drive, Strelov 2 Warp Engines, Warpsbane Hull, Multiple Void Shield Array, Ship Master's Bridge, Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer, Voidsmens Quarters, M-201.b Auger Array


Supplemental Components

Prow: Sunsear Laser Battery, Starboard: Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadside, Port: Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadside, Starboard: Sunhammer Lance Battery, Port: Sunhammer Lance Battery, Compartmentalized Cargo Hold, Barracks, Arboretum, Armour Plating, Field Bracing


Past History, Complications and Special Rules

Wrested from a Space Hulk, Ancient and Wise

* +10 to all Ballistic Skill Tests

* +5 to all Piloting and Navigation Tests

* +10 to all Warp Navigation Tests

* +20 to all tests involving Hit and Run and Boarding

* +100 to all Military and Trade Objectives


Houserules: No Teleportariums. All macrocannon shots are done individually with a +12 damage bonus. Sunear only +11 do to their range. All "Broadside" weapons halve their strength and gain Storm. Lances only need 2 degrees of success to get a second hit and all Lances have Proven(3).

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