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2000pts 30k Imperial Fists vs 40k


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Im heading a crusade weeken hoping for some help on my 2000pts list.


My main concern is how it would face vs 40k armys as I mainly play 30k.



Imperial Fists







2 Thudd Guns


2 Thudd Guns


Terminator Sqaud, Cataphractii Terminator Armour, 3 Storm Sheilds, 2 power fists,2 Chainfists
- Spartan, Flare Sheild, Dozer Blade, Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons




Tactical Squad, Rhino, Dozer Blade, Melta Bombs, Atificer Armour


Tactical Squad, Rhino, Dozer Blade, Melta Bombs, Atificer Armour


Heavy Support




Sicaran, Heavy Bolters, Dozer Blade


Venator, Dozer Blade


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