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The Brazen Spear - A Minotaurs Log


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just dropping in to display the planning stages of another Terminator Assault squad, once again using the EC Phoenix Terminators as a base with the addition of BaC Cataphractii Lightning Claws.



  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally got the helmets I needed and finished building my second Terminator Assault Squad (guest appearance from Mr Moloc himself!)



And I made a bit of progress on the base colours on my Vanguard Veterans and Enkomi;


Beast mode activated! Those terminators look great.


Thanks! I'm really happy with how both squads of Assault Terminators have turned out, they just look a lot more imposing and brutal than the normal kits. The Phoenix Terminators kit is really great!


Vanguard are progressing nicely, although camera seems to have deleted all the shading from the washes :/




And I bought myself a little present;




I'll want to use the airbrush for basecoating, especially vehicles. I use GW Brass Scorpion as my base colour; should I thin it with water, or will Tamiya thinner be suitable? I'm not really sure how well the different paint ranges interact with each other.

  • 1 month later...

So, a huge delay on the Minotaurs due to recently moving house, and the fact I've been working a lot on building units for my new Heresy Alpha Legion force (not to mention the dirty Xenos from Deathwatch:Overkill). Just some minor updates for now regarding building, as I think I'm going to hold off the painting until ETL kicks off later in the year.


First off, an update to the progress of Captain Choppy McChainsword; his arms were removed and re-pinned more accurately, so they now sit against the torso correctly. A couple of FW Minotaur pads have been added. He'll also receive a couple of brass etch items (probably on his left greave) and some kind of Iron Halo-ey backpack. I figure in addition to his Teeth of Terra wielding normal role, he could count as Gabriel Seth if I ever felt like playing using the BA rules, or even as Ragnar Blackmane in a counts-as SW force.




Next up is another item from the Shadow Force Solaq box, the Land Speeder. I'm not that keen on how the underslung weapons hang so far beneath the body, so I opted to mount the heavy flamer side-on instead. The more I look at it, the less I'm convinced about it as a solution though, so I'm now considering swapping it's position with that of the sensor array in front of the pilot. Has anybody done this, or seen it done somewhere?






  • 3 weeks later...

A few more characters taking shape:


First up, a Librarian based on the Deathwatch Blood Raven, with a FW Minotaur pad, company champion helm and the Plasma Pistol arm from Solaq. He'll be able to stand in for Mephiston if required.



And a new Chaplain based on Cassius. Just need to source a suitable helm for him and fill in the U icon on his chest.


  • 2 weeks later...

More buildy stuff! 2 Squads of Cataphractii Terminators and a Cataphractii Captain, just need to add on the Combi-Bolters. The Captain will need something suitably cool to stand for the Primarch's Wrath (might aswell make use of that Slow and Purposeful!), for which i'm considering the Alpha Legion headhunters combi-bolter.



  • 4 weeks later...

ETL Approaches! I have a huge backlog of painting to do which will commence once the floodgates open tomorrow. In the meantime,I've spent my morning building a Stormhawk interceptor, priming a few characters and a couple of squads, and I kitbashed another couple of "counts-as" characters from the Badab War books;


Elam Courbray of the Fire Hawks

Made using Korvydae's body, Solaq's head, a Grey Knight Warding staff for the weapon haft and Iron Halo, Sanguinary Guard Jump Pack and Glaive Encarmine blade, and obligatory Minotaur shoulder pads.



Anton Narvaez of the Marines Errant

Made using the Deathwatch Ultramarine's body, head from the UM upgrade sprue, Solaq's backpack, Devastator sergeant's arm, sheathed sword and Plasma Gun from the Sternguard kit.





Awesome army of Minotaurs you're building cool.png

And a new Chaplain based on Cassius. Just need to source a suitable helm for him and fill in the U icon on his chest.

If you're still looking.. The chaos beserker skull head works great for a chaplain helm after shaving off the bunny-ears

Awesome army of Minotaurs you're building cool.png

And a new Chaplain based on Cassius. Just need to source a suitable helm for him and fill in the U icon on his chest.

If you're still looking.. The chaos beserker skull head works great for a chaplain helm after shaving off the bunny-ears

Thanks! I opted for the skull helm from the FW Night Lords kit in the end, an idea which i absolutely did not steal from here, honest.

your courbray looks wonderful!

excellent job^_^

I really like the elongated glaive/spear on Courbray, I love the posing on him too, Great Job!

Thanks both! I liked the idea of him having something big enough to justify those smash attacks...

In other news, ETL is underway! Hooray! I vowed a 5-man Tactical Squad and 5-Man Devastator Squad (the members of which will actually round out the 4 Tactical Squads in my completed army), a 5-man Sternguard Squad and 4 of my kitbashed characters: Pellas Mir'san, Harath Shen, and the Librarian and Chaplain kitbashed from Deathwatch Overkill. It's a modest start but hopefully means I shouldn't have any issues completing it.


There are plenty more items on the list for painting, if/when I get through this lot!

Spent some time last night working on the Librarian; not a great photo but gives an idea of where I'm at with it! I was going to keep the left pauldron trim Bronze but on reflection, I might change it to match the Leadbelcher one on the other side.



Another in-progress shot, this time of the other three characters (and the Devastators in the background). I've never been super keen on particular offices (Chaplain, Apothecary etc) having completely different armour colour to the rest of their comrades, so I opt to paint tabards and so on in their colours instead. It's a bit trickier with the Chaplain who doesn't have one, so he got a black shoulder pad and black panelling on the leg armour.




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