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Is pure inquisiton workable?

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It's not a full codex so is missing a fair few things. You could run it alone but won't find much variety in role to be had so I'd say it's best to use it as an allied force as intended. It depends on your meta, you won't be topping any tournaments but you could have some fun casual games with a pure Inquisition force :)

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Also, some tournaments restrict you to one Inquisitorial detachment per army, which is kinda sad as it's difficult to get up to 1500+ with one detachment, unless you run 3 Land Raiders.


Then again, two detachments can bring up to six Valkyries, so.

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Which may or may not be fun, actually hahahaha


Equip each Inquisitor differently and watch the bookkeeping nightmare! :D :D :D


But in my head it's badass. Here's a bunch of guys and girls good at different things. Let them lose and see how they handle an army.


Your shooting phase is going to suck haha


I'm doing this when I get a chance. Time to model up them Inquisitors

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If you do this every inquisitorial retinue needs three things;


1. A member of the unit with a banner describing why their methods are better than anyone else's


2. Every inquisitorial retinue needs to be in a Valkyrie just so you can play rise of the Valkyries as you start the battle and on every firing run past that...Dun da da duun dunn!


3. Give every opponent you every play with said army a list of reasons why an Inquisitorial conclave was created just to destroy them on the battlefield and declare their heresy. If they win, call for Exterminatus.

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By itself it's very difficult to get a good Inq army list, throw in fortifications and an imperial Knight and you have a killer army :)


You could try 3 units made up of 2 Crusaders, 2 Priests and 8 Jokaero for 380pts a shot. Find some nice cover for them and have 8 lascannon/melta/flamers shoot the enemy to hell whilst the crusader tanks the hits.

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