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#blows dust off thread#

It looks like I didn’t get around to posting images of the sternguard and captains. Will do so soon.

I have a few more minis to do for my Mentors for AoP2019 (Mentors vs Khornate Genestealer Cult in Mars-esquire mines beneath a chapel). So I’ll be doing them for AoP.

One FW Chaplain Dreadnought

One Venerable Dread (I think I have all the parts)

Aaaaaand I just got the last two Space Marine Heroes 2 boxes in my local shop. Reduced from 750yen to 500yen each. And the first one was the captain! :tu: How’s that for luck? He’ll be joining the ETL.

The other was the heavy flamer guy. Fair enough.


  • 1 month later...

Non-ETL, I picked up this guy yesterday and got repainting him. Will be a Mentor Legionnaire. Hazard stripes on the chainsword.

White basecoat is done. I’ll recess shade, then do the decals on the white and weather it before moving on to the green. I’ll probably airbrush the helmet to get it as smooth as possible.


And for the ETL...

Just a small one to start.

I Kierdale rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete One Space Marine Captain in Terminator armour (armed with a combo-melta and powerfist) of total value 119 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. Honour to the 888th chapter!

Points from Chapter Approved 2018

TDA captain 95

Powerfist 9

Combi-melta 15med_gallery_63428_11269_21012.jpeg

I got this guy too...


...but don’t need a TH/SS termie so...


...he’s going to be a Chaplain.

The back of the left hand is part of the shield piece so I had to sculpt some fingers using Old School GreenStuff (AKA bluTac and Superglue :D) and stick a small shield over a missing part of vambrace.

The hammer will be decapitated and turned into a Crozius.

As for the helmet...where’d I put those FW Night Lord helmets?...

I got most of the work done on the Chaplain...


But which topper?


The top one adds to the essential Chaplain skull count but is rather large...the second is more subtle but the cross says ‘veteran’ more than ‘chaplain’...the third isn’t too big, has a skull...but is more for a captain?

I like the conversions.

I'd probably go with the first one.

It's the most like a relic, something that a chaplain would be carrying around.

Checking the GW chaplains, that cross thing is actually prominent on most of the chaplain models, including strapped to the chest of the jump chaplain, so it is an appropriate option.

The third is something that I've always thought represented the Iron Halo for Captains, so I think it's the least appropriate.

Why not cut out that halo part and put it on the termie armor bare as half circle? Like old, original metal terminator chaplain had(as option part)

Second topping/topler, seems too close to your crozius topper, in my opinion and makes model seem it has two of everything.

Edited by Jukkiz
  • 2 weeks later...

WIP on my TDA captain...since it is for the ETL!


Arms just blu-tacced on :D

White is done and weathered but for final Mars Dust over everything.

Green is highlighted, and to be weathered next. Then metallics and red (not much of the latter, just the right shoulder decoration, which is an eagle. There’s no room for a Mentor Legion decal so I’m representing it via doing the eagle red).

For his tabard (? Loincloth?) and cloak....purple? Black? In the case of the cloak the outside will be camo like that of the power armoured captain last year, but I’ll do the inside a colour.

Aaaaand I chose option 2 for the chaplain. I didn’t ignore your opinions, it was a bloody hard choice, but I was convinced/eventually went with 2.

Sorry, Ranulf, I went with option 2.

Aaaand my first ETL vow is complete!

888th chapter Adeptus Astartes, 1st company captain in tactical dreadnought armour







  • 5 weeks later...


I haven’t been into 40K much recently but I did pick up the issue of Conquest with a scout squad in it so that is reinforcements for the 10th company, and yesterday I took the rattle cans to my venerable dreadnought and Chaplain dreadnought... at last!

There is no chance I can finish them before the end of the ETL, not least because I have two right arms and one left arm! I need to buy a standard dreadnought kit for an extra left-arm sometime in the future.

I’m doing all the arm white so that they’re interchangeable. The Chaplain dread’s body and legs will have black armour.

  • 3 weeks later...

WIP of my chaplain and venerable dreads.

I need to buy a normal dread as well at some point for three reasons:

A. I need a left arm for my venerable.

B. I now really like dreads.

C. I now really like dreads.

I realise that B and C there appear to be the same.

They are.

But it was worth mentioning twice.



I need to drill those barrels!

And the wings on the front will be in red.



B. I now really like dreads.

C. I now really like dreads.


Welcome to the Dreadnuts :wink: They look great so looking forward to seeing them done :biggrin.: Especially when they get friends :tongue.: The Venerable is a nice kit, I was going to get a normal Dread for another addition to my CSM but the options and fancy in the Ven kit are drawing me in. Plus I don't need dual shooting weapons for my CSM which helps (no missile launcher).

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, they’re nearly done.

I’ve been working frantically on my Armies On Parade 2019 display board. As I’ve mentioned before, the idea was to make a vertical diorama rather than a horizontal one, inspired by some of those in the old Rogue Trader rulebook.

The scenario is that the Mentor Legion are storming a Genestealer cult on a Mars-like planet. The scouts and sternguard are going in from the surface entrance, while terminators are teleporting into the lower levels.

On the surface there will also be my stolen repurposed Dark Angels flyer, a Razorback and captain overseeing the surface operation.

On the very bottom level TDA characters and two dreads are in a mining tunnel facing the cult Goliath Rockgrinder.

Here is the frame:

Not much on the top as it’ll have a fair few models on it.


And the three levels of building to slot in:


Under those will be the tunnel.

Aaaaand I’m putting a red LED at the end of each of the building levels. My dad and older brother are great with circuits and the like. I hate it. Still, I dug our my soldering iron and got to work last night.

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