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sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Overview of the RTS

Welcome to the second incarnation of "From Rage to Salvation" the Blood Angels sub-forum’s painting event!

We all have that half complete army, the squad you always wanted to expand; the Death Company jump squad that was left half-done. The Librarium Painting Competition and the E Tenebrae Lux built on that with competitive incentives for painting new additions by challenging the other forums. However, there are those who did not participate, those who failed their vows, and those who did not vow as much as they had hoped to. The "From Rage to Salvation" event will provide us with an incentive to complete these half done projects and to keep the inherent artisan flame inside us burning for longer.

In its simplest form, this is a casual event that will allow us to complete our old projects and/or begin afresh in a stress-free setting, all at a time when the Blood Angels need both enthusiasm and loyalty from Frater new and old alike.

For those new to the event, welcome! Should you be interested, the servitor-thralls have unlocked transcript logs of the first event and these can be found here. To our veteran participants, welcome back!

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Spirit of the RTS

Just like the ETL, there is a set of unwritten rules for self-regulation amongst the Frater. Like any painting competition on the B&C, they exist to help you all to improve your technique and the standard of your painting, be it asking and giving advice and generally improving your painting regardless of your skill level. Bear in mind that one shouldn’t compromise their skill level during this competition - it’s better to do a smaller vow painted to the best of your ability than a large sub-par job (according to your own personal standards of which you are the only judge).

A good example of that is basing. The fact that doing bases is not compulsory for a Primary Vow in the RTS is for the benefit of those who do not yet posses the skill of doing proper basing or have yet to decide on what scheme they wish to use. If, however, you do posses the skill and you will not consider the model complete unless you base it then it is expected that you do base it.

In short, this event aims to help you achieve something you can be proud of. Something you can say that the RTS helped you complete and quality over quantity will always be preferred.

In addition to completing those half done jobs, the purpose of the RTS is also give the opportunity to people to paint their minis how they like them, not necessarily according to GW doctrine- it’s all about creativity and imagination. As such, it is possible to see some unorthodox painting/modelling - such as World Eaters Legion Rampager Squad suitably converted to Flesh Tearers Death Company or Stormcast Eternals as Hammenators/BA Daemons (see below). All these are totally welcome and well in the spirit of the event. However, if people are using the count-as to just paint totally unsuitable models (using Space Marines Tacticals to represent Blood Angels Tacticals for example) then this works against the principle of the RTS. After all, the RTS is all about faction loyalty to that of the Blood Angels.

Another point (that is actually part of the official rules) is that it is expected that you start work on your entries after you submitted your vows and not before. Similarly, one should not mock the competition by entering (for example) a Tactical Squad needing only their eye sockets painted as a Primary Vow, and so on.

Lastly, the RTS is an opportunity to paint your army while having fun interacting with other Frater within the BA community. There is an element of friendly competition – which is intended and welcome; friendly banter is not only tolerated, but anticipated. That said, this is still intended as light-hearted fun. Please keep that in mind in your exchanges and also that there may be a language barrier or that people can be on a different wavelength. Make sure you use appropriate tone and don’t forget the smileys – they go a long way to give context and remember, B&C rules always take precedence so play nice.

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Rules for the RTS

Below are the rules which govern From Rage to Salvation 2015:


3 months from September 1st to November 30th, 2015. Participants can join at any time during the lifetime of the event.

Entry requirements

  • As this is a Blood Angels event, participants must pledge anything relevant to our Faction from any system covered by B&C, chosen from the “Primary Vows” list below. You may pledge as many of these as you wish.
  • Additionally, you may choose something off the “Secondary Vows” list to work on alongside your Primary Vow. You may pledge as many of these as you wish and both this and the Primary Vow must be finished for your vow to be deemed complete. Finally, Secondary Vows can be added at a later date once cleared with me by PM.
  • Models can be at any state of completion when entered, from completely unpainted to almost done!
  • Each vow must be finished before another one is made.
  • A vow is registered by declaring your vow and posting a starting picture. It is declared complete when you post a completion picture.
  • A vow is made using the following template:


I [insert name here] rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete [insert units here] on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the [insert Chapter/Legion/Strikeforce/etc] I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

Primary Vows

Primary Vows are any unit that can legally be chosen to represent a Blood Angels force in the 40k universe at the time of writing:

  • Any legal unit from Faction: Adeptus Astartes Blood Angels
  • Any legal unit from Faction: Legion Astartes Blood Angels
  • Any legal unit from Battlefleet Gothic pledged to the Blood Angels (or her Successors)
  • Any legal unit from Epic 4000 pledged to the Blood angels (or her Successors)
  • Anything from the following list:
    • Cypher
    • Any Cerastus-pattern Knight
    • Fortification
    • Any Imperial Titan
    • Marauder Bomber/Destroyer

Secondary Vows

A Secondary Vow represents all the little extra things that go along with our collections. Things such as pintle weapon choices, magnetisation choices, single Tactical Marines, and so on go here. These can be added at a later date should you wish, but they will need to be cleared with me first via PM.

  • Any unit/model upgrade for those in the Primary Vow category
  • Any extra/alternative weapons for those in the Primary Vow category
  • Artwork for those in the Primary Vow category
  • Fluff for those in the Primary Vow category
  • Bases and/or transfers for those in the Primary Vow category
  • Daemons – only a legal unit of those that can be summoned via Malefic Daemonology
  • Anything from the following list:
    • Any Imperial Knight from Codex: Imperial Knights
    • Any Assassin from Codex: Assassins
    • Any Inquisitor from Codex: Inquisition

Death Company
Death Company

As is customary with the ETL, those who fail their vows bear the badge of the Oathbreaker. To tie in the RTS with the ETL, this year the Oathbreakers have been inducted into the Death Company whereby they will receive their own special mission:

  • To fully complete their ETL vows thereby casting aside their rage and attaining salvation

Those admitted to the Death Company ranks have been automatically entered into this event. Should they complete their vow and attain salvation during (or even before) the event, they are encouraged to pledge something else. Should they fail, damnation and a fate with Astorath awaits...


If participants have achieved their target before the end of the three month period they can pledge again. There is no upper limit on vows but any failure will nullify all previous completions.

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Awards

If participants have achieved their target before the end of the three month period they can pledge again. If at the end of the 3-month period they have completed ALL their pledges they'll get the IRATUS DOMINUS badge. If not they have failed Sanguinius and may carry the badge of CARCERES IRA!

Behold and feast your eyes on the:



And the:



The award is won, and may be carried, when completing a vow but lost if any vow's are incomplete by the end of November. As for the Death Company, if Salvation is attained there may be a secret award lying in wait...

Who will shine the most in this display of loyalty to our Primarch and Legion?

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg FAQs

Q: How incomplete can something be for a valid entry?

A: The rules state that something can be entered from unpainted to almost complete, however, as per the spirit of the RTS paragraph, you should vow something that will earn you the Iratus Dominus award. For example, a Tactical Marine Squad that requires only its eye sockets painted green isn’t a suitable Primary Vow. If in doubt, send me a PM.

Q: Why is the Imperial Knight a Secondary Vow when the Cerastus Knight is a Primary Vow? They are the same Faction choice.

A: Quite correct, they are both Faction: Imperial Knights. However, at the time of writing the Cerastus-Knight Acheron/Castigator/Lancer and the Questoris Knight Magaera may be chosen as a LoW choice for a Blood Angels force using a Combined Arms Detachment, whereas the Imperial Knights do not.

Q: Given that we can use any Formations we want in our army, with the only restriction being how they interact with our other Detachments/Formations, are Formations permitted for the RTS and if so, what Faction may they be?

A: As this is an event with a BA focus, the only Formations allowed are those with Faction: Blood Angels.

Q: Why are Allies not allowed within the RTS when there are non-BA choices to choose from?

A: Allies are not a valid choice for the RTS as this is a BA event. However, there are exceptions. The Primary Vow exceptions are those which can be fielded within a BA-specific Force Organisation Chart. The Secondary Vow exceptions are those which often appear as singular units alongside BA forces and ones which many Frater have in their collections but are considered illegal to paint for the ETL.

Q: Why have I been entered into this event without my knowledge?

A: If you have been automatically entered into this event it is because you failed your ETL vow. Please note that there have been notifications of a challenge for those who failed since the last month of the ETL. Basically, it gives you an extra four months (1 in the gap between ETL and RTS, and 3 for the RTS event) to complete your vow. Please don’t be offended, we’re all eager to see your vow completed!

Q: What does a sample vow look like?

A: Vows can be a combination of things: you could choose one or more from the Primary Vow list, or a selection of choices from the Primary and Secondary Vow list. For example, a vow could be:

  1. Tactical Squad
  2. Tactical Squad and Bolterback
  3. Tactical Squad, transfers for three Tactical Squads, and all three new FW pintle-weapons for a Cerberus.

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Acknowledgments

Many thanks to Taranis for inventing the From Rage to Salvation event for for his blessing as we continue it in his absence.

Thanks to Captain Semper, Grotsmasha, knife&fork, Morticon and Warriorfish for their blessing regarding the event's revival and for their assistance.

Thanks to Charlo and Herald of Sanguinius for their work on the signature awards

...and finally thanks to the B&C and the B&C Frater for being here and thereby having an interest in such things. Hope you all enjoy the event!

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Vows

The Angelic Host

What follows are the vows of the Angelic Host. These follow the vow format for non-Death Company Frater and will be separated out into Primary and Secondary Vows where appropriate.

  Reveal hidden contents

The Lost

What follows are the vows of The Lost. Note that as they are charged with completing their ETL vows before making any further vows, their vows are slightly different from those who are entering the competition and using the RTS format.

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Edited by Jolemai
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Looks good, can't wait! Sorry I jumped your thread before you were ready.


EDIT: Since I'm already here, I'll avoid adding to thread-bloat and post my vow here.

I Paikis rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete my ETL vow on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

ETL Vow (Starting Picture):
1x 10 man tactical squad with veteran sergeant, heavy flamer, plasma gun, hand flamer and power weapon

Of which I still have to complete 2 tactical marines, which are currently basecoated and still on sprues, as well as the Plasma gun, which will be magnetised and is currently a flamer. Rhino pictured is not a part of my vow, just thought I'd throw their transport in because I liked the free-hand symbol on the roof.

Edited by Paikis

I, Jolemai, Reclusiarch of the Blood Angels sub-forum and first of his name, rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete two Tactical Squads and one Veteran with a Chapter Banner on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels Chapter I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

  Reveal hidden contents
Edited by Jolemai

I evildrcheese rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete two Baal Predators with Assault Cannons & heavy bolter sponsons on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Angels Encarmine, I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

Pics this eve.

I'm just started a couple SoB exorcist emplacements, which I'll need to finish before I start on the Baals, hopefully shouldn't take too long to get them done.




Edited by evildrcheese
  On 9/1/2015 at 4:44 PM, Dolchiate Remembrancer said:

So in the fairness of this event. I only have to complete my Squad Raphen, post pictures of my entire failed ETL vow completed and then I can vow for the angelic host?




If that's where you are, yes. Have you anything half complete to line up once your salvation has been attained?

  On 9/1/2015 at 4:17 PM, evildrcheese said:

I evildrcheese rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete two Baal Predators with Assault Cannons & heavy bolter sponsons on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Angels Encarmine, I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.


Pics this eve.


I'm just started a couple SoB exorcist emplacements, which I'll need to finish before I start on the Baals, hopefully shouldn't take too long to get them done.





  On 9/1/2015 at 4:48 PM, Jolemai said:


  On 9/1/2015 at 4:44 PM, Dolchiate Remembrancer said:

So in the fairness of this event. I only have to complete my Squad Raphen, post pictures of my entire failed ETL vow completed and then I can vow for the angelic host?




If that's where you are, yes. Have you anything half complete to line up once your salvation has been attained?

maybe...I'm having a buddy over for a BBQ on Saturday so I'll either have a new LR Crusader to show off or...a half finished one to vow ;)

I paint slowly so I make small vows one at a time. Hopefully FW will release the BA Shoulderpads soon. I asked in the Amicus Ades if it was OK to just do one shoulder guard, I think I got a green light. So without further ado:

I Sviar rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete two Apothecaries (MK II and MK IV) on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels Legion and Sanguinius I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.


There seems to be a problem posting a picture, so here is a link to my B&C gallery album:


  On 9/1/2015 at 5:09 PM, Sviar said:

I paint slowly so I make small vows one at a time. Hopefully FW will release the BA Shoulderpads soon. I asked in the Amicus Ades if it was OK to just do one shoulder guard, I think I got a green light. So without further ado:

I Sviar rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete two Apothecaries (MK II and MK IV) on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels Legion and Sanguinius I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

There seems to be a problem posting a picture, so here is a link to my B&C gallery album:


They appeared in the FW Bulletin ~ three weeks ago, so I'd expect them to be out either this week or next. I'm sure your model with have them in due course :)

Welcome aboard :thumbsup:

I Charlo, Warlord of the Sanguine Visions, rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete a host of our interred brothers, consisting of:


  • A Talon of two Librarian Dreadnoughts
  • A Furioso Dreadnought 
  • Deredeo Dreadnought

​on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to Sanguinius and our fore-bearers, I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.



Hidden Content



I marine7312000 rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete a 5 man Legion Tactical Support Squad with volkites, a Moritat with volkites,  a Culexus, Vindicare, Callidus, and Eversor on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the IX Legion I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

I, Xenith, rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete the following, on or before November 30th, 2015:



Captain Karlaen

8 Assault terminators




Of the total 10 assault Terminators that will be painted after the primary vow is complete, 8 shall receive freehand heraldry/chapter badges, the remainder having sculpted iconography.


Should I bring honour to the Chapter I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.


Roll call:



This is the state of the most painted model:




There are 10 scouts pictured, and these will form a second vow if I complete the first. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. Only 5 will be inducted into the BA. The others will become Omega Marines.

Edited by Xenith

I Jorre Lord of the Angelic Host rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete 1 x 10 man assault squad left incomplete for 3 + years on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.



As a side note i really dont have time for this, but hopefully my word and oath will motivate me to find time! Also this assault squad is fairly close to finished! I just need to rebase them do some highlighting and finish off the smaller details!

I, Warsmith Aznable, rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete a Terminator Assault Squad on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Lamenters Chapter, I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail, I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

EDIT: A picture of the long partly completed squad in question:


Edited by Warsmith Aznable

Thread updated!

  On 9/1/2015 at 7:38 PM, marine7312000 said:

I marine7312000 rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete a 5 man Legion Tactical Support Squad with volkites, a Moritat with volkites, a Culexus, Vindicare, Callidus, and Eversor on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the IX Legion I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

Welcome fellow BA ancestor ;) Always a pleasure to see IX Legion and an Assassin Formation. Oh, and this forum needs more volkites...

  On 9/1/2015 at 7:49 PM, Xenith said:

I, Xenith, rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete the following, on or before November 30th, 2015:


Captain Karlaen

8 Assault terminators


Of the total 10 assault Terminators that will be painted after the primary vow is complete, 8 shall receive freehand heraldry/chapter badges, the remainder having sculpted iconography.

Should I bring honour to the Chapter I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

Roll call:


This is the state of the most painted model:


There are 10 scouts pictured, and these will form a second vow if I complete the first. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. Only 5 will be inducted into the BA. The others will become Omega Marines.

Glad to have you on board Xenith :)

  On 9/2/2015 at 4:16 AM, Jorre said:

I Jorre Lord of the Angelic Host rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete 1 x 10 man assault squad left incomplete for 3 + years on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

As a side note i really dont have time for this, but hopefully my word and oath will motivate me to find time! Also this assault squad is fairly close to finished! I just need to rebase them do some highlighting and finish off the smaller details!

Only 3+ years? If you're going to slack, do it for as long as I have with my vow :p

Welcome aboard!

  On 9/2/2015 at 5:28 AM, Warsmith Aznable said:

I, Warsmith Aznable, rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete a Terminator Assault Squad on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Lamenters Chapter, I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail, I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.

EDIT: A picture of the long partly completed squad in question:


Glad to have some Lamenters included :thumbsup: I'm sure you'll get inundated with yellow recipe requests...

Haven't participated in any of these before, but it is high time I get off my backside and take part... what's the worst that can happen :smile.:


I Angelus Mortifer rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete Commander Dante and a Relic Sicaran Battle Tank on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.


Starting pics. Dante is already about 1/3 done, and some of the Sicaran is already cleaned and ready for a wash - although making the body pieces line up correctly against the track sections is requiring mucho filing and shaving :dry.:. If I can get these done in time, there will be a further vow to follow.



  On 9/2/2015 at 12:11 PM, Angelus Mortifer said:

Haven't participated in any of these before, but it is high time I get off my backside and take part... what's the worst that can happen :smile.:


I Angelus Mortifer rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete Commander Dante and a Relic Sicaran Battle Tank on or before November 30th, 2015. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.


Starting pics. Dante is already about 1/3 done, and some of the Sicaran is already cleaned and ready for a wash - although making the body pieces line up correctly against the track sections is requiring mucho filing and shaving :dry.:. If I can get these done in time, there will be a further vow to follow.




Updated and welcome to the event!

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