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Knights and Titans Question


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So, I'm getting a Titan, and, in the spirit of giant doom bringing warbots, I want to field him with my knights from time to time, and I hate going unbound. Does this mean that I'll always be taking an IG CAD for the LoW slot, and then allying in Knights? Is there anyway to take a Warhound and IKnights together by themselves?


The only way I can find is the 30k Questoris list but that means 3,000 points minimum and the list being accepted. Don't get me wrong, it sounds fun as hell, but I don't think that'll happen very much. Anybody know any other way to field these two together?

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can someone check to see if this specifies that the LoWs must be Imperial Knights?


Yes, of course it does. Nice try though.

I hate going unbound.

If you're using one of the Formations (Baronial Court, etc.), being Unbound makes no difference to your army at all.

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It was worth a shot! tongue.png

Lucien makes an excellent point - you can go Unbound with a Baronial or Exalted Court and have no loss in benefits. Unbound has a bad stigma attached to it, but I think that this is the kind of situation it was meant for.

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It looks like Skitarri might just tempt me into a few squads (curses!!) but two vets and a CCS with minimal upgrades aren't much more so I'll still probably stick to the Emperor's Hammer. Of course, for purely fun games (because Warhound = FUN!!!) I can go with unbound. My FLGS banned it for events and few players around here will play against it, which I kinda get because every time they allow it 'that guy'tm plays really messed up lists; not that those lists aren't 99% legal anyway.

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