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which baneblade variant?


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Greetings, fellow adepts.

I intend to build a baneblade variant as centerpiece to my AdMech. The usual centerpiece route (imperial knight) is already taken by my Alpha Legion über Contemptor, so it'll be the baneblade kit instead.


Now on to the question at hand, which variant would be useful, and remotely worth its points?

-Stormlord could be fun, finally adding a transport option, and can be modelled as a combat servitor assembly line, which would be far cooler than just painting it red. Downside would be, firing lots of S6 AP3 is already done by Kastelans, for a fraction of the points cost

-Doomhammer and Banehammer still have transport capacity and could be modeled as said assembly line, but their shooting is a bit lacklustre for being a worse transport. One has big pie-plate, but only AP3 (worthless against all the riptides/MCs), one has an AP1 demolisher cannon, a bit low for 400+ points

-Baneblade and Hellhammer as fire support. Lots of big guns and firepower, but no transport capacity. Hellhammer seems the most useful, with a 7" S10 AP1 ignores cover. And ignoring cover is something really lacking in AdMech codices.

-Shadowsword would be useful against all the centerpiece models, be it riptides or imperial knights, but comes at a price while having few other uses. And I guess I'll paint one anyway, for my 30k legion, which is a quite normal choice.


So...any opinions or inspirations? Are such superheavies remotely worth their points at a 2 - 2,5k points level?

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Another Imperial Knight? Sounds like you really dont need a Super Heavy Tank. Maybe think about what else could fill your needs besides a giant tank? You could get a squadron of battle tanks for the same points.

As said, it's supposed to be the centerpiece of the army, something big and shiny. And I'm not too fond of buying the same centerpiece twice, especially when the first is customized, and the second won't be. Also, I always wanted that model, and the size will allow conversions like the mobile forge.



Every one. There are plenty of guides of how to magnetize the BB, so that you can change variants whenever you want to.

Depending on the conversion, this won't work. So I'm looking for something allround useful.

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It seems you cannot go wrong with a baneblade!

I guess that's true. Only I don't think I'll need that huge range, so a Hellhammer instead. Only difference is 7" blast instead of 10", and only 36" range, but ignores cover.



Stormsword is the single best variant for 40k. 10" S10 AP1 Ignore cover is very strong. There's a reason why it is banned at tournaments. The Stormblade is very useful and stylish. Those two variants are on the top of my list, with the Stormlord close behind.

Stormsword and Hellhammer have almost the same weapon profile (7" blast instead of 10"), but otherwise I agree, it's powerful. In this case, I'll use the Stormsword cannon to scratchbuild a Typhon heavy siege tank, that's a larger-than-LandRaider-sized vindicator from 30k with a 7" S10 AP1 ignores cover cannon. Leaves the Hellhammer parts, which is a bit more expensive, but has even more weapons.

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Did i mention that the tank is a tank? because a big tank is always a fun choice :)


Baneblade would make a great and fun alternative centre-piece to your force. really like the servitor factory idea by the way.

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As you Know I went the Shadowsword path mainly cause I needed a shooting "D weapon" devil.gif also, i didn't glue the barrel together so i can iirc make 3-4 different weapon options just by slotting on a different barrel bit..no magnets either thumbsup.gif

its hard to say what to choose(Just don't go the geek/nerdgeek.gif option and choose simply from math-hammer,luck always plays a part... tongue.png


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its hard to say what to choose(Just don't go the geek/nerdgeek.gif option and choose simply from math-hammer,luck always plays a part... tongue.png

Mathhammer isn't my goal, just having a centerpiece I can use without throwing away points big time.

Shadowsword is really useful, but I'll take that for my 30k forces anyway, it's absolutely common in the fluff for marine commanders to ride one. And the Astartes Crew can hit things a bit better than IG one, without a really big pie-plate it's easier to miss. tongue.png

As for AdMech, I guess the most useful is the Hellhammer. We have nothing that can outright ignore cover, so that'll help. Stormlord would be fun, with all the conversion options, but the gun doesn't do anything we cannot already do. And just putting half the army into one big vehicle seems a bit boring.

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