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My Cadian WIP

Brother Talarian

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Hello Brothers,

I'm making this thread as it seems that that's what people do. I will be posting progress pictures of my army as well as the occasional battle report.

Now, for starters I will post some pictures of three different Guardsmen with different color schemes. I noticed now that they look significantly worse after better lighting haha, so try not to be too harsh msn-wink.gif Though, constructive criticism is more than welcome, as I am eagerly trying to improve my painting skills. (I think using different sized brushes would be a good start).

Regardless, I'm digressing.

I would like to know what your opinion(s) are on the color schemes, or if you have another variant that I could try. I'm looking for a neat green(ish) color scheme as I have several green colors and am wanting to save some money (and buy more models instead of paints).

So without further delay:

Flat Green GL

Flat Green GL back

Flat Green FL side

Green Camo Front

Green Camo Back

Green Camo Side

Dark Green Front

Dark Green Back

Dark Green Side

So, as question to start off is:

I've noticed now, with better lighting, that the paint job seems rather grainy... Should i be watering my paints down more than I am now and simply apply more layers?

For some of the highlighting, I think a finer brush and more water would do the trick.

Anything else that you gentlemen notice, feel free to point out!


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Good to see you get started, WIP topics like this are a great way to share the hobby - you get help when you need it and we get to see an army take form so everyone wins biggrin.png As to the schemes I like the first one. It may be simpler as just a green but I really like the colours you used to give the fatigues a nice depth smile.png Not sure about the grainy bit though as the paint looks fine from what I can see. The only issue I see is some mould lines need removing, and a darker highlight green would look better on the flak I think as to not stand out quite so much.

Have you thought about a basing scheme yet? I think a Teutonic forest style would fit with the colour scheme, get some darker mud and grass in or there's always the ever reliably urban rubble base which works with pretty much anything smile.png Looking forward to seeing more thumbsup.gif

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Thanks for the reply!

I agree, I think I prefer the first scheme as well. Ahh yes, the mold lines. These models have been laying around for years so I just picked them up and painted em. Future purchases will have more dedication/effort. (I do seem to be a rather lazy hobbyist, don't I... :/) hmm, my thoughts behind the brighter highlights was just that, to have a greater contrast. I want the guardsmen to stick out a bit or have a visual impact on the table - more testing required!


And no I have not! I'm not too familiar with basing, what I have done in the past was to simply use white glue and dunk it in some brownish sand and stick some foliage on it. But as has been mentioned in other posts, basing makes for a very nice improvement to the overall model. Do you suggest basing prior to gluing? I've seen some use cork to nice effect.


And yes! More pictures to come! Thanks again.

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I saw the word battle reports and got here as fast as I could...

mellow.png What's this?

ohmy.png No battle reports!

I was lied to! tongue.png

As far as beign more constructive than that (which isn't hard) I would almost caution against painting too fancy, unless that is specifically what you're going for. In the year 40,000, every army in existence likes walking around in bright colors that are easily shot at. Don't go ruining that now by overdoing the camo friend. We have a reputation for insanity to keep up you know.

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Hehe, you were certainly lied to then. I should have wrote eventual battle reports. (On that note, how do I change the title name?)


In terms of color scheme the simple green appealed to me most. However, I may go with the standard Chadian color scheme until my painting skills increase and I feel more adventurous. Paint testing will make up my mind.


Now, to tickle your curiosity a bit, some brief battle reports which I fought some time ago.


Now, my first ever battle of 40k using Astra Militarum with Space Marine allies using the Sallamander tactics.


I played a 1000 point game and had something like:



Platoon x2 Flamers

Vets x3 melts in a Chimera


Demolisher tank with MM


SM captain

6 SM with flamer in a rhino

6 SM with a flamer


His list:



x12 fire warriors

x12 fire warriors

x1X kroot with a big guy

x8 pathfinders

x4 crisis suits

x1 broadside


As this was my first game we decided to keep it simple and play purge the alien (the planet must be cleansed of these vile creatures)


I deployed my IG to the right of the board and the SM to the left. Stupidly, I thought I had proxies my Demolisher to be a BT and squished him in the back with my basilisk. (Mistake and lesson 1, know your army).


He deployed centrally with his fire warriors in some ruins where they would stay for the rest of the game. His pathfinders were on my right flank and his kroot deployed on my left, to fend off my SM, his CS were in reserve. His riptide behind the ruins (to jump in and out) and broadside and ethereal amidst the fire warriors.


Now, it's been a while so I'll make it brief and with little detail. Sorry, will start taking notes.

So for the first few turns we took turns shooting back and forth and dealing some heavy damage.


Unfortunately my platoon got pretty decimated early on by a super nova charged riptide blast. I realize now I could have gone to ground to get a 3+ cover but the more you play...

My basilisk was a monster, laying heavy fire and causing many casualties - direct hitting an ethereal and slaying the odd blue man.

I was a bit dissapointed with the Demolisher, but that was my own fault, I forgot about the 24" range so he was useless for a bit. When he got chunked down to 1HP I retreated him back out of LoS to conserve points.


My SM allies were awesome, with their tactics they obliterated the kroot warriors with their Flamers. However they did nothing for the remainder of the game. Got caught in DT, rolling 1's and I had forgotten to run all game, with everything essentially which sucked.


That leads me to my veterans, the chimera got popped early on and they were left in the middle of the field hiding behind a tower.

His crisis suits attempted to deep strike near my tank and basilisk but mishapped. I was then able to position them anywhere I wanted. Feeling a bit bad and not wanting to be a complete dick my first game I decided to place them next to his riptide (hindsight, obviously not the best decision but wtv) my basilisk proceeded to slay some of them.

Nearing the end of the game I wanted to do a last hoorah and wanted to bolt my bets forward. Dumb decision.

The end of the game resulted in a 5-2 victory to me I believe, or something similar. I had gotten FB, Warlord, Kroot, FW or something rather, and he managed to kill the chimera and vets.


All in all I had a blast. Though I realized how much more I could have gotten out of my army if I studied them a bit more/how diverse AM can be.


Astra Militarum victory!


Next on the list that I'll scribble up eventually: IG vs Eldar.

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If you edit the OP in full mode you can change the topic's details :tu: Sounds like a good win for a first game well done, in particular already having an eye on improvements and lessons :) Demolishers are possibly not the best tank against the space fish but it doesn't help if you deploy them too far back :P I think you did very well against a Riptide at 1000pts; never forget the only good xeno is a dead one! Looking forward to hearing of some dead Eldars soon ;)

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Here is my most recent Guardsmen using the Cadian color scheme. I quite like it. I may use the flat green for special weapons squads/vets but we'll see.

Cadia Front

Cadia Back

I'll be tackling a Sentinel next. Will post how it turns out!

As for the brief bat rep:

My list consisted of the following

CCS + Chimera

Platoon with two flamers and Commisar

Vets in Chimera x3 melta

x5 Scions (x2 Plasma) Deepstriking




He had:


x10 Guardians with Catapult (x2)

x10 Dire Avengers

x8 Fire Warriors

x1 Jetwraith?

x2 Falcon's

x5 Rangers

He had about 1050 points and I had 990 someodd points. This was his first 40k game in years so we weren't stringent with the rules. (He didn't even have an HQ).

Anyway, I deploy all of my troops in the far right corner, he deploys across the board (which led to his demise, he didn't realize how close he needed to be to shoot his guns).

As expected, my Basilisk did fantastic, hitting priority targets (in my mind at least) and doing some nice damage. Even getting a direct hit on a Falcon finishing it off at one point, I was happy.

My LR didn't do as well as I had hoped, then again I still need to learn how to use it and I don't think one is enough.

Scions are simply awesome/too cool - they landed right behind his skimmer jet thing and blew it up with their plasma shots. Unfortunately they got flamed to death shortly after as I didn't realize the Fire Dragons have the equivalent of a heavy flamer as well.

Order are a lot of fun, and can work brilliantly. Though, I rolled a double 6 and failed most of them. In hindsight I forgot that I could use my Comi's LD, and, thinking about it now, I probably could have past one more than I did. Oh well.

My veterans went in hard and rushed the closest guys, the Fire Dragons, and preceded to miss everything. With the encouragement of the LGS's owner, I proceeded to fire my artillery at the enemy. I failed to kill any of his guys, but managed to kill half of my own. He needed the help...? mellow.png

It was getting late (we are both pretty slow ATM, learning the rules and all) and called it after turn 4? As it stood I was winning maybe around 4-1.

The Emperor protects!

Anywho, I apologize for the lack of detail. I will start writing more in depth reports once I've built up my army/hope to take some pictures.


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For watering down paints, 50/50 paint and water works great for me. It may take more than one coat, but the extra effort is worth keeping the fine details and edges of a model. after highlighting, hit them up with a wash of 50% lumadian medium and 50% athonian camoshade.

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A good Cadian scheme, a bit of washing and highlighting is quicker but looks great :) Don't worry about the games, right now learning is the most important thing. Keep getting games in and you'll be surprised how much you pick up and how much faster the games will go :tu:

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Thanks for the replies again all. Just as a brief question to all you veteran painters out there (I've been scouring your pages, outstanding work) I just wanted to ask if I'm going about painting "correctly"


-Prime model

-Bascoat model

-Wash model

-Apply Bascoat over washed areas, avoiding recesses

-Highlight model, simply painting the edges of model.


Is this the proper method? Are there more effective methods? Etc.


Of course I realize it will be up to me to find the proper blends/ratios et. But I figured that would come with practice. Additionally, a detail brush might come in handy for the edge highlighting. Any tips and tricks would be appreciated! From what I've found so far the above mentioned seems to be the norm.



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"Correct" is a strong term for something as creative as painting but yes, the general process is:


- prime

- base coat

- wash

- layers

- highlights


You can shuffle some of them around a bit, for example a wash can come at any stage and different parts of a model (e.g. armour, weapons) might have a different method. Only you can say if there's a more effective method though as it depends on your colour scheme :)

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Thanks for the reports. Always neat to see some units in the field that I do not use. I've never fielded a Basilisk, and almost no field artillery even, so I enjoyed getting to see you sing their praises. Glad to see that you're learning with each game. Nice painting too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings Brothers,


I am currently in the process of painting a Sentinel and a group of 9 Guardsmen + Sergeant (In hindsight should have vowed them). Whilst painting I was thinking of my Regiment, what fluff do I want to bring to the table to make my games more enjoyable.


Then I thought, I like mobility, so I was tinkering with the idea of a 'Rapid Response Regiment'. Now, a few questions concerning naming. Are there any restrictions? The # of the Regiment, of course I can't take the ones already being used, but can I take any number? As for name , I assume I make that up myself. 


Now, for the organization and purpose of the regiment.


As the name dictates, what I've come up with so far (subject to change) is that my Regiment has small strike-forces located near hostile zones, or zones that are prone to invasion/conflict, and the Regiment is generally the first to hit the ground in defense, along with the stationary ground forces if any (this will allow me more felxibility concerning what I can field).


Being a fast response team, my army would generally consist of mobile forces:





Deep Striking Units


For tanks, I was thinking that my regiment has dedicated transports that have the ability to unload Leman Russes effectively, though not many. So when I field an army it won't generally have many tanks.


Artillery, sadly I won't be using it much (if at all) depending on the army. I can maybe think of some fluff in certain matches where the enemy is already attacking a position where artillery is entrenched. 


Being more of an elite force, my troop choices will more often than not consist of Veterans, as they've often encountered enemy forces and are.. well... Veterans. 

Otherwise, a Platoon with conscripts, which would represent the new 'RRR' recruits experiencing their first Response.


These are just some of the ideas I've been toying with for the moment.




EDIT: Come to think of it, I may need to look into an Elysian regiment... or MT...

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The number is just that, can be any one you like if you're creating a DIY regiment :) Seems like your background is already getting fleshed out but don't feel the need to tie it closely with the rules too much as you can easily swap between Guard codices :tu:

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Thanks again for the feedback WarriorFish!

If I remember correctly you mentioned that you often split your Platoons up and don't blob them. Would splitting the platoon and throwing them in Chimeras work as well? I was thinking having all my infantry in Chimeras, a few with auto-cannons (The regular guards) would focus on the back-line objectives while the vets with meltas/demo and plasma will more to objectives and focus on taking out the enemy armor.

I'm just wondering if it's worth giving regular guard some armor....

The rest of the force I suppose I'd get a few fliers, Vendetta or two for armor, though that can get pricey.

Deep Striking Scions can also help with the extra Melta/Plasma.


It may be risky running this type of list as I don't have any heavy armor... and if my meltas don't pop their armor...blink.png

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Yes, I prefer to keep my infantry squads separate but that doesn't mean it's the only way to run them. If you want to mech up then a Platoon will give you eye watering levels of AV12 that your opponent won't be able to handle - but at a cost - you will probably be better off taking a load of Vet squads if you want a mech list. However if your Platoon already has an intended use then adding some Chimeras for mobility options and fire power isn't a bad idea but chances are you'll have a FOC slot free somewhere to put those points to better use.

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  • 1 year later...

My my my, has it been a while.


Haven't had the chance to post for a while, as I haven't been painting or playing very much. But I now have the time.

I've had the chance to paint two full squads of troops.


Not entirely finished yet. There are still some highlights I could do, tidy up the basing, and tidy up some spots I didn't paint at all... 













Hope you enjoy! 

I will be finding the time to be painting a lot more. My LGS will be organizing a campaign that I'll be joining..... perhaps several write up will be in order.


Until then,

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