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Thinking of starting AdMech


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So, ever since GW released the AdMech/Skitarii, I've been sorely tempted to have a small (2k) AdMech army (ok, so 2k isn't exactly small, but considering I have roughly 30,000 pts. of chaos...).


My main three questions are:

1) Which Imperial Knight works best with this army? Your standard Paladin, or should I go with a Crusader for the extra dakka? (I'd love to grab one of the Forge World AdMech Knights as a counts-as Paladin or Errant)


2) Are the Forge World Castellax battle automata roughly the same size as Kastellan Robots? I would rather spend a bit more money have an awesome looking unit then have a unit of Robbie-the-robots.


3) I've heard a lot about the AdMech War convocation formation, which looks awesome in terms of aesthetics, and seems really strong, what with the free upgrades. Is it considered cheesy? I tend to shy away from power-lists, since I'm a beer'n'pretzel gamer. Also, how does the whole free upgrade thing work? Am I just paying for bodies, then after I hit 1850 or 2k, I can go back and add weapon upgrades and wargear?

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1) Don't know, as I haven't used any Knights yet. Although with the War Convocation Formation, all weapon and wargear options are FREE.


2) Kilofix has a nice 40K vs 30K Ad Mech Size Comparison .


3) Cheesy? Nah. Sure it has free upgrades, but it is a pretty mandatory list of units. Free weapon and wargear options are just as it sounds. You don't pay for them. At all.




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Hm, I have been thinking ever since they came out and I still have not come to a conclusion. My main criticism is that they are split in 3 books and need a fourth one (Flesh Tearer Strike Force) to function well in a competitive setting. Tournaments here allow only two factions and the ETC only allows two Detachments. Furthermore, they are far more subject to change than armies with one book.

And finally, my greatest criticism, they feel unfinished and rushed. When I compare them to other factions, their books feel like an actual army. AdMech does not.


But they are cool and I am still considering. This thread is relevant to me as well.

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its because its one army split over two books in my opinion plus there is some stuff i wish they added in to be honest like other servitors, independent tech-priests, transport options (bring back the termite maybe?)

but also i feel skitarri is a more effective lone force than ad-mech, ad-mech feels like an ally force but they both work well together, im working towards the convocation and looking forward to trying it out.

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I think we may well see a third book soon, once 40k starts up again. It'll either be skits and Cult combined with some new stuff or a third side to the faction, maybe the heavy armour /bigger guns.


That and there is always the supposed FW IA book coming to put 40k Mech into 30k and vice versa, then they'll become very varied!

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Yeah if you combined the too books you see a very unified army. It's kind of like.... If you took the dark angels books and split it into two one of ravenwing and one of deathwing. Then striped out all the space marine core stuff seeing as you could get all that already from the space marine codex. You'd be left with too good books that were missing something important.
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That is all fine and dandy, but I do not see much point in Skitarii on foot. But if you want to use Pods in Germany or the ETC, you need to give up your secondary detachment for that, meaning no Knights or Cult. I only have two Factions and three Detachments. FW Knights as LoW are not an option. Being split up invalidates them outside of the US/UK Meta, which is the reason I am reluctant to do it.

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Yeah that's sort of what I'm saying. If they were none book you could use them as you'd like. With pods and all that. Though doesn't war convocation kinda fix that?? I guess your area has that silly factiin limit on top of the limited number of sources. Which is kinda silly to me.


I think either a third book will ce out to unify them. Or a third book with cult vhciles will come out. Then in a few years they'll all get wrapped d up into one book when thier next update comes along.


I just think GW wanted to make a new army, but couldn't figure out how to release it. They could just give us everything. That'd be silly; half the models would go for unpurchased. The last army they put out was demon but they already had most the models for that. Heck what I think they really wanted to release was a book for each god, but the release would have been to big.

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Well, the ITC also only allows three Detachments, but also three sources. But they, Germans know how to handle the game with limited sources, which is why we won the ETC yet again :p


But I agree, the game becomes more modular as it goes along. We will need to see what they plan for the future of AdMech.

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