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Pre Heresy Nassir Amit Question - Fear to Tread


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So i've found plenty of info on Amit post the the Heresy, but it seems most of the stuff on him pre heresy is in 'Fear to Tread' which i haven't read yet...


So for those who have, what is he generally armed and armoured with? Still classic double chain fist? Or something more wacky?


And in case you'r wondering, yes I am thinking of making another Amit model...



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i would wait 'till FW covers Signus Prime tbh^^

Book... 9?

But that requires patience... Good point though!


I think Amit was using big chainsword, in the novel. I'd have to check it.

Thanks I'll see what my google fu can throw up!


Edit: turns out I was on the lexicanum page with all the info on it when i made this post...


Thanks anyway


Fyi it is a custom power sword and flaying knife...

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Its an eBook, 'Virtues of the Sons'. Its paired with 'Sins of the Father'. Their both hella short, but pretty good. 


That also has Amit in them, but I think the book in question was Sons of Wrath. That's the one happening after the siege where Amit gets his TDA. These 2 ebooks actually take place during the heresy.

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