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+++Call of Chaos VIII+++

Captain Semper

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Wow, people are already finishing things and here I am with my Before shots. Nice work so far, everyone, Calls are always fun to watch and this one's no exception.

So, pics. First up, the Dreadnought (with a very rough basecoat - was in the middle of basecoating right as I saw there was a new Call, hoping this is okay. If not, I have other Dreadnoughts, this one's just my favorite)


The Knight (May require additional conversion work beyond candles and fleshybits - will do those as I paint him so they don't get in the way)


The Plague Toads (from left to right: Smugtoad, Derptoad, and Happytoad)


The Terminator Acolyte


And the Sorcerer


Really excited to get painting on these, but I was already neck-deep into painting a Bloodthirster when I pledged and I'm still working on him. Kinda wanna finish him up first but I might just have to jump right in on this pledge sooner than later.

@Kierdale: I actually think that guy you don't like looks awesome. Reminds me of Kiss! :d


@Razakel: all those conversions win the internet today. Wow. One thing though: fLtR shouldn't the toads be Smugtoad, Happytoad, and Derptoad? ;)

@ Warsnail: great progress! Keep going!

@ Bernard the slayer: Real life goes first - no question about it! Having said that, if you want to participate, you can do so with even a single mini! furthermore you may join the Call whenever you feel like it - provided the event is still on! So no pressure - make sure you have real life under control and then see if you still can join!

@ Bad Santa: This is brilliant! Lovely work man, and so is the out-of-competition entry... Those Charcharodons must be less flamboyant in the future...

@ Rhanald: Welcome to the Call and the B&C mate! Good luck with your vow - we look forward for work! thumbsup.gif

@ lokkorex: Totally fine, go for it! smile.png

@ Chaos Rising: So you committed at last! Now things are getting serious! devil.gif

@ The Psycho: Papa Nurgle may have left you crawling as a spawn for a year, but Khorne will not be as forgiving! Fantastic mini mate, good luck!

@ Sartako: Good to see new blood answering the Call! Welcome to the 8th Call and the B&C mate! Good luck!

@ Slave to Darkness: A selfie I take it?

@ Augustus b'Raass: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!V tongue.png You are a Traitor of Traitors! Khorne may be angry (as usual) but Tzeentch approves! yes.gif

Well everybody, that's how it starts...

- I'll paint yellow for a while, you know, just a few marines...

- Well, make that a Deredeo...

- And cancel those Night Lords... and those Eaters...

- But I'll be back in time for the ETL... YEAH RIGHT!

Welcome to the Loyalist side Augustus... I expect the Codex faction to be considerably boosted in 2016! laugh.png

@ Captain Sox: fixed! msn-wink.gif

@ apparition: Welcome mate - we look forward for your stuff. Good luck!

@ MindofMetal: Beautiful mini - love the stance! Look forward for it!

@ Leonite: I'm not entirely sure if you're reporting a completion for the five spawns. I have registered them as complete but if I had this wrong let me know and I'll amend.

@ Thedarkprincessun: YOU SIR ARE THE FIRST TO COMPLETE YOUR VOW AND YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A LORD OF CHAOS! CONGRATULATIONS! the relative badge will be come available at the end of the event. So relax and come Dec 15th you can wear your Chaos Lord badge with pride! In the mean time I have marked this in the first page. smile.png


@ Warsnail: great progress! Keep going!

@ Bernard the slayer: Real life goes first - no question about it! Having said that, if you want to participate, you can do so with even a single mini! furthermore you may join the Call whenever you feel like it - provided the event is still on! So no pressure - make sure you have real life under control and then see if you still can join!

@ Bad Santa: This is brilliant! Lovely work man, and so is the out-of-competition entry... Those Charcharodons must be less flamboyant in the future...

@ Rhanald: Welcome to the Call and the B&C mate! Good luck with your vow - we look forward for work! thumbsup.gif

@ lokkorex: Totally fine, go for it! smile.png

@ Chaos Rising: So you committed at last! Now things are getting serious! devil.gif

@ The Psycho: Papa Nurgle may have left you crawling as a spawn for a year, but Khorne will not be as forgiving! Fantastic mini mate, good luck!

@ Sartako: Good to see new blood answering the Call! Welcome to the 8th Call and the B&C mate! Good luck!

@ Slave to Darkness: A selfie I take it?

@ Augustus b'Raass: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!V tongue.png You are a Traitor of Traitors! Khorne may be angry (as usual) but Tzeentch approves! yes.gif

Well everybody, that's how it starts...

- I'll paint yellow for a while, you know, just a few marines...

- Well, make that a Deredeo...

- And cancel those Night Lords... and those Eaters...

- But I'll be back in time for the ETL... YEAH RIGHT!

Welcome to the Loyalist side Augustus... I expect the Codex faction to be considerably boosted in 2016! laugh.png

@ Captain Sox: fixed! msn-wink.gif

@ apparition: Welcome mate - we look forward for your stuff. Good luck!

@ MindofMetal: Beautiful mini - love the stance! Look forward for it!

@ Leonite: I'm not entirely sure if you're reporting a completion for the five spawns. I have registered them as complete but if I had this wrong let me know and I'll amend.

@ Thedarkprincessun: YOU SIR ARE THE FIRST TO COMPLETE YOUR VOW AND YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A LORD OF CHAOS! CONGRATULATIONS! the relative badge will be come available at the end of the event. So relax and come Dec 15th you can wear your Chaos Lord badge with pride! In the mean time I have marked this in the first page. smile.png


Register them as complete! They're done.

@ Augustus b'Raass: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!V tongue.png You are a Traitor of Traitors! Khorne may be angry (as usual) but Tzeentch approves! yes.gif

Well everybody, that's how it starts...

- I'll paint yellow for a while, you know, just a few marines...

- Well, make that a Deredeo...

- And cancel those Night Lords... and those Eaters...

- But I'll be back in time for the ETL... YEAH RIGHT!

Welcome to the Loyalist side Augustus... I expect the Codex faction to be considerably boosted in 2016! laugh.pngmsn-wink.gif


HAHAHA I KNEW you were going to make fun of me over it. LoL. Your comment certainly gave me a laugh. It's true - I'm definitely intrigued by the loyalists side, mostly because of the IF fluff and the awesome new SM codex. But I will NOT deny my fellow traitors any points - also because I have several Chaos super heavies lying around, which need paint. It's going to be rough not painting them before May 2016. So tongue.png to you, buddy: I might have walked from Chaos' Call, but I'll be there when it counts!

I know I haven't even finished my IW Rhino yet. But seeing as the Thousand Sons landed on my doorstep today (in a rather literal sense) I figured I'd post a before shot of them now



Even in my break week, I still update, but only a single model answers! Second out of four characters to be fully complete and the only representative of the Word Bearers themselves unless I reach the goal for my Dark Apostle. 


Coryphaus/Champion Mattias, Chaos Lord of the Hallowed Word, a part of the Ashen Council of the Hallowed Word.







And... oh.




*Insert an off screen moment of quickly painting over the white bit I forgot about.*


Mattius title may seem confusing, as usually the Coryphus is the highest ranking lord of the warband. The reasoning for the duality of the terms is due to how the Hallowed Word warband were formed. It's members were brought together of five Ashen Circle members of the Word Bearers legion, the last of their squad during the Horus Heresy. Even before retreating into the warp with the rest of the Legion the five had undertaken a change in ideals. They saw other texts as to be observed, to see how they could be better used for the glories of Chaos. They formed a council, four of them devoting themselves to being Champions or Sorcerers of Chaos while the fifth left behind his jump pack to become a Dark Apostle. In theory the Dark Apostle should have final say, but in reality it is these five, as well as the commanders of their Thousand Sons, Death Guard and Emperor's Children allies, that guide the warband in their battles


Of the group one has stayed almost wholy devoted to Chaos Undivided, only outdone by the Dark Apostle and rivaled only by one other. This so devoted Word Bearer is Mattias, who took up the sword instead of the axe in time, and has come to be so adept at it that it has become a part of him, the energy of the warp flowing around it, occasionally imbuing it with incredibly devastating power against certain opponents. Mattias uses his wings for rapid redeployment, often leading Word Bearer units or following the spawn of the army, On occasion he will take to the skies with a much deadlier unit of Possessed Marines, some former Ashen Circle, others not, all armed with flight and deadly claws, however this unit tends to be used by the council akin to an elite bodyguard. Mattias comes off as calculating and cold, but can make a speech when he wishes, often being the one to inspire the warband itself in the case that the Dark Apostle is otherwise occupied. His mutated nature and silent nature leaves him unsuited for infiltration or... other roles.




On the Tabletop, Mattias is a Champion usually with a Power Sword and a mark befitting the situation and which unit he's with. The power sword can and has been swapped out with other demonic weapons, most commonly the murder sword. The rival mentioned is more a mention to the models I use, given that I have a more stock looking Ashen Circle member with an axe but otherwise the same armament just much less mutated that I use when I need the Power Axe.



Really getting close to finishing these guys now, a few final details, paint the tyres then final weathering. Bosh! Onto the Flesh Hounds.....


There looking really cool Midnight Runner.  Hopeful you will post lot photos of the Warhammer World event over on your Black Legion topic. 


Third Wyvren getting there, just need to add weather powder to the model & three out of the 6 crew have been built.  Hopeful have the Wyvren vow completed by the end of October.  Then it moving onto the Bloodborn Khorne unit (Chosen Mark of Khorne) & Vindicator.

Thanks for the encouragement Semper!

So i have some stuff assembled

Helbrute 1:


Magnetised for other weapon load outs

Helbrute 2:


I couldn't stand those toenails...


I did 6 instead of 5! Might use the one with the maul as a dark apostle.


Chaos Sorceror:

Just swapped the plasma pistol from the DV lord.


The maulerfiend is still a work in progress and waiting on some other parts to arrive... msn-wink.gif

@Kierdale: I actually think that guy you don't like looks awesome. Reminds me of Kiss! biggrin.png


I had another look at that mini and I think it was a bad photo. He looks alright in real life, and better from the side.

Your Kiss comment did make me add more eye tattoos...


...including this one :D


I'll be highlighting the tattoos next week then getting on to hair/fur.

Well, now that my B&C hero, Raz, has joined the fray, I suppose I should stop lurking and dedicate my Word Bearers to the cause.

I Sigma The Red, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete: 1 Dark Apostle, 1 Chaos Sorcerer, 1 Renegade Command Squad, 1 Giant Chaos Spawn, 16 Havocs, and two squads of CSM before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Progress on the Call (including my before pictures) can be seen here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/314493-forward-bearers-of-the-word/

Ha, I'm painting one of them as well, the arched 'windows' look the part for Word Bearers but I'm still staring at mine thinking it needs a little something extra but I cant quite figure out what. Its drivng me bonkers. 

Finally got him finished. As with everything I do I wish I could spend longer on it but too many cock ups and repaints so he's done.






Quite happy with the way the inbuilt heavy flamers came off. Burnt my fingers on the hair dryer to get the pyroclast tubes bent right. Prefer it with one axes too (other was given to the soul grinder), although think it would be best with the two handed one (idea nicked from Ksci's thread)

Adra'Melek - That Dreadnought looking really cool & the Bloodthister axe really tie in well with the model.  Have you got plans for the base in the near future?

My vows are getting there.  Two Wyvren are just getting weather powder added & there crew are being sorted.  I've got three Mechanicus crew built up as spotter/give order, while the Chaos Guard gunner will be converted in a few week time.  Just find once I've got my Chaos guard complete that bulk of the vows out of the way & just happen to see them finish :D

Finally got him finished. As with everything I do I wish I could spend longer on it but too many cock ups and repaints so he's done.


Quite happy with the way the inbuilt heavy flamers came off. Burnt my fingers on the hair dryer to get the pyroclast tubes bent right. Prefer it with one axes too (other was given to the soul grinder), although think it would be best with the two handed one (idea nicked from Ksci's thread)


Cheers both. IP, nothing specific for the base. Just following the theme of the others. I thought I had a base somewhere but can't find it. May need to make one from scratch as I don't have any of the right size.


Moving on to the spawn now, as hopefully that will be straight forward. Will try to get it done by the weekend in an attempt to catch up.

I was about to say, it's gone very quiet here... This is so unlike Chaos. Let's get back in shape and start posting some progress! Oh, and new participants are most welcome! Remember there is no cut-off date here, you can join at any time until December 15th!



Bikers finished!! Will take some close ups when I get the chance (I am sufferering technical problems still resulting in minimum of photo uploads)

1st Squad


2nd Squad


The hounds so far -


These just have a base coat of Meph Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet drybrush and a Regal Blue Wash/Glaze with another Evil Sunz highlight.


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