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+++Call of Chaos VIII+++

Captain Semper

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Since it appears I never posted a before shot of my Warsmith-count-as-Forge Deacon (Dark Apostle), here it is




I hereby declare my Iron Warriors Rhino to be complete



Quick update, got the Dread a little further along. He's ready for fleshybits, candles and script. I'm gonna try to get the sculpting and a bit of the painting done tomorrow and if all goes well he'll be done by the end of the week. Sorcerer and Acolyte will follow, probably quickly.


Finally, all of my havocs are painted. Whew. That was a task, and I have now learned to hate metal models. Included in this picture are the previously painted havocs that were not a part of my vow, but I have included them for completion's sake.



I'll need to catch up on all the cool Call of Chaos updated :D


Also quickly say mange to pick up a lot of the Forge World kits I need for my Call of Chaos vows during the weekend while I was down that Warhammer World




Waiting on the World Eater (Chaos) Rhino part to arrive in the post.  Might pick up the Rhino model before the end of this week & start getting this squad built while I have a bit of free time - getting ready for my wargaming club local tournament & spend few days getting new models built & painted.

Really flagging. I hate painting the marine colour scheme until just before the end. So I need to get there. Putting the bloodletters and Bloodcrushers on their bases so I can do them (should be pretty quick). But even those were a gift off my brother and were put together without touching the mould lines or tidying up the spru connection (grateful as I am for the gift). But I'm tied and generally not feeling great at the moment. But got the Last Kingdom on audiobook and plan on getting going while listening (read it a few times before).

The Stonebreakers already finished half of their vows - walls will crumble under their onslaught!








Iron Within! Iron Without!

I have an unreasonable amount of progress today - I've sculpted and painted the fleshybits on the Dread, and basecoated, highlighted AND washed the reds and metallics on the Sorcerer AND the Acolyte. Still got the Knight and toads to get started on. I'm going to focus on the Dread for now and then finish the Sorc and the Acolyte together. Dread should be done in a few days.



I just finished vow 4 out of 6 - Nârik Dreygur, who counts as a Chaos Lord. Definitely a sweet model to paint! Also have a look in my WIP log for new shots of the remaining two vows!



It's a special day for me. Not only am I now 4/7ths of the way through my vow (over halfway!), but the model I completed today is one I have been planning for the better part of a year to be the centerpiece of my tabletop force. As any Word Bearers player will tell you, not having a Dark Apostle for your army is an afront to the Chaos Gods. So,BnC, I am proud to present my favorite model so far. The Dark Apostle, Apophis Votan.




Here is a closer shot of the man. http://i.imgur.com/RJDP3Jx.jpg


And one from behind. I might still add some stuff to his cape.



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