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+++Call of Chaos VIII+++

Captain Semper

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I really doubt I'm going to finish (or even get close). Lost my way a little bit when I had to pack everything away for a mother-in-law visit and struggled to get going. I was planning on having a heavy December but unforseen circumstances have put a bit of a dampener. Still pushing on with the Bloodcrushers as they should be an easy 'win'. Then do the bloodletters as another easy win. Then 'maybe' finish the possessed before the end of the month.

Finally made a bit of progress, the Raptors, Chosen and AC are about 80% done and then just need to be assembled. I'm only putting the 8 man marine squad together now, why do I always leave things to the last minute dry.png .

Anyway here are a few pics





Hopefully by this time next week I'll have a lot done.

Completed the Cultist part of my pledge, next up is the raptors.


22868424710_95f6d0196f_c.jpgIMG_0982 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


more pictures on my thread here:


I'm gaining on you Chaeron!




Just got highlights, further embellishments and whatever I fill those holes with to go.



Doh .... just a few weeks left ... I'll probably fail, since i need to start work on Ang'grath and ran into unforeseen problems with skulltaker (at this point: i HATE metal modells >.<)

Tah, looks like I'll become a Khornette after all tongue.png

Please, don't give up yet. I find your work inspiring. wub.png

Fellow heretics. Another part of my vow down. I had to break up the photos so that the actual paintjob could be discerned with detail. Anyway, here's (Wonderwall) the last 10 marines of my Call, with a special picture for their new icon bearer! With this, I am one model away from finishing my Call. Glory to Chaos.



Bolter dudes



More bolter dudes, with the powe fist sporting Champion.



Icon Bearer!!

So I'd got my 'Zerkers in a pile to paint the other day... That didn't really happen! That said, I am motoring through tonight. This pile:



Has now become this:




With the blue blocked, I can work on the trim etc.

@Warsnail: that's a pretty impressive Nurgle Land Raider right there. Looking good, mate! Also, I love that idea of the book on the biker's viewscreen. :tu:


@SigmaTheRed: Great looking models buddy! Your bases might need some more owrk though - a model isn't finished without it's base. :tu: The banner looks fantastic - please tell me those are transfers and you didn't freehand that (or I'll throw my brushes out). BTW you forgot the purity seals on the banner!  :D

You got that right, Augustus. However, I refuse to put effort into their current bases, as I'm just going to replace them all with the 32mm ones as soon as I get them. The old ones were gross and badly done anyway. So sadly, the marines must remain on them for now.


That being said, yes, it is a transfer. The FW Word Bearers transfer that my good friend ROBOCaster got me for my birthday.



.....and I declare my Call of Chaos COMPLETE!!!!


Not a good photo, I know, I will get some this week when I add some to my log when I add the rest from Warhammer World as I get time, but in the above photo you see the two vowed squad of bikes, the vowed squad of Flesh Hounds, and the vowed Sorcerer meaning I have redeemed last years failure before the Dark Gods :)


Insane Psychopath - those vindis and the Bloodborn are looking awesome, as does 'bit's Sevrin Loth B)

The markers are Khorne Age of Sigmar banner/runes but I can't remember the kit name? You know the big muscle dudes that can be used as two different kits. No doubt they are called 'Blood something' :)


The bases themselves are just Steel Legion Drab with dry brush of the old Bleached Bone (which I have now ran out of, what is its replacement?) and some static grass. Some of them are resin ones off eBay, others just have debris stuck on them. The eBay ones I have had fir so long I can't remember where they were from, sure they were just 'Battlefield Debris' however. Sorry, I am pretty useless at remembering lol


Cheers for the comment, glad you like!

The markers are Khorne Age of Sigmar banner/runes but I can't remember the kit name? You know the big muscle dudes that can be used as two different kits. No doubt they are called 'Blood something' :)!

Don't be silly. It's Wrathmongers/Skullreapers. No 'blood' in sight (er...well other than they are part of the Bloodbound faction :)). Very good kit for bits and bobs and those objectives are a great idea.

Terminators are finished:






More pictures as always in my WIP thread. Also progress on the Helbrute:


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Wow, ShVagYer, the termies look fantastic - as all your work. A shame their arms fell off during the shoot ;)

The fleshy parts of the helbrute done that way give the model a  'spirit'-like quality, almost like it's an apparition. It's a very nifty solution to the problem you encounter with Chaos Thousand Sons, where everything is supposed to be just empty armour with spirits inside. I really like it! :tu: :tu: :tu:


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