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+++Call of Chaos VIII+++

Captain Semper

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Y'know what? Balls to the wall. I, Leonite of slightly crazed mind claims the following in the name of the four chaos Gods!


For Khorne I pledge a unit of 10 as of yet unglued Bloodletters. To make Penance they will fight both for my Chaos Space Marines and future Khorne Daemonkin


For Nurgle I pledge a Chaos Lord/Sorcerer on a bike, augmented by dark cybernetics to the point of receiving his blessing, and 5 of my Chaos Spawn to escort him. The Heretek and two of the Spawn will recieve repainting on certain portions


For Slaanesh I pledge my Herald seperate from her Chariot (I'm pledging enough without it). She bears the model of the third edition and the claw of her plastic sisters.


For Tzeentch I pledge my 9 Thousand Sons (Sorcerer included although he is already a bit painted) and Ahriman to accompany them shall his underling fail.


And for Chaos Undivided I pledge a Chaos Lord with Demonic Wings belonging to the Word Bearers legion. I would pledge more, but it would feel as if I was robbing the Chaos Gods to do so as I am already pledging 4 HQ models


Blood for the Blood God! Plagues to decay all! Things shall become loud now! All is as planned!


For the greater glory of chaos, I pledge these 8 Units as merely 6, two HQ each counting as one! 


And I bear the proof of my tools for glory below.




(This is 3 years in the opening)




(Ahriman in the center)




(Behold the oldest and newest of my units)




(The Biker was firstly an attempt to make a Master of the Forge. I then failed to like this Warpsmith I was making and decided to fuse the models together. The three spawn in front are the oldest parts of this army bar the Herald)

Wow, people are vowing way over six units!

Leave some for next year's ETL, guys! We need to win three times in a row!!! biggrin.pngmsn-wink.gif

Ill just repaint it all again. The land raider alone has gone from nurgle to word bearers back to nurgle and now to word bearers again. I can easily vow 15k each year :lol:

Tbh I am only doing so much because I got my way of painting Word Bearers nailed over the ETL so I know I can knock them out quick, that and I know if I fail the only person I let down is me. This ETL I got major burnout (didnt paint for a month midway through my 3k vow) and was gonna jack it in until Forte told me we were in the lead, if I did (and never made my last 2 vows) we would have been close to comin second, but I ddnt want to let the team down.

OK guys - a lot of enthusiasm here... It makes the Dark Gods happy! :D 


Now, for those who keep their own WIP threads, please post your "before" and "after" pics here as well, it makes my life considerably easier... I've done some fishing work already but in order to avoid confusion it'll be great if you can post them here too... Not all of the WIP pictures mind you (unless you want to, in which case it's fine), just the start and finish ones.


Just do a new post and I will edit everything in the first page. :)



Arrgh ! When did this creep up ?! Between MGSV and being ill, I've not kept tabs, and didn't expect this until Oct-Jan like last year.


Guess I better get sorted for the weekend, and I suppose I'd ask Cpt. Semper - A Khorne Knight Crusader would be fine, right ?

So some starting shots:

20 renegades start

20 renegades

5 disciples start

5 disciples

Enforcer and Nurgle Lord start

Enforcer and Nurgle Lord

LRBT start


Chimera Start

Chimera start

I'll edit in the obliterators and havocs at a later point - they are currently in a soak at present. I should also state that the Obliterators will be converted from the AoBR Termies, just for giggles more than anything.

edit 1: Added the Chimera too, would be a good start rolleyes.gif

Wow, people are vowing way over six units!

Leave some for next year's ETL, guys! We need to win three times in a row!!! biggrin.pngmsn-wink.gif

I'm not even vowing everything I have ready. I could easily add two units of CSM (Minus sergeant for one of them, he just needs a slight repaint), 5 "Possessed with Wings" (*Warp Talons), about 3-4 more HQ choices, the Chariot for my Herald, Plaguebearers and herald...

I'm only scratching the surface here.

I Uveron answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete:

1) Hellblade

2) CSM Rhino

3) Renegade Chimera

4) Renegade Command Squad

5) Helbrute

6) Khorne Herald

7) Decimator

8) 5 Possessed Chaos Space Marines

9) 1 Chaos Spawn

10) 3 Chaos Terminators

11) 3 Blood Crushers

before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

Opening Shot of the Gathered units.


I, Dreadclaw answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete before December 15th 2015, the following 8 units : furious.gif

1 Kytan Daemon Engine

1 Khârn

8 Berzerkers

8 Chaos Space Marines dedicated to Khorne

3 Chaos Bikers dedicated to Khorne

3 Chaos Bikers dedicated to Khorne

5 Flesh Hounds

1 Soulgrinder of Khorne

If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul !

@ Uveron: I think you mean December 2015 - unless these are vowed for Call of Chaos IX! tongue.png

I will update soon, but let's see more degenerate heretics joining in! What's going on, are all of you now lapdogs of the Emperor?

Captain Semper, I actually vowed the 20 Slaangor as two units of ten, rather than one of 20.

First WIP:

As yet unpainted four. Will be Fulgrim Pink.


Emperor's Children pink - just the first coat.


Bubblegum pink four.


Petal Pink four.


And Carousel Pink four. This photo doesn't really show it but that is a seriously shocking pink.


And four of the painted ones together to show the different shades.


All will be lightened and toned down, and shaded of course.

Likely I'll be adding black tattoos for contrast.

I, Akylas, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete:


1 ten man squad of Chaos Marines

1 rhino

1 Helbrute

1 five man squad of Chaos Marines


for the honor of Lord Tzeentch before December 15th, 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the Path of Ruin. If I fail I will have my soul flayed for eternity, and bear the mark of the Lost.

I run Chamber 42!


Well, actually I don't, I'm just the 10th Master, but I know people in high places! There!


Now let's see some more Chaos Lords putting forward their troops! Are you guys getting soft?

Right. Let's get some red on my Grey Goretide.


I Biohazard answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete

10 Chaos Space marines with MoK and Rhino



10 Chaos Space marines with MoK and Rhino

These guys are still in their box


Here are the two rhinos.



10 Bloodletters



10 Bloodletters



6. Blood Crushers

3 Built and primed. 3 still to be built.


1 Knight Paladin of Khorne.



1 Knight Errant of Khorne.



Lord on Juggernaught with Goredrinker and power fist/lightning claw.



Before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

Let none stand in our way and let us reap skulls and blood for the War Given Form!!


Finally updated with some ropey pics. Hope it's enough though.

I Hardrada answer the call for blood, before the 15th December I shall raise these forces in the name of chaos, and death to the False Emperor!


10 Chaos Space Marines

1 Chaos Predator

A MINIMUM of 10 meatshields....I mean Cultists.


If I should fail, may the gods of the warp cast me down to the pits of damnation!


Pics to follow once I work out how....


http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/313715-hardradas-call-of-chaos/ - Link to pics!

Right. Let's get some red on my Grey Goretide.



I Biohazard answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete

10 Chaos Space marines with MoK and Rhino

10 Chaos Space marines with MoK and Rhino

10 Bloodletters

10 Bloodletters

6. Bloodcrushers

Lord on Juggernaught with Goredrinker and power fist/lightning claw.


Before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

Let none stand in our way and let us reap skulls and blood for the War Given Form!!


Two more vows & Khorne would favour you (8) :D 


Really looking forward to seen all cool models for Call of Chaos.  Just painting my Chaos Guard tanks right now & hopeful have the 2x Leman Russ & 3x Sentinel finish by the weekend.



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